forum Another Cheesy Romance (Closed with CinnamonTheBagelDefibrillator) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?

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@RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?

Cyrin looks at him, “You’re not. I’m not a kidnapper. . .” He laughs, “But that must be what one says. But, no, I know a club. Where I know the owner, so instead of waiting in a ridiculously long line, I can just walk on in, along with the rest of my party. And no, it’s nothing weird. Just a club with actually good music and plenty of space on the dance floor. Oh, and good booze.”

@RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?

Cyrin laughs softly, “Here we are.” He motions to a building in front of them with a long line outside.

(Idk a name, but lets just say one of the more popular/high end clubs)