forum Looking for someone who’s pretty active
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass stays silent for a long moment, “Make sure the horses are ready, we’re leaving in an hour.” He turns and walks away to his rooms, his jaw tight.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, not saying anything. He starts to get the others ready, including the horses, not wasting time. He gets packs ready filled with food, water, ammo, and other things. He attaches the wagons to the horses in case they needed an escape for the village.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray pulls up on a horse with a carriage. He looks at Cass, saying "You want to ride in the carriage or I have a horse ready for you, if you want to ride her?" Ray says as he waits for Cass's response

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, and tells the others to put the carriage away. He rides his horse next to Cass, not saying anything. Following behind Cass.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass sighs and kicks the Marie into a canter, “The usual. Or, maybe not the usual, he didn’t yell at me for an hour, he just told me to leave the room. I don’t know if that’s better or worse.” He keeps stroking the horse, sighing.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, "Well, I would count that as a better interaction. But the real question is, what are you going to do now?" He says petting his horse as they continue riding.

@RhysTheFirebird group

“Like I planned. Go to the front and see if I can negotiate peace. See if I can get a formal apology for my father so he stops this foolishness.”

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods again, "Well we need to get there then. We don't know when they will attack…" He says as he starts to go faster on his horse.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray looks ahead and starts to slow down. "We're here…" He said looking ahead. "Looks like eveything is fine for now…" He said as he entered the village, getting off his horse.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, as he starts to get everyone assignments of what they need to do. After everything was done, he starts to set up his tent a little ways away from Cass's tent. He then goes and stands watch to make sure they didn't get a surprise attack.

@ReskaAkuma group

(Your good)
Ray looks out into the horison. After a while he sees a group to armed people. Ray runs to Cass's tent. "They are here…" He says looking at Cass.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass sighs, looking up. He stands, walking out of the tent. He rubs his face, “Make sure everyone knows to reman calm and peaceful. No signs of aggression.”

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, and goes to the soldiers and tells them to stay calm, and to tell the village to stay inside. After he's done, he walks up to Cass, making sure he isn't alone. He remains silent as Cass tries to negotiate with them.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray look at Cass "So what is going to happen, Prince?" He asks looking at Cass in the eyes. "Are we finally at peace, with the other Kingdom?" He says relaxing a little bit.