forum I'm in the mood for another apocalypse roleplay... (CLOSED for now, welcome to stalk)
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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Mori held tightly to her hand and got to his feet unsteadily, his legs shaking dangerously. He drew in a couple short, harsh breaths; the kind that make your throat feel cold and dry after you draw them in. With his good hand occupied, he couldn't rub at his tears, so he just allowed them to flow freely.


Bean led him over to her siblings, who were far enough away from the grave to not be looking at the body. She then sat down next to Lilac, who was still holding Luka close as he was still asleep.


Mori sat beside the siblings and rubbed at his tears, still visibly trembling. He was pale, and he felt very small next to the older kids. He felt dizzy and cold, and fear still had him held firmly in its clutches. "I-I'm— s… sorry…" He managed to choke out.


"B-But I'm— being problematic— when… when you guys are s-sad…" He started breathing a bit heavier, drawing his knees up to his chest and hugging himself tightly. A few more tears rolled down his cheeks, and he whimpered shakily.


“No, you’re not. Your reaction is actually quite common is situations like this…” Bean hugged him from the side.


Mori huddled up against Bean's side, shaking violently enough that he made her tremble as well. "I-I just… I don't… I don't think I've ever s— s-seen somebody— y… y-you know…" He started crying harder, trying to hide his face in his arms.


Bean nodded, holding him close. “I-I’ve never seen it happen either…at least not like this…” she admitted, choking up. The only reason she seemed so calm was because she felt it was her duty to remain strong for her siblings…no matter what happened.


"I-I'm scared…" Mori whispered weakly. "I-I don't… I don't wanna die… I c-can't…" He choked on his words and lapsed into a coughing fit, digging his nails into his palms. "I want this all to be over— s-so we can be safe again…"


Bean hugged him tightly, a complete hug this time as tears were flowing down her face. “D-Don’t worry…we’ll figure something out and w-we’ll all be okay…okay?”


Mori nodded weakly, closing his eyes and allowing Bean to hold onto him even though he was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic. He was feeling uneasy being restricted, and chills ran down his spine. "I-I wanna go home…" He whispered. "Maybe… m-maybe my parents are there…? But I… but I don't remember where I live, or… or anything about my parents…"


“I…I don’t know if you can go home…I don’t even know if your parents are alive,” Bean sighed, “but listen to me.” She held his face in her hands. “I will not let anything bad happen to you. I won’t let you end up like Hailey.”


Mori looked up at Bean meekly, his eyes shining with tears. He had tear tracks staining his cheeks, which were pink and blotchy as well. "O-Okay…" He whispered, still trembling. "I'm… I'm sorry…"


Lyn shut her eyes when Hailey’s body was placed in the grave, and suddenly she remembered her father’s death, much to her dismay. Seeing her father’s feet hanging from the closet, she didn’t dare look up. She hadn’t thought to bury him when she ran away. But it was so long ago…
She simply eavesdropped on the others, too tired to speak.
Josefine looked away as well. The emotion she had a few hours ago was gone, replaced by an emptiness she couldn’t really describe. She felt like she should be feeling something, but she wasn’t.
“I hate to interrupt,” she said, “but would someone give a speech about her, like they use to? And then we can get all this loose dirt back where it belongs.”


Lilac was about to offer to speak when Luka stood up. Turns out he had been awake for a little bit. “I’ll do it…” he muttered, the emotion that was usually in his voice gone. He didn’t really want to be talking but Hailey was his twin. He owed it to her to give a speech. Bean, meanwhile smiled sadly at Mori. “No worries kid.”


Mori watched Luka closely as he got up, holding a bit tighter to Bean. His heart was pounding hard in his chest, and he was still crying softly. He knew he was in no position to do any kind of speech personally. He could hardly speak, and he didn't know Hailey at all.


Luka took a deep breath and tried to resist any tears that might cause him to be rendered speechless. You can do this Luka…just say stuff about her and hope you don’t fall onto your knees… he told himself as he sighed. “Hailey was a very sweet girl…s-she w-was my twin and…a-and…” Luka could feel his voice faltering as he struggled to resist the urge to scream, “She was a-always there for us and would w-work her hardest t-to m-make us s-smile…” Luka smiled a little as tears started to fall down his face. “She was the perfect friend for when you needed one and the best t-twin I c-could ever ask for…” he choked up as he tried not to focus on the fact that he’ll no longer be able to talk with her about anything anymore. “A-All in all, i-if she was here…I…I would tell her how lucky I am to have to have her for a sister…” Luka finished and started to sob.


Lyn felt the tears return as she opened her eyes to watch Luka. He looked so small and anguished, like he was going to melt. She quickly wiped away her tears.
“That was beautiful… Luka, right?” She managed a sad, tired smile. “I’m sure Hailey would be so proud of you.”

@Becfromthedead group

Tohru hung behind a bit. He was having difficulty processing all that was happening. Couldn't help feel out of place not crying.
But he had dug most of that hole. He did what he could, right?
He broke his silence.
"Sorry things had to… end like this," he said, "It's hard. I've been there. I've been there time and time again."
Yet for him, it was his friends. Though his friends were so much closer to him than his family ever was, so that was arguably just as bad.
He mulled everything over, but it was hidden under his emotional flatness.
Must be nice to have a family that cares that much… Although I suppose not having that- it made never seeing them again easier.