forum Looking for someone who’s pretty active
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@ReskaAkuma group

I'm pretty active on this. I usually wait on here for people but I had to make another account today, becuase my old one sucked to be honest. Not sure what else to say tbh…

@ReskaAkuma group

Not really, if anything I'm fine with every genres. I can do fantasy, modern, supernatural, magic. I can go on but I can do pretty much every genre.

@ReskaAkuma group

Your good.
Not really, I don't get triggered easily. If something does come up in the rp, I will tell you, but that not likely to happen. If i'm being honest.

@RhysTheFirebird group

How’s this sound? It’s fantasy-

War rages across the continent. The kingdoms all at war.

A Prince who is concerned with the softer of his people, and is always in the war rooms

A new commander with a temper, but good at what he does.

Idk— normally, they’re a little more flushes out, but that’s what I got-

@RhysTheFirebird group

Body Type)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Name: Cassius “Cass” Hawkins
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Eyes) Warm blue eyes, almost the color of clear ice and seem to shift with his emotions. The light the color, the better his mood. The darker the color, the worse his mood is.
Hair) A brown so dark it’s almost black.
Skin) Golden, tanned from lots of time spent outside in the sun.
Height) 5’7”
Weight) 173lbs
Body Type) lean and muscular.
Personality: Cass is an overall cheerful person on the outside, but on the inside he’s calculating and always paying attention. He never says anything he doesn’t mean to say and always takes his time with his words. When doing this, Cass can be silent for minuets at a time, just thinking of the best way to say something. When having a conversation with him, it’s ideal to have lots of patience because when rushed, Cass will just take longer on purpose. He’ll even put this way of thinking into his writing.
Back to his outside portrayal, he’s usually never without his disarming and charming smile and he’s quick with a laugh. Those who really know him know the difference between his real smile and laugh versus his courtiers smile and laugh. When he’s really happy and smiling, he has a dimple in his left cheek, and his laugh is bright. With his courtiers smile, there are no dimples and his laugh is slightly lower, not as bright.
Cass is pretty easy going, and will take an insult in stride, flashing a smile and laughing. Depending on how bad the insult is though, his eyes may darken with anger, but many people don’t think the darkening of his eyes is from anger, as he never portrays anger. If the insult is really bad, he’ll usually come up with some clever way to embarrass the person in front of everyone.
When he’s with the people he cares about, Cass is completely different, not so quick with a laugh or smile, as his real ones are far and few between. Instead of thinking of the right thing to say to please the person in front of him, or get information out of them, he’ll usually tell the truth and tell them of his worries, knowing that sharing these things are enter than trying to deal with them alone.
Cass has interesting humor, sometimes preferring a darker humor, or ever ‘dad’ humor, with stupid and cheesy jokes. He can find a funny side to almost anything, and enjoys seeing people laugh (Well, the people he thinks should be happy).
- Writing; Cass has always loved writing from a young age, and in general, telling stories.
- Debating; Cass loves to have a good debate, whether he’s right or wrong, Cass will have a good hearted debate with anyone, but once it turns into an argument, the young man will usually back out of it. He’ll also admit the loss of the debate if his point is proven wrong.
- Parties; Music and dancing are two of favorite things to do, below writing.
- Repetitiveness; If people, stories or anything repeated itself more than 3 times, it will start to annoy Cass to his last nerves, and he may just get up and walk away from whatever/whoever is doing the repeating.
- Liars; He hates the idea that someone could lie to another person.
- Bossiness; There is a difference in telling someone what to do when you need someone to do something and just telling someone to do something because you can and/or want to.
-Man Made Heights; He’s perfectly fine with natural heights, but many made heaighgt, anything height than the fourth floor, she’s terrified of.
- Bees; Just another random thong-
- Sleeping Alone; For some reason, when he sleeps alone he's plagued by nightmeres. To solve this, he's always slept with the family dog.
Mental) N/A
Physical) N/A
Background: (I’ll add this soon)
Other: He’s the prince and heir to the kingdom of Demalia.

@ReskaAkuma group

Name: Ray Kyo
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Jet Black
Skin: Pale
Hight: 5`8
Weight: 210 kg
Body type: Skinny Tall
Personality: Cold, Isolated, Strict
People who talk non-stop
People who want to harm the kingdom
Death of his loved or cared ones
Has worked hard to become the commander for the kingdom. He has been training for this since he was 10. His Mother died when he was 7 because of a war. He wanted to get revenge for her, and to protect everyone from the same thing that happened to his mother.

(Sorry I took so long)

@RhysTheFirebird group


Cass sighs, pressing his hand into the table, “We’re not attacking anyone. I don’t care what my father says. We’re focusing on defending the people. Nothing more.” Cass looked around the room, waiting for anyone to object.

Cass was the calm ice to his father crazy fire. His father was the reason they were in this mess, having gotten insulted a few months before and joining the war that was raging across the continent. Cass was doing his best to put the people first and protect them, but which his father sending letters demanding they attack, he was running out of options.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray, look at Cass, and says "We are doing what the prince says, he is the absolute order." He says in a stern tone. "We will protect the people at all cost!" He says coldly with authority in his voice.

He then looks at Cass, waiting for orders of what to do.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass sighs softly, rubbing his forehead. He closes his eyes and then straightens, “Good. Send back up to the smaller towns. The cities have plenty of guards. The towns need the support more.” He pulls away from the table, rubbing his face.