info Overview
Name - What is Ryan Clawe’s full name?

Ryan Clawe

Role - What is Ryan Clawe’s role in your story?

Main Antagonist

Gender - What is Ryan Clawe’s gender?


Age - How old is Ryan Clawe?


face Looks
Hair/Fur Color


Eye Color - What is Ryan Clawe’s eye color?

Icy blue


Arctic fox

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Ryan Clawe most?

Revenge against Esso Reese for killing Li Ai-Zhu, then against Jayden Sefu Hunter for first killing some of his underlings, then later on killing nearly all of them and bringing about the Winter Claw's fall

Personality type - What personality type is Ryan Clawe?

Cunning. Puts up a cold front but can get violent and lose it if frustrated enough

groups Social
Occupation - What is Ryan Clawe’s occupation?

Crime boss

date_range History
Birthday - When is Ryan Clawe’s birthday?

April 4, 1995

device_hub Family
grade Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
book Story
edit Notes
audiotrack Voice
Ideal VA (English)

CDawgVA (With a sorta deep tone)

Ideal VA (Latin-American Spanish)

Idzi Dutkiewicz [Tony Stark (MCU) | Kowalski (Madagascar franchise) | Ferdinand (Ferdinand) | Jake Sully (Avatar)]

help_outline Trivia

  • His middle name is Vincent

Zodiac sign

Aries ♈️


(In the very first version of his character)

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Ryan Clawe

Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Ryan Clawe

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Ryan Clawe

This character was created by Nathan U. on

See more from Nathan U.
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