forum “What’s your greatest fear?” // 5/5, closed // Stalkers welcome!
Started by @the-void-galactic language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth looks around at the others in the room. Everyone unfamiliar except… Daphne? What is she doing here? He walks over to the others, still keeping his distance. “Fancy meeting you here.” He speaks, directed towards Daphne. He’s joking, to try and shield the fact that he was previously just about ready to have a panic attack.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Salmook whines in his sleep. He thrashes in his chair, the pain of the tranquilizer still fresh in his nightmares.
The world is red around him, and the setting sun glowers down on him. Salmook.
Salmook, the traitor - Salmook, the freak - Salmook, the danger.
He runs through his forest - his home. He's not welcome here, not anymore. The snaking trail of torches closes in. Village-folk. Following Salmook with the intent to kill. What did he do wrong? He never knows. He just runs.
The memories are warped. When it was real, Salmook ran. He ran to safety. To Pater. But his dreamself never makes it.
Salmook is tackled to the ground, cold snow and stones digging into him. He's pinned! He screams for help, but there is none. There's never any. Instead, there's metal. Sharp metal blades pointed at him. Why? Why Salmook?
He cries in his sleep, breathing shallow. He's trapped in his mind, his own broken mind.

@im-with-stoopid pets

(Who's turn is it- Null or Ame's? Figured scumbag stabby lady would be doing something right now, too-)
(Or did I just go into way too much detail-)

@Null-Gravity language

The girl’s hand hovers over her tranquilizer pen. “I- I’m sorry, ma’am, I can’t tell you. They won’t let me. They’ll get pissed at me if I don’t bring you down soon, so can you please just follow me?” She sounds almost desperate.

The tension seems to slowly seep out of Blaze, leaving her expression soft. It was no longer Blaze Arkini, the military's most promising recruit, but Blaze Arkini, the kind young woman who helps her friends study and get out of trouble.

"I'm sorry too, Girl. I hope they aren't forcing you to stay like they have with me and the others." she says softly and kindly.

She's in front of the girl before she can react, grabbing the tranq pen and injecting the poor girl with it.

"And I'm sorry for this too." she adds sadly.

She steps out of the room and looks around.

@the-void-galactic language

The girl stays silent for a moment. Just as she’s about to say something, Blaze is in front of her, injecting her with the tranq pen. The girl stiffens, then collapses onto the floor, unconscious.

When Blaze steps out of the room, nothing much can be seen other than a long hallway.

@the-void-galactic language

(Uhh, after M responds I’ll go ahead and kill the turn system, and there’s a corner you can go around st the end of the hallway- just explore I guess, I just need everyone in the main room 😭)

@JustALostM book

Francis looked up at Tseth. He nodded as a greeting and continued fidgeting. That's why I'm here? I thought that letter was fake… Francis thought, getting up. "If you'd like to sit, Go ahead." Francis smiled at Tseth. He walked to the corner of the room and leaned on the wall, thinking to himself about who else was here. He had heard those people talking about "Others" so Daphne Francis and the other guy must not be the only ones.

@the-void-galactic language

(Woooo turn system dead now-)

Daphne looks up at Tseth and waves. “Nice to see a familiar face here.” She’s looks concerned, but decides it would be a bad idea to say anything in front of the others. Besides, they were all probably scared for the same reason, anyway. She stands up and walks over to Tseth, standing next to him.