forum Let's try this again (Welcome to Denma, Attempt 2, Closed)
Started by @Relsey

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Name: Rue Gentian
Race: Senvien
Sex: Male
Age: 211
Appearance: He has hair that is not as dark as to be black, but most confuse it for such. His eyes also are not black. In direct sunlight they shine a dark amber, but in any other light they are dark dark brown. His skin is a bit dark for his race, a light brown like mahogany. Something of a long, pointed face.
Temperament: Sly but good, quiet and wry when speaking.
Magic: Hiding and woods magic. Light healing powers, but not proficient.
Education: Very high. Is well studied in the history of the past three hundred years.
Other: Very loyal to his queen. The surest way to anger him is to insult her. Caries a leaf that is beginning to shrivel and doesn't mention why. Thinks humans are shortsighted. Isn't good with money. Carries two long knives, beautifully decorated in gold.


(So, I'm working with Mosis on their character but once every ones character is up we are ready to go)


(It's alright, Don't worry about it. Rp's are for fun I don't want you to be stressed or anything)


Name: Jacqueline Archer (Jackie)
Age(16-25): 22
Gender: female
Race: Feana
Appearance: light grey skin with darker parts, a dark grey birthmark on her leg, black eyes with a light grey iris, pointed elf-like ears, full lips. She is tall and thin, about 6'7. She has balck and brown Griffin wings
Magic Level: more advanced than average but not enough to be labels and advanced magic level
Kingdom: home is Clandrel but like to visit the other kingdoms
Personality: developing but she is a fairly confident girl who loves adventure and hanging with friends but also enjoys her alone time
Backstory: to be revealed
Other: can understand all animals and can communicate with them, able to enchant items, her favourite enchanted items include a music box that sings a song depending on her mood and a bucket that fills with water and drops it on people she doesnt like.


Denma, A curious land indeed. Where Magic makes its final stand, where Magen is said to still roam. Where Humans live in blind ignorance of the old ways, and Strange creatures rule the Mountains.
Yes the Human’s live in ignorance, maybe that is what started this conflict. There are whispers in Nonalia, Whispers of a War being waged between the Dragons and the kingdom of Clandrel. There are other curiosities concerning that kingdom, like it’s sudden spike in wealth, and the curious, yet beautiful, jewels and weaponry being exported. Perhaps it is a secret only Senvien’s know.
The Empire on the eastern border holds it’s secret’s too. They’ve grown more hostile as of late, and many nobles carry curious white blades. Wenad’s, a once very open part of Bornal’s society seem to have retreated into their underwater cities.
These however are only whispers, Nonalia is enjoying it’s peace and prosperity. You have come to a Tavern, The Dancing Poppy, looking for a meal and a good night's rest.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A tall, dark skinned male passed through the doorway of The Dancing Poppy, a hint of uneasiness barely flickering across his proud features. Rue walked up to the door watcher, and with a fumbling exchange managed to set up payment for his night's stay. He was careful to maintain a composed, calm expression, no matter what he felt on the inside as he sat down on a bench near the corner, his dark eyes roving the small crowd gathered as the landlord and a server carried out the supper, some kind of stew. He subtly smelled the air, and though his features betrayed no emotion, felt the warm aroma calming as well as awakening in him an appetite. It had been a day since he had eaten anything. Another sniff assured him there would be freshly baked bread. He sighed slowly in contentment. With a soft wave of his hand he made his presence in the shadows know to the server, who gave him a quick nod before turning back into what Rue assumed was the kitchen. He eyed her casually, wondering who she was, daughter of the innkeeper perhaps? With a quiet smile he wished her well and settled back into his spot, hoping to hear any stray conversation of interest from the few tables surrounded by other guests.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Rue glanced up sharply. He had noticed for a while but paid it no mind. She was… interesting… half Wenad and half Nonalia? If he had to guess that would be his answer. And she was staring right at him. From inside came a small flame of annoyance that did not show on his iron features. Did she want something from him, or was she just curious to see him? He recalled that he was the only Senvien in the place. Of course that was visible, but he wasn't sure about any who might be disguised. But he hadn't heard of any other Senvien sent out to his area. His gaze slipped down to her scrolls. He slowly drew in a breath. He loved scrolls with a passion, the knowledge they were likely to contain drew him to them more than any scent of food could do.
He looked at her face again, her blue eyes like snow in summer, contrasting greatly with her golden skin. Somewhere inside him he admired her beauty, like the sparkling of a perfectly cut stone or some lost tale of glory. She had turned away, but it was obvious she was still looking at him. With a sigh he raised his hand, acknowledging what they both knew. She raised her eyes again, emotion unreadable in them. Rue made a quick gesture as if to say well, come along.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Hardly an intrusion if I invited you over," he commented, "I could have ignored your gaze had I chosen to."
He sat up and offered her the bench, close enough that they could whisper, but far enough that they would not accidentally touch.
"Rue," he said by means of a quick introduction, "if we are to be acquainted you should tell me your name. And your purpose. And preferably what you are studying so closely in those scrolls." His hand nearly bumped the shallow bowl that had been placed by his side and he quickly dipped the hot bread into it in order to cover his slip. He considered offering a drink, but that would mean fumbling with coins again.


(Also if I could get a PM, Relsey, for what Rue would and wouldn't know for my next response.)

(Of course, I will do that)


The well used journal contains pages of notes, some painstakingly copied others scribbled hurriedly.
The first page to catch the eye of the Senvien appears to be a comparison between a published document addressed to the people of Nonalia from it's government, and unnamed sources in the Bornal Empire. The document from Nonalia appears to be a routine public update on the international affairs of the kingdom, stating that relations between the kingdoms are as perfect as they have ever been. The documents from the Empire discus recent skirmishes on the Border between Nonalia and the Empire and ambushed trade lines going into the Empire from Nonalia. The sources also state that Clandrel and the Empire have established an alliance of some sort though the details are unstated.

Next to catch Rue's eye is a detailed description of these goods being exported from Clandrel. The blades are all shorter swords and daggers, very few long blades have been seen. They are curved and remarkably durable. Some have been reported to be infused with poison, though none have passed through the hands of a Feana to be enchanted with the ability. The gems reported are of a variety of colors, the largest reported being the size of a chicken egg. They very in shape but are all similarly shaped to a tear drop, it is unclear whether they are found this way of manually shaped. They are extremely durable with the ability to cut through diamond.
Other information in the notebook covers the recent isolation of the Wenads though very little information has been heard from them for the reason. Feana have recently refused to enchant objects for Clandrels Royal family. According to several sources in Clandrel Dragons have been attacking towns ruthlessly with out reason. Children of Mixed race have been reported missing around the Capital as well.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Arterian?" he said murmured, staring at the pages intently. "I cannot remember if…" He drifted away, suddenly seeing information that was of most interest. "Clandrel," he said darkly, "of course." He said nothing else for a while, but his dark eyes flicked back and forth, jaw tightening as he read. He scanned the documents for mention of dragons "By Soen," he breathed, "what is this?" He glanced up at Otrera, momentarily surprised to find himself sitting in a tavern, so unfocused was he by the whirling of his mind. He took a sip of the stew to ground himself, the salt and fat bringing him back to the present. His hunger reawakened and he took his now only warm bread to dip in the broth.
He looked around the tavern, making sure that no one was paying attention. One man was, but Rue dismissed it. After all, it was not very common to see a Senvien and a half race woman coming together to pore over scrolls.
"What is your purpose?"