forum “What’s your greatest fear?” // 5/5, closed // Stalkers welcome!
Started by @the-void-galactic language

people_alt 77 followers

@the-void-galactic language

(So basically it isn’t now canon these people decided it was a good idea to snatch an actual child for their very dangerous and possible life threatening game show)
(Beautiful I love it)

@andrew flash_on

(Boo. Just want to pop in and say Null wants the last place here. We've been talking PMs but her phone kinda sucks {barely loads messages longer than 25 words}. But yeah. @Null-Escapism, here.)

@the-void-galactic language

(Whaaaaa? Thanks for letting us know, Gemma :D)
(Also, I’ll probably use a turn system under certain circumstances, like when they’re all in their rooms or doing the competitions, but when they’re just roaming freely i’ll probably let y’all respond whenever)

@the-void-galactic language

(Cuz, conversations and stuff-)
(So it’ll probably go in order of character sheets, but swap me and Liz’s places since I’m doing the starter and I’m overall narrating the whole story (I’ll probably respond out of turn for NPCs, but I’ll stay in the turn system for Daphne))

@the-void-galactic language

(I'm sad because I want to join but it's closed. You'll have to do more seasons, where the previous contestants have to act as staff members or something?)

(What does this mean)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(I'm sad because I want to join but it's closed. You'll have to do more seasons, where the previous contestants have to act as staff members or something?)

(What does this mean)

(The people were 'invited' for a game show. That's what you said. Second season eventually?)

@the-void-galactic language

(Dude, it’s not a real game show- it’s not actually being recorded or anything, there aren’t technically any seasons, it’s a twisted mind game that plays on people’s fears, weaknesses and insecurities)
(and it would be tiring to gather an entire new group for the same plot line ;-;)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(Dude, it’s not a real game show- it’s not actually being recorded or anything, there aren’t technically any seasons, it’s a twisted mind game that plays on people’s fears, weaknesses and insecurities)
(and it would be tiring to gather an entire new group for the same plot line ;-;)


@Null-Gravity language

(Thank you.)
(I'll have it up tomorrow. Summerschool shenanigans and whatnot on top of trying to join the Navy has made my life a wreck, but I finally have a bit of free time.)

@Null-Gravity language

Basic Info

Name: Blaze Arkini (BLAH-say arr-KEE-knee)
Nicknames (if any): Aze (AH-say)
Age: 15
Gender and pronouns: Female (She/her)


Skin tone: Milk white
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Part of her face is discolored (not vitiligo), coloring it purple. It's a mark she got in a recently ended war.
Height: 6 feet 1 inch /\ 185.42 cm
Weight: 172 lbs. /\ 78.018 kg.
Eye color: A pale grey color (she's blind)
Hair color: Ashy grey
Hair style: Short, single braid
Body type: Fit, slim shoulders and waist, flat chest, has some booty (for lack of a better term.)
Usual outfit (optional): (This is the closest I can get to her military uniform)

Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional):


Basic personality: Very calm and rational, not much gets under her skin. She's used to violence and seeing people dead, and has no issues with killing anyone herself. Her demeanor comes across as very cold, but once she trusts you or she's fought alongside you, she becomes a very bright and kind young woman.
Sexuality: Aro/ace
Greatest Fears: Losing her troops, who are basically her only family. Losing her hearing. Losing her sense of touch.
Motivations: She always strives towards higher and higher goals. Her previous one was making herself useful despite her blindness. Her current goal is to help bring about her country's aim of a global peace, with no need for war or hurt.
Hobbies: Training her body to become resistant or even impervious to most poisons and nerve gasses/training her stamina and strength so she can take on even the toughest foes. She also enjoys spending time at the shooting range, practicing with everything from a thumper (a stunning pistol that shoots a heavy, electrified metal ball at a target; non-lethal, hurts a lot) to the XK IOP-v13 "Aftershock", a rifle that can punch a hole straight through one of her world's tanks (which generally weigh upwards of 3 tons; most of that weight comes from the tungsten-alloy body armor, of which there is a foot of) and still not lose much if any velocity. (For reference, a thumper is the size of a normal modern day handgun. The Aftershock is 9 feet in length and weighs close to 200 pounds to accommodate for the kick force and the bullet's speed.) She writes in her journals in her spare time.
Talents: She's actually really good at art, though she doesn't draw much - not enough time. She's also talented at close quarters combat and ranged warfare.
Background (optional): (Will reveal, but for now, I'll say the following) She was born on a military base near the start of a revolution in what used to be North America, but her parents both died following a mortar strike, shortly after she was born. She was taken in by the US government, and has been trained to be a loyal member of the newly founded Revolution Corps, a branch of the military unrestricted by the warfare laws that bind the 4 other military branches and keeps them from firing live rounds at civilians.
Physical conditions: She was born blind.
Mental conditions: (Currently, TBD)

@the-void-galactic language

(Alr, once LostM gets a character sheet up I’ll start working on the starter :D)
(The turn order (when there is one) is gonna be me, Liz, Stubs, Null, LostM, does that sound good?)