forum Arcana // (New Orleans/Victorian Theme Role-play) // CLOSED
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(Mojak, Polite, and Shadestar aren't on)

(Mojack, Reed. Idk if Shadestar has a preferred nickname or not, but I've always seen @PoliteAnarchist-HeadOfEPS referred to as Reed, since that was their user for a long time)

(Im sorry. I've only been here for a while- i never referred to him as "Reed" And when i do, they don't really like it-)

(In that case, ask them what they would prefer to be called, alright?)

Deleted user

(Why wouldn't I like being called Reed, lol, it's my name and I'm in EST)

Deleted user

(I live on the West Coast, and if mostly everyone is on I'm just going to post the starter now!)

Deleted user

Tonight was not like any other night…it was the first day of Mardi Gras. This meant loud, traditional music, shop vendors pouring out into the cobblestone streets, the aroma of spices and Gumbo filling the chilled air, and lots, and lots of yelling. Not something that Daus enjoyed, and would rather get away from.

At this time, Daus was found crouched in front of a family altar, the sun already moments from setting. His knees were already beginning to ache against the tile flooring of his family's quarter from being stuck in this uncomfortable position for so long. Though, the boy was in complete focus, his milky eyes closed and head bowed as his white, ashy curls dipped across his brow. Faint, chanted murmurs slipped between each breath he took. It was normal for Daus to be practicing his ability at this time, or almost all times of the day. It got to the point that his Grandma forced him to do it in secret to not disrupt the neighbors…especially the other Orlean family's.

Unfortunately, his focus was broke by a loud voice crashing through his thoughts, just as he had been close to seeing a vision!

"Careful, little one, focus too much and you'll drop dead," a careless voice spoke up, belonging to his sister. It was a few octaves lower than his, even if she was a girl, laced with a lilting French accent. "Don't want Papa Ghede coming to fetch your soul at this time in the evening." Delphi added with a chuckle, blowing a few puffs of cannabis smoke between her full lips.

Daus groaned and looked up towards his little sister, brows furrowing in frustration, though only really appearing as an innocent expression across his soft features. "What did I tell you about bothering me when I'm practicing!" He ushered quickly, swatting smoke out of his face. "Can't you just leave me alone for a couple hours? You seem to be just fine with ignoring me during the day."

Deleted user

(I don't have the time to make a character foram for my siblings so there names will be Sabastion (Older and Male) and Garcia (Younger and female)


Fio was reading, seated in a chair outside in the fading evening sunshine. His feet were slung up to rest on the railing in front of him, the book resting on his knees. He could only hope that his siblings were not getting into too much trouble. He didn't want to have to haul Emi's ass out of trouble. Again. He shook his head a little as he thought of his brother's antics, letting out a breath as he refocused on his book. The necromancer was prepared for the upcoming festivities, for the ghosts and spirits that he knew would be more active tonight. The ghosts that the LeTours would need to keep in line, keep out of trouble and in their places.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Lou ran outside, stopping in front of Fio.
"Fio, let's go to the festival! There'll be chocolate, and food, and color, and lights, and music, and we can talk to the ghosts! They must have interesting stories, right?" Lou pushed her scarf, this one dyed all the colors of the rainbow, up her forehead, showing a little bit of her hairline. She pulled her journal out of her bag with a flourish. "And I'm gonna write their stories down! So let's go, already!"

Deleted user

Emilio at a small pier that was a few miles away from the family house. He had found it when he was a child and hadn't told many about it's location, prefering to have this place near the bayou as his alone time area. Well, alone time that's mostly interrupted by spirits who constantly ask if he brought any snacks.

One of those said spirits were bothering him now, a teen that looked just a bit younger than him was standing in front of Emilio. She was a dark skinned woman with her hand on her hip. "Emilio, I swear if you keep ignoring me I will find a way to make sure no one ever talks to you again!" She exclaimed, sick of Emilio blatantly focusing on everything but her. The mentioned man finally looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Camilia I was fucking doing something. I can't talk to you in the middle of praying."

Camilia threw her hands up in the air, rolling her eyes. "You'll be here all night, why can't you pray later?"

Emilio pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering something that was most likely a collection of swears in French. "I can't actually stay tonight, la famille wants me to do something tonight. So, as much as I would love to stay here with everyone or find some new bones, I need to go. I only came out here now to avoid Fio's nagging about looking presentable or whatever. I can look like a grave robber if I want to! Hell, I am!"

Now it was time for Camilia to roll her eyes, she's heard Emilio complain about not being able to wear what he wants during family shit. "But… It's Mardi Gras, you always stay for the nights…" Camilia muttered, making a noise of protest as the young man stood up and brushed off his pants. "Sorry love, it wasn't up for me this time. I don't want the entire family to know about this place and if I stayed, someone would deffinitly come and find me."

@Mojack group

For Ester, the festival would prove to be an interesting time. All sorts of people there, new ties to be formed. The woman sat comfortably in a chair located next to the window of her room, one leg crossed over the other. For the days coming up to Mardi Gras - Ester had prepared, it was hard not to hear about it after all.

Ester sat up after some time, approaching her mirror and brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Adding a touch of lipgloss to her lips, she pulled away from the mirror and glanced outside again. If she wanted to head to the festival, she was probably going to do so soon. See what activities she could get up to or observe over there.
Ester walked from her room, parasol - not yet opened up - in hand. She’d wondered if anyone else in the family house was going down to the festival. Probably, she thought, turning down the hallway and shutting her door. She’d make her way down to the doors, although would not exit the house just yet.


Alexandria was in her, their. It was a their day. Alex was in their hidden nook within the Mounier manor nose deep into one of their many books as it was nearing the end. They were already in their Maudi Gras celebration outfit as their parents were going to make them go to the festival tonight. They were at least going to get some reading in first after having the morning taken from them as they were thrust into preparations for tonight.

Alex let out a slight sigh as they finished the novel and closed it lightly before glancing out the small window. They brushed the hair out of their face before going to stand up and brushing the skirt of their dress. Might as well get this over with rather than dragging it out.


Fio groaned as Lou came running over, closing his book and looking over at his sister. "Alright, alright." He grumbled, putting the book away and standing up, looking down at her. "Let's go. Have you seen Emi?" He hadn't seen his brother recently and he wasn't sure what to think of that. He really hoped Emi wasn't getting in trouble again.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

"Haven't seen 'im," Lou groaned. "Can't we go without him? He'll know where we'll be, and I don't wanna go find 'im." Lou adjusted her shirt, today it was a deep green, varying from her usual white.
"He's gonna take forever, Fio. I wanna go to the festival," she complained, not unlike a child half her age.
Lou's face lit up, and she ran her fingers through her hair, as she did when she was thinking. "What if I went on my own, then you come later with Emi?"
(Headcanon that Lou calls Emilio 'ilio' because when she was little she couldn't pronounce the 'M')

Deleted user

“Don’t be mad, petit. You’ve been cooped up in here for hours already,” Delphi sighed, leaning back against the cold, tile wall of the prayer room. It was practically impossible to warm up this dismal room, what with all the candles Daus had already lit. “Be glad that I came to fetch you for Mardi Gras. You and I can get some Gumbo, a few drinks maybe?”

“What would Grandme think?” Daus retorted, picking up a few leather bound books and crystals around him as he blew out a candle. “You know exactly how she feels about us being outside with the other families. You even got caught by her yesterday for using the cachimbe to smoke!” He finished gathering his things, blue-grey eyes looking at his sister intently. His anger had dissipated as quickly as it had came, leaving him with his soft-spoken aura again.

Delphi rolled her eyes, used to constantly convincing her older brother to take part in things. She couldn’t change the fact that Daus was a softer person by nature, but she didn’t want him cooped up in his studies for this long. Yes, Mardi Gras was always a risk to run into families, Redbones, Zoe boys, odd spirits…but who didn’t want to live a little?

“Just,” Delphi sighed, knowing she had to compensate a little bit to convince her brother to come along. “Tie up your hair if you’d like, hide the white color. Half the town already knows who we are anyways.”

Daus pursed his lips, but nodded after a few moments, placing his books and candles away in a small wooden cabinet in the prayer room. He fetched his leather satchel, following closely behind Delphi as she took him towards the rest of the family quarter. Hopefully they’d be able to find one or two more of their siblings at the large estate.