info Overview
Name - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s full name?

Nickolay Tarasovich

Role - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s role in your story?

Hot boy toy

Other names - What other aliases does Nickolay Tarasovich go by?

Nick - common nickname
Kolya - affectionate nickname for VERY close people only to use (family members, friends he's known for years, etc)

Gender - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s gender?


Age - How old is Nickolay Tarasovich?


face Looks
Height & Weight

Tall and decently heavy (due to muscle)

Hair & Eyes

Short black hair and hazel eyes

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nickolay Tarasovich have?

5 o' clock shadow

Race - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s race?

Not actually sure tbh..

Skin Tone


Body Type

Muscled, broad shouldered, generally big

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nickolay Tarasovich have?

a thick scar ranging from just below his jaw to his collar bone, several smaller scars criss-crossing his fingers (from sparring)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nickolay Tarasovich have?

  • probably has rbf b/c he's a guard and it's his job to look scary

  • Probably also just an introverted overprotective teddy bear too.

Motivations - What motivates Nickolay Tarasovich most?

  • protection? Or maybe justice?

Flaws - What flaws does Nickolay Tarasovich have?

  • mean/overly suspicious

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nickolay Tarasovich have?

  • very anti-stranger, i think it would be cool if he were a commoner and he really doesn't like royals all that much (aside for the obvious exceptions)

Talents - What talents does Nickolay Tarasovich have?

fighting? idk
Good at art,will sketch things like flowers, Erza, small critters, ect.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nickolay Tarasovich have?

Sketching, when he has the supplies.

Personality type - What personality type is Nickolay Tarasovich?

  • he's a guard, so he's probably very cautious and sort of suspicious of strangers.

  • protective over loved ones, especially ezra b/c he's so fragile
    -maybe became a guard to protect others? So he's very much a defender of the weak, and steps in to help people who can't help themselves

  • maybe also kind of shitty at being social? That way Ezra's the brains, Skye is the social/street smart guy, and
    (I like this. I can also see him being the big Dom of the group, as well as the most introverted.)



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Nickolay Tarasovich practice?


Politics - What politics does Nickolay Tarasovich have?


Occupation - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s occupation?

Erza's personal guard, so he spends a ton of time around Erza.

Favorite color - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s favorite color?

Green... I can see him being a nature guy.

Favorite food - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s favorite animal?

I don't know actually...

Job - What job does Nickolay Tarasovich have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Nickolay Tarasovich’s birthday?

I....uhmm... I feel like he's a summer baby...

Education - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s level of education?

He's a commoner, so he probably didn't get much in the way of an education. Maybe sixth or seventh grade at most?

Background - What is Nickolay Tarasovich’s background?

His father figure is dead, he grew up on a farm, he has 2 sisters. Family isn't very wealthy, but he got scouted to be a guard fairly early so he's never had to worry about his own needs.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Nickolay Tarasovich have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Nope. (Also, all the things randomly filled in are so that Nick stops coming up as a random prompt.)

star Powers



He doesn't.


If he had magic, he would definitely be an earth element.


Making his subs feel safe and loved or hot and bothered.


This character was created by Wolfheart (She/her) on

See more from Wolfheart (She/her)
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