forum Let's try this again (Welcome to Denma, Attempt 2, Closed)
Started by @Relsey

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Rue shifted in his seat, for the first time, breaking his excellent posture and betraying any hint of discomfort.
"I have partaken of knowledge held by you, and so I will speak –perhaps not quite freely, but I shall speak." He was silent for a minute, the information still digesting alongside the first swallows of the (delectable) stew. He looked around, making sure that none interfered in their quiet divulging.
"I too have heard rumors of missing persons, gone mysteriously without a trace. It was with the purpose of ascertaining their truth that I was sent from my home. A cry from the dragon queen was heard. Clandrel was suspected. It seems now that these suspicions are not without cause."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Rue nodded gravely.
"Have you any plan?" He frowned, "It would seem by all portents that something is rotten in the state of Denma, and yet have I no method or plan of attack should rumors I heard prove true. Am I a warrior that I should charge through and undo any evil?"he mused. "Counsel is first needed after news, and then formed should a plan be."
He turned to her. "Eat," he said, pushing his mostly full bowl to her. "It would be folly to think of such matters without the aid of sustenance to give us strength of both mind and body."


The friendly atmosphere of the tavern, concealed it's threats well, though such things did not go completely unnoticed by a Senvien. Yes there was a man watching their conversation, he appeared to be a foreigner, though you could never be sure with Nonalia. Any one who studied closely would notice the air of superiority he had about himself, the distasteful looks given to anyone with a hint of Feana blood in them. To any close observer he was from Clandrel, there was no mistaking it. His demeanor combined with fair skin and well kept appearance, there could be no mistaking it.
This was not the only shifty character in the room however, a pretty young woman, Long ebony curls and sun kissed skin, sat a few tables down, sipping her drink, ignoring the woman across from her. Slowly, if one were less engrossed in conversation and research, you could notice two other figures leaning against the bar, the similarity between them was uncanny, Siblings definitely, if not twins. Friendly freckled faces framed by an unruly mess of blond hair, they were tall for human's.
Similarities would begin to arise between them for one less occupied, one would look at another who would nod and tap their fingers in a way that would catch the others attention who would receive the message with another few taps upon the table top. they were all uncannily clean, through the Twins appeared less groomed.
The realization only just clicked in Rue's mind, and it was all a moment to late, the explosive already planted.
The Once happy tavern was thrown into chaos as a loud boom rattled the building. Windows shattered shards of glass flying through the air.
Then there was another, not in this building but two over soak billowed from gaping holes where glass had once sat. A few moment's later another, it was a chain, all through out the district, tavern's, shops, and homes erupting into flames. people scattered into the streets rushing to find cover

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The explosion threw Rue away, luckily propelling Otrera in the same general direction. The bowl of stew rattled to their feet amidst the chaos. Smoke filled the air, the smell of explosive powder felt harsh on Rue's nostrils. He hadn't smelled it in a while, but the memory was the sort that stayed.
"Magen!" Rue swore, a mix of surprise and fear twisted together in his tone. He looked around and saw a face disappearing into the smoke with eyes that glinted of mischief. There would be others; Rue knew it.
"Otrera! Follow me!" He dodged through the wreckage, jumping over what had previously been the table they had been sitting at, and ran through what had been an oval window, now blown out into the grass beyond.
They ran, long and hard, into a nearby wood, dancing through trees and swerving away from shadows until they both stopped, exhausted and breathing heavily.
Rue rose slowly. "I saw faces. It was Claudrel."


Looking back, Smoke rose from all over the town, ash rained from the sky. While the operatives were clearly from Clandrel such explosive technology was experimental and the only nation with access to this amount of black powder, That Otrera knew of, was The Empire. This was a direct attack on the Capital of Nonalia. But for all the destruction, no building of importance was hit, the Palace remained intact, mockingly untouched through the smoke, The Three Temples that surrounded the Palace remained untouched, the wealthy district's, all in perfect condition. This was a display of Power, a mere warning of what was to come

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Rue breathing was harsh, the growing shadows of trees encompassing them both like a cocoon. He shook his head, “How did they know we would be there? Were they after us?”
He paced, worry shone explicit on his face by the light of the rising moon. “I didn’t even know I would be there until…” he trailed off, a sudden thought hitting him. He shook his head as if to deny it. He reached for a limb to steady himself, turning to face Otrera fully for the first time, the surprise at seeing her dress momentarily stealing the breath from his words. He shook his head again.
“How long had you been accustomed to going to that place?l he said. “It may be that the attack was for you and your precious scrolls.”