forum •Favorite Liar• [one/one]
Started by @Dayzed forumand Confused

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Andy had woken up sometime around eight— later than usual. She had a habit of waking up around seven because of her work, but her body likely recognized how exhausted she was and let her sleep in for a little bit. When eight finally rolled around, she rolled out of bed and stole a look at Tamryn. She couldn’t help but smile. He looked so peaceful when he slept.

After a few moments of stretching out her cramped limbs, Andy walked through the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Even on weekends, she followed her morning routine; she would get up at 7 or 8, eat breakfast, and get ready. After that she would normally go to work, but on weekends, she would hang around the house for a while cleaning or go out and do something. For now, she would just focus on making them food.

She turned on the stove and began to wait it for it to heat up. Normally, it was while cooking breakfast that she had time to think. They were usually thoughts about college, her job, her relationships, but today, something much more darker plagued her mind. Something she wished could stop thinking about, but that seemed to haunt her with every passing second. This was why she was glad when she heard Tamryn’s voice coming from the door, distracting her from her thoughts.

She smiled, feeling her heart flutter the slightest bit at that sight of him. “Nah. You were tired, and I was already up. Besides, it’s nice making breakfast for the two of us,” she replied. “But if you want, you can make breakfast tomorrow.”

She walked over to the doorway and caught hold of his hand, pulling him into the kitchen. After she sat him down at the table, she continued fixing their food, and once she’d finished, she dished the bacon, eggs, and pancakes out onto their plates. She offered one to him before she sat down across the table with hers.

Andy pulled her hair up into a messing bun, trying to keep it out of her face while she ate. She looked a lot different than usual. She normally always looked professional with her business-y clothes, her slightly curled hair, and her decent amount of makeup, but this morning, she wore the t-shirt Tamryn had offered her along with no makeup.

As she ate, she stole a look up at Tamryn. “So,” she said, “what do you want to do today?”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

Tamryn grumbled under his breath, something about guests that were not supposed to do any work. Though it seemed more playful than him actually being angry.
"Of course, I will!" He said, his voice almost reaching a high-pitched tone. "This was supposed to be a day to rest" He hissed. "And you're not resting!" He finally made an appearance when Andy went to grab him, dragging him to the table.
Tamryn stared down at the food in awe. At most, he probably would have gotten the egg to be too crispy, the pancakes would have been slightly burned from one side and the bacon would have been too dry if he had made them. But somehow she had managed to make everything so perfectly. It was suspicious. Was she a wizard or something?
"You should become a cook or something, much safer" He muttered as he grabbed the syrup and poured it on the bacon and pancakes, a little on the eggs too. The sweetness that mixed with the egg yolk always did it for him for some reason.
"But…thank you…I'm only fussing so much because I don't want you stressed out. Stress leads to breakdowns…as you saw the other day" His face flushed red all of a sudden at the remembrance of his pathetic scene.
Looking at Andy and how different she looked brought a slight smile to his face. If he were married to her, he'd see her like this every day, they'd get to spend their lives together. Tamryn gushed at the thought but knew it was impossible.
Nothing he wanted to do could be accomplished right now, and he didn't even know if Andy saw him like that. Again, with the same thinking. It seemed that it was something he thought about often.

"Imagine if we moved in together, that would be fun" He mused, saying it more as a passing comment than anything that held sustenance.
As he ate, he would occasionally look at Andy, catching glimpses of her. It's what he did. He would check up on her, but he loved looking at her, she was pretty in his eyes, and he was ever so grateful to have her as a friend. Even if that friendship came to an end, knowing he had someone so good as his friend was enough for bragging rights.
Even if their friendship came to an end… The line made him shudder. He'd hold onto Andy for as long as he could until their separation was inevitable. Inevitable. He really need to stop thinking like that but it was hard not to.
Once catching Andy's eyes while he stole a look, he blushed and nearly choked on his bacon.
"I'm not sure!" He blurted out, only making a further fool out of himself. "Maybe we can go somewhere fun? It's a relaxing day, remember?" He said as he waited for her answer. If not, they could always take a walk in the park, maybe watch another movie together? He didn't mind as long as Andy was there.


Andy noticed how he poured some of his syrup on his eggs, and she couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. That was one of the things she loved about Tamryn: his quirkiness. He had a few strange little habits ever since they were kids, and Andy had always found them entertaining. She poured a little bit of syrup on her own eggs as she watched him do so, curious to see what it tasted like.

Andy frowned slightly at his next comment, but gave him a look of reassurance. “Hey, don’t worry about it, Tamryn. I’m here for you. I always will be.”

She continued eating her food, and as she speared a piece of egg, she noticed how Tamryn looked at her. Immediately, her heart began to flutter. Gosh, she hated it when she felt like this, but she craved the feeling at the same time. Her feelings when it came to Tamryn were just… complicated. She had liked him multiple times in the past, and many people she knew thought they were dating, but she simply couldn’t bring herself to admit that to him. She had seen so many friendships ruined because a romance went sour, and she didn’t want the same thing to happen with them. However, even if she was unsure of her feelings, she couldn’t help but tease him sometimes when he got flustered. She wasn’t sure if it was because he liked her or because he was awkward, but she couldn’t resist brushing her fingers lightly up against his as they spoke.

“Mhm. That sounds nice,” she said. “In the evening, there was a college house party I thought about going to, but we don’t have to if you don’t want.”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

Tamryn looked at Andy, sadness laced behind his eyes. Would she though? And would Tamryn hold a grudge if she didn't keep her word? No. He wouldn't blame someone for finding a killer to be unredeemable. He was unredeemable, that much he knew. He knew what he did was bad but didn't stop. Not out of some sick twisted view he had of the world, but because he was terrified. Absolutely terrified and he had no choice but to keep going.
"I hope you're right, I hope you'll still think of me as your friend, or at the very least someone who you used to love," He said, as if feeling that his discovery was imminent.
He smiled and let out a small chuckle, trying to cover up what he just said.
"I'll always be here for you too and I'll always think about you as someone who I shared fond memories with" He talked in the past tense, though he was not dead yet, he might as well have been.
Feeling Andy's hand brush against his, a faint pink dusted his cheeks. He loved small touches like that and he had a feeling Andy knew about this and did it on purpose. Even if she didn't, he loved it and wouldn't trade it for the world.
I love you. The words almost slipped out of his mouth. It wouldn't be the first time he'd have said something like that, he had said it to her multiple times, but never with the meaning of a lover behind them. Always as friends.

"I don't mind, I think it would be nice to get out anyways, beats staying here huddled in fear" He gave Andy a tight-lipped smile. He truly didn't mind, in fact he thought that maybe it would do him some good to get out and let his mind wander on vain things than the depression which seemed to be coming on.


Gosh, she loved it when he looked at her like that. She was never sure whether Tamryn thought of her as a friend or something more; he could be hard to read at times. But even if he only thought of her as a friend, the look he gave her still made her blush faintly. Maybe she was starting to develop feeling for him again, and maybe she wasn’t as against it as she thought she was.

“Mm, true. Plus, we would get to see more of the people from college. Some of them seem pretty nice.” She paused for a moment, and her smile turned to a frown. “I just pray Josh isn’t there.”

Andy let out a sigh. She knew she was lying to herself. Josh was at every college party, and he was always hitting on every single girl there. She would just have to stay far away from him.

“Anyways, I’m gonna go take a shower and get dressed. I’ll see you in an hour, okay?” She smiled faintly at him. “And don’t you dare wait until the last minute to get ready. I’m not gonna be waiting on your for a long time.”

With that, she walked across the table, gently hugged him, and headed up to the bathrooms. A part of her hated that she’d cut the moment short, but a part of her was scared to admit how she felt to him. She didn’t want to ruin their friendship, and after all, they had other things to be worried about.

@Dayzed forumand Confused

Tamryn covered his mouth slightly as he was eating, laughing softly at her dislike for Josh.
"You say that but I'm pretty sure he'll be there. He's always there when I decide to attend one so I assume it's the same for all the parties" Tamryn thought, he didn't exactly like Josh, but he didn't dislike him as intensely as Andy. He barely knew the dude, and while he was pretty much an asshole sometimes, Tamryn decided not to interact with him. As long as he didn't bother him, there wouldn't be any problems.
As Tamryn finished eating and Andy announced she'd be taking a shower he nodded. He just hoped there wasn't any blood residue in the tub or anywhere else for that matter. He had cleaned pretty quickly, but he didn't double-check as he didn't have time for that.
Tamryn smiled at her last comment. Right. No being late and dressing last moment. He was pretty good at punctuation, even if he did rush things at the last minute so he was confident everything would be alright.
"Of course, I'll try my best," He said, attempting to hug her back but being at an awkward angle which didn't allow him to fully do that.

With Andy's absence, Tamryn sat at the table by himself and pondered what he would wear. He was pretty casual with his clothing, but he wondered if he should dress a little nicer this time around.
After thinking about this for a while he got up and collected their dishes, scraping the excess off in the trashcan and setting them in the sink. As he washed the dishes he seemed to get lost in thought again. How was he going to complete his work with Andy here? He had a pretty good plan started in his head as he was unable to sleep for the majority of the night, but there were still a lot of factors that played into this being very risky of getting caught.
Once the dishes were washed, he cleaned the table and headed down to the basement. He wouldn't take long, as soon as he heard the shower turn off he'd head back. He'd take a shower after Andy too, something he desperately wanted to do.


As Andy walked into the bathroom, the first thing she noticed was that the strange smell from yesterday was gone. Part of her was glad that it no longer had an odor, but another part of her wanted to know why the bathroom had smelled so strongly of cleaning supplies. Sure, she, like Tamryn, enjoyed keeping her house clean, but her bathroom never smelt that strongly afterward.

After she finished taking a shower, Andy headed back to the room, locked the door, and laid her clothes out on the bed. She had brought a nice black dress to wear to the party, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be stuck wearing that dress the entire day. Eventually, after going through her options, she relented and went with the dress. She normally dressed in a more fancy way, so this wasn’t too far off from her usual style. Besides, the rest of her clothes didn’t look nearly as nice as her dress.

She went back in the bathroom to finish curling her hair and putting on her makeup before she headed downstairs. She made sure to let Tamryn know that it was his turn to head upstairs before she went to the couch and sat down.

Now that Tamryn was showering, leaving her with no one to speak to, she couldn’t help but think back to what she’d done a few days ago. Breaking into his home to get her cell phone was pretty bad, sure, but what was worse was that she’d snuck around. She still felt guilty about it, but part of her was glad that she did. There was definitely something off about Tamryn’s home that day. Something about it made her uneasy, but she couldn’t put her finger on what.

Her mind wandered to what she had seen there. There had been no one in the house to her relief, but there were two things that caught her eye: the stain on the clothes in his hamper, the smell in the bathroom, and the locked basement. These little hints that came to her attention did nothing but confuse her. After all, they were probably nothing, but for some reason, she still felt strange thinking back to it.

Soon, Tamryn came out of the bathroom, and Andy met him at the foot of the stairs. She swung her purse over her shoulder and sent him a grin.

“Took you long enough,” she teased, even though his shower hadn’t been long at all. “Ready?”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

When Andy was finished with the shower he made sure to lock the basement after him, stuffing the key into his pocket once more. As Andy picked out her clothes, Tamryn himself picked something out. He wasn't a fan of dress shirts, so he decided to go with some streetwear, it wasn't fancy by any means but at least it looked like he tried. He wasn't one to dress fancy and he stuck to that. He valued comfort above sacrificing himself for style.
Once Andy was completely done with the bathroom, he brought his products into the bathroom along with his clothes and started the shower up.
When he was finished he spent a few more minutes in the bathroom brushing his teeth and fixing his hair. This time he didn't curl it and swept it back, though some of the hair bounced back, there was nothing he could do about that for any attempt at trying to tame it would result the same in the end.
Tamryn knew that fights often broke out at college parties when things got sour between friends, either drunk or sober. There was almost always someone picking a fight, so he opted to wear some of his thick rings on his fingers. Usually, he'd go for the thin more delicate ones, but he felt better with some protection.

As he came down he looked at Andy, his face a little red from the combination of being in the hot shower and seeing Andy and how beautiful she looked.
"I think my heart's going to explode," He said and laughed a little. "You look absolutely amazing, I mean, you always do but I think that right now you look just-" He sucked in a breath. "so good," He said, resorting to using simple terms. After saying that his face became a shade darker.
"And I didn't take that long! Did I ?" He questioned, looking down at the watch he decided to wear, it wasn't like him at all but he wanted to look nice, besides, it was better than reaching for his phone every five minutes.
He smiled when Andy mentioned leaving. He bounced a little and shook his nerves out.
"Yeah, I think so, maybe not, I think I might puke," He said half-jokingly. He wasn't a party type of person, but from time to time he found himself gravitating toward groups of people because even lonely people needed to socialize, if only for a little while.


Andy found herself staring at the floor after his comment about her appearance, clearly flustered. Maybe he was saying that because he was attracted to her, or maybe he was saying that because he generally just thought she looked pretty. Andy wanted it to be the former.

“Oh, shh.” Her face went red as she stood up and walked over to him, smoothing out her dress. “I just… I hope this isn’t too much. It’s a college party, after all. Not a prom.”

She laughed softly and glanced up at Tam. He didn’t look much different than he usual did, except for maybe his hair. Despite this, she found herself staring at him for a few seconds too long before she finally managed to draw her gaze away.

She couldn’t help but laugh at his final comment. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be okay,” she replied. “Besides, I’ll stick by you the entire time. And let me know when you want to leave. I don’t want it to get too uncomfortable for you.”

Andy then took his hand and led him towards the door. Immediately when she stepped out of the front door, a cold gust of air hit them, and she shivered slightly. She definitely should’ve worn something warmer, but at least she looked nice. Besides, she couldn’t stop thinking back to Tamryn’s compliment.

The two of them headed to her car, and once she got in, she immediately turned the heat on. “Wanna get something at a fast food restaurant real quick?” she asked. “We can go through drive-thru.”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

Tamryn shook his head.
"I think it looks perfect," He said, noting the redness now on her face. His heart swelled with pride at the thought that he managed to make her flustered if only a little.
"Thanks," He said sheepishly. Andy was always so nice, putting him first and his comfort. This time, however, he decided he would stick through it the whole way through instead of going home early. He wanted Andy to have fun, even if he was standing awkwardly in the corner. Maybe he could make new friends? The thought made him frown. He wasn't sure how he felt about that, but it was worth a shot. The other option was to get drunk, if he wasn't going to be with anyone or making friends he might as well have fun by himself.

When the door was opened and the air hit them, he was glad he wore something warmer, though Andy looked liked like she might have been a little cold. If she needed, he'd lend her his black and white varsity jacket. It wasn't nearly as warm as he wanted it to be as it was on the thinner side, but again, comfort was first, and light layers were his favorite.
At the mention of food, Tamryn nodded eagerly.

He wasn't always hungry, but after the time had passed since breakfast, he decided that a nice fast food dinner would be good so he wouldn't be suffering at the party, stuck eating pizza. Something he didn't quite like.
"I think that's a good idea, they'll probably order pizza again and I am not a fan," He said chuckling a little.


“Oh, yeah. I have no doubt about that. And they always end up ordering pizza from the worst places.” She laughed softly and rolled her eyes. “We’re better off eating at Wendy’s than at the party.”

Andy pulled out of the driveway, and it wasn’t long until they were headed down the road towards a nearby Wendy’s. She talked to him a little as she drove, but it was clear she was still somewhat paranoid about going out again. After what happened a few days prior, she didn’t know how safe she was, especially since they hadn’t alerted the police.

Once they reached the fast food joint, Andy ordered their food at the drive-thru window, and the two of them sat in the parking lot for a while, eating. After they finished, she headed back down the road towards the party.

When she reached the home the party was in, part of her wanted to turn around and go straight back home. She could tell it was going to be a loud one; she could already hear the music coming from the home from where they were parked at the road. Lots of drama always went down at these sorts of events, but she still wanted to go, so she sucked up her dread and got out of the vehicle.

“Good grief, it’s freezing.” She laughed and walked over to Tam, leaning into him. “Not gonna lie, I’m kinda regretting wearing this.”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

As they ate Tamryn boasted about his failing grades and how he was going to pass regardless of having such a bad grade in the class they were in together. Although he said that he wasn't sure he'd be able to pull it off this time.
When they pulled up to the house the party was taking place he was still eating his burger. He was a slow eater, especially when he was talking as much as he was with Andy. He found that his food lasted longer when he was with her.
Seeing the house was daunting in a way, the music added to his anxiety but he too sucked it up and followed Andy, getting out of the car.
He looked over at her when she leaned into him, he blushed a little.
"A little cliche, but uhm, would you like my jacket? I don't mind it, besides it looks like you could use it more than me" He said, not waiting for an answer as he was already taking it off, draping it over her shoulders.
"There, you can give it back when we're inside- or if you're still cold you can keep it" He gave her a small smile as they both walked into the house.
It was….exactly what you would have expected. Very typical. Though it seemed a little more toned down than the high school parties he had been to. The high school parties had been riddled with reckless teenagers, something almost always happened at one of those parties, which left Tamryn a little traumatized when it came to parties. Fun. Yay. So much enthusiasm.

Once they were inside, a girl with two drinks in her hand went up to Tamryn and smiled, handing him a cup that was in one of her hands.
"Welcome you two! It's been a while since I've seen you both!" She said. Vixen. The girl who had a huge crush on Tamryn, but Tamryn just wasn't interested in her and she knew that. She didn't try to pursue him, though she did at one point, it's not something she did anymore.
Vixen handed the other cup to Andy, smiling at her, though there was something akin to sadness mixed with jealousy in her eyes.
"If you guys need anything I'll be over with Josh," She said before she scampered off to her group.
Tamryn arched an eyebrow as he looked down into the liquid. It was clear, almost looking like water.
"Well, now we know Josh's here…" He said looking over to Andy.


As soon as Tamryn draped his jacket over her shoulders, Andy could feel her face begin to grow warm. She knew he was just being polite; he was quite the gentleman, after all, so he probably didn’t mean anything by it. But, even so, Andy couldn’t help but think of all these cheesy romance movies she’d seen where the guy gave his jacket to the girl. Sure, this was real life, not a movie, and even if he hadn’t meant it like that, she was still grateful.

“Mm, what a gentleman.” She smiled up at him as they began to walk towards the door. “We’ll have fun, don’t worry about it.”

Andy was reassuring herself just as much as she was reassuring him. She’d always been an introvert, after all, and while she was talkative, she was still hesitant about going to parties. When she walked in, she stood close to Tamryn, and when Vixen walked up to them, she inched even closer. Her and Vixen had never been friends, but Andy didn’t dislike her. However, she did know that she had had a crush on Tamryn, and she slipped her hand into his when Vixen approached.

Once Vixen left, she pulled Tamryn’s coat tight around her and let out a sigh. “I’m just gonna pray that he leaves me alone when he gets intoxicated.” She gave him a strained smile. “I’m sure it’ll all be okay.”

During most of the party, she stayed close to Tamryn, but eventually, people she knew in college began to walk up and talk to her. She still liked to stay near Tamryn, but she grew a little less clingy as time went on. Eventually, thirty minutes into the party, she was hanging out with a couple of people from her class— two guys and a girl— and she seemed to be enjoying herself.

@Dayzed forumand Confused

"Anything for you darling~" He teased, then laughed a little afterward. He wasn't used to being called a gentleman, he was quite the opposite, though he did care a lot for Andy, she was the only one he was nice to, given the exception of a few of his old friends he never got to see anymore.
Tamryn noticed the small little gesture of Andy slipping her hand into his and he suddenly found himself melting, he wanted this to be a recurring thing. Maybe he would attend more parties with Andy after this…
Hearing that line come out of Andy's mouth, Tamryn seemed a little put off by it. If Josh got a little too close or comfortable around Andy he would definitely not let that slide. If he tried to even make a pass at her, his face would meet Tamryn's fist.

Tamryn for the most part wandered around, grabbing drinks here and there. He loved the drinks even though he didn't like the food. He wasn't one to get intoxicated easily as he liked to have control over his surroundings, but he felt like maybe Andy was right. He needed to loosen up a little as she had said before.
So he drank.
And drank.
And drank.
Although it seemed like he was distracted, his eyes never left Andy for more than a minute. He was always there making sure she was okay. After a while, things seemed to get a little wonky and he found himself leaning on the wall somewhere in the corner of the house. He had lost Andy, but he figured with everyone around Josh wouldn't try anything, besides, he hoped the others had morals and stopped the guy if he was up to something stupid.
It wasn't long before a familiar face greeted him again.
"You seem like you need help there" Came a sweet voice. Tamryn turned to look at who it was and sure enough, it was Vixen. "You should slow down, you'll throw up" But Tamryn seemed to look right through her. Where was Andy? He needed to get back to her.
"Doesn't concern you" He muttered, seemingly in a bad mood as he dismissed Vixen and staggered around the house trying to locate the love of his life Andy.


Andy began to loosen up a little, but she barely drank much of anything. She had never been a drinker, after all, and she would mostly come to these parties for the social aspect of them. However, a few hours after the party had started, she began to feel a little overwhelmed. Maybe she should check on Tamryn and see if he wanted to take a break. She turned around, but Tamryn wasn’t in his usual spot. Crap. Where did he go? Was he okay?

Andy quickly excused herself and went to search for Tamryn, starting downstairs and working her way upstairs. It was a big house, but she was sure he had to be somewhere nearby. She was in an empty hallway, calling Tamryn’s name, when a voice came out from behind her.

“Lost your guard dog?”

Andy turned around, and she frowned when she saw Josh standing there, leaning against a wall. She rolled her eyes. “Guard dog?”

“Yeah, Tamryn. He’s been by your side almost the entire night.”


“Are you two dating or something?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your concern.”

Andy began to walk away, but Josh grabbed her by the wrist. Andy immediately tensed up.

“Let go of me.”

“Look, Andy, I just want to talk.”

“Let go of my wrist,” she hissed. “I have no interest in speaking to you.”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

Vixen followed after him as he bumped into others. The people around Tamryn didn't seem too bothered, but those that were sober did seem to mind, giving Tamryn dirty looks as he passed by.
"Sorry…" Tamryn said in a hushed voice, apologizing over and over again as he ran into a few others in his way. Then he stopped and looked at Vixen who had been following him the entire time.
"Wait. Do you know where Andy is? Maybe you do…" He talked to himself at the end. "And where's Josh? Weren't you with him the entire time?" Something about the separation seemed suspicious to Tamryn, he just hoped they hadn't planned anything. Little did Tamryn know that the drink that Vixen had given him at the beginning had a large amount of alcohol in it, more so than the usual drinks.

Vixen ran up in front of him and looked at him in the eyes.
"You need to slow down, you'll-" But before she could say anything, Tamryn doubled over and threw up. God. He wasn't feeling too hot right now.
"What did I say?!" Vixen said, pulling Tamryn's arm over her shoulder and leading him to the bathroom. There he sat on the floor, face to the toilet, trying to focus on what was happening. Everything felt too muddy. While Tamryn wasn't one to drink either, he always made sure to know not to go overboard, but with the first drink of the night, he had already been doomed from the start.
"Tamryn, are you okay?" Came Vixen's voice, a little more desperate this time. Tamryn looked up at her and said nothing. He couldn't formulate any thoughts, the only thing on his mind was the absence of Josh and Andy.
"Where's he go?" He asked though it was unclear what he meant by that.
Because Vixen was here and not with Josh, that was already a red flag and it wasn't until it hit him that he got up and ran to the door, nearly falling flat on his face as he stumbled.
Vixen however pulled him back to keep him from falling.
"Are you always this stubborn?!" She nearly screeched, but Tamryn wasn't having any of it.


“I’m not letting go until you let me finish.”

Andy didn’t answer. She tried pulling away, but his grip on her wrist just tightened, bruising her skin. She could start to feel anxiety boiling up in the pit of her stomach, the same anxiety she had the day when she’d almost been killed. This couldn’t be good. She would spray him in the eyes with pepper spray, but she had left it at home. She was beginning to run out of ideas for how to get out of the situation when she heard Tamryn’s voice down the hall. She wasted no time before she began to yell for him. Finally, when he entered the hall, she was able to break away from him and run back over to Tamryn’s side.

“What is wrong with you?” Andy faced Josh, wrapped her bruised hand around Tamryn’s arm. “Are you insane?”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

When Tamryn heard Andy yelling, that's when all hell broke loose. Even though he couldn't think straight he made his way to where Andy was at, ripping away from Vixen's grip.
Seeing that Josh had grabbed Andy, Tamryn froze. He looked to Vixen and then to Josh.
"You better have a good explanation for this because I'm one second away from rocking your shit" Tamryn spat. With Josh clearly in front of him he sobered up some, though not completely as he was still very intoxicated.
Tamryn walked towards Josh, murder in his eyes, but Vixen grabbed his hand and tried keeping him away from Josh.
"Tamryn you're drunk, just let it go!" Vixen said, now looking at the possible trouble that could happen. This was a fight waiting to happen and Tamryn was in no condition to fight someone, he'd get owned.
"Absolutely not!" He yelled. "You touched the one person who I love with all my life! There is no 'free pass' for this" Tamryn hissed, completely out of his mind.
"What more did you plan to do? You got her alone so then what? Were you going to take it a step further?!"
That's when it happened, Tamryn broke free and before he knew it he was on Josh, like a wild animal, hands wrapped around Josh's neck.
"I'll fucking kill you!" Though it was nothing major, to Tamryn it was and it didn't help that the drinks impaired his senses. The only thing that swarmed his head was what could have happened. Maybe that's not what Josh had in mind at all, but Tamryn couldn't contain himself at the thought.

@Dayzed forumand Confused

(also, hope i didn't cross any boundaries with my last reply, if i did i can and will definitely change it! just tell me if you're uncomfortable with anything i write, i did try to keep it somewhat clean but if it still bothers you, like i said, can change it :))


(Oh, nah, you’re good! The only boundary I have is with sexual topics, but I’m totally fine with more dark ones. 👍🏻👍🏻)

Andy’s heart stopped when she saw Tamryn standing there, his hands wrapped around Josh’s neck. She knew Tamryn would be angry, but she never knew that he would be this mad. After telling Vixen to go get help, she rushed over to Tamryn’s side and wrapped her hands around his arm.

She had never seen his eyes like that, and it scared her. It wasn’t just that he was drunk; he looked like an animal, and he looked like he would kill Josh if he wasn’t stopped. She tried her best to keep her voice steady as she spoke to him. She knew that if she had a meltdown, he would likely get worked up and end up hurting or even killing Josh.

“Tamryn, I need you to put him down. I know you’re angry, but this is only going to cause more problems. Please, leave him alone.” She could feel her voice quiver, and tears began to prick her eyes. “You could go to jail for this, Tamryn. If you kill him, you could go to jail for life. Do you know how much that would hurt me, to never see—”

Before she could finish, Josh finally came to his senses and pushed Tamryn back. He whammed his fist straight into the side of Tamryn face before he stood over him, glaring daggers at the boy he had just punched.

“I never had any bad intentions with Andy, and for you to assume that is just insane. I wanted to talk to her about something important until you came running through the door.” He snorted and kicked him in the side. “I can’t believe she even likes you, you wimp.”

Andy stood back, her hands shaking. These two boys were both bigger and stronger than her, all she could do was stand at the sidelines and try to calm the situation while she waited for Vixen to come back.

“Josh, seriously. Leave him alone. This isn’t alright,” she said. “You can tell he’s drunk.”

“And this kinda behavior is acceptable?”

“You did come up to me in an empty hallway and try to force me into speaking to you.” Andy crossed her arms over her chest. “You need to stop making the situation worse.”

Josh ignored her and returned his attention to Tamryn. “Coward.”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

(phew okay okay cool, just wanted to make sure haha)

When Andy came to Tamryn's side, he seemed to tense up. It was even worse when she wrapped her hands around him. What was he doing? Why was he angry again? Oh. Right. The prick put his hands on Andy.
Tamryn started to slowly let go when the mention of jail came into play. He had forgotten. Not only would he go to jail, but he'd also probably get the death sentence if they ever investigated him and found out about the atrocities he had committed.
"Andy…-" Tamryn started but was knocked back by Josh's force. Then he felt electric pain shoot through his face. Had he just been punched? He couldn't tell with the way he felt, everything was just off. Tamryn looked up at Josh when he spoke, now on the ground.
"Then why was she yelling? If she didn't want to-" Tamryn closed his eyes. Everything was starting to spin. "If she didn't want to talk to you, you should respect that!" He said eyes narrowed at Josh now.

Vixen ran downstairs as soon as it had happened. She didn't want things to escalate further, so she called a few of her friends to come help.

Meanwhile, Tamryn was still trying to process what happened. Blood was dripping down his nose and it wasn't until he was called a coward did he smile. A sort of twisted smile even for someone like Tamryn.
"Coward?" He repeated. "Wimp?" He growled.
"I would watch your tongue, I could bury you six feet underground if I wanted to" Tamryn got up and it seemed like he wasn't going to stop. He knew he should listen to Andy, but right now, this guy was getting on his very last nerve. Maybe going to jail was worth it. He had clearly turned into someone much different than the timid Tamryn who was afraid of social situations.
Tamryn started to walk up to Josh when someone jerked him back. The guy who had come to help held Tamryn back, holding Tamryn's arms in a locked position. Tamryn tried to break free but was too weak to do so.
"Let go." He said calmly. Dangerously calm.
When Alec did so, he punched Tamryn in the stomach and that seemed to make him sit quietly.
Alec turned to Andy.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt him, but he won't stop if he's not put down" It seemed that everyone acknowledged the fact that Tamryn was like a wild dog, someone needing to be stopped.
"I'll help you take him to the car and Josh" Alec looked over to the guy. "Don't start anything ever again at my party. The last thing I need is for the police to show up, my father would be pissed" He said, though he knew Tamryn had been the one to throw the first punch.
Vixen stood there feeling a little guilty, she avoided eye contact with anyone, especially Andy.


(Haha yeah, you’re all good!)

Andy nodded, and with Alec’s help, she pulled Tamryn to his feet and led him out to their car. She carefully helped him into the passenger seat, trying her best to avoid hurting him, before she sit the door and turned to Alec.

“Thank you.” She sighed and looked at the ground. “He got worked up because Josh… well, he didn’t something he shouldn’t have, and things just escalated from there. I’m really sorry.”

After she spoke to Alec for a few minutes, she got back into the car with Tamryn and pulled out of the parking lot. For most of the ride, she was silent, barely ever looking in Tamryn’s direction. She knew that it probably gave off the impression that she was angry at him, but she wasn’t. She just had no idea what to say.

Once they pulled into the driveway of Tamryn’s home, she finally turned to speak to him, reached over to hold his hand as she did so. “Tamryn, I’m not mad at you. I understand why you did what you did, and I appreciate you standing up for me. But… next time, please don’t let it get so far.” She unbuckled her seat belt and leaned into him, slipping her arms around his waist. “If you ended up killing him, you would get sent to jail. Maybe even for life. We would never see each other again.”

She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. Despite what had just happened, she still loved moments like this.

“I love you, you know that?” she whispered, looking up at him.

@Dayzed forumand Confused

Tamryn didn't struggle as the two hauled him up and took him to the car. Once inside he wiped the blood from his nose, leaving a streak as he did so. He was not in the mood. He wanted to rip Josh's head off and he would have done it too if it weren't for Vixen and Alec and- He scowled. He couldn't be mad at Andy, though it sure seemed like she was mad at him by the looks of it. She couldn't even look at him.
Tamryn propped his elbow on the armrest on the door and looked out at Andy and Alec talking. He knew Alec. He was a nice guy, he followed the rules to a T and it was rare for him to host a party, but when he did almost everyone attended. But he had punched him, which, was unnecessary in Tamryn's mind, his abdomen hurt now and he was feeling a little sick.

Alec shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled at Andy.
"No worries, stuff like this happens all the time at parties, it's a little bit foolish to think that everything will go smoothly even though those two should have known better," He said, looking at Tamryn who was glaring at them. He let out a small sound, almost like a soft laugh.
"He's very drunk. Next time tell him not to drink so much will you?" He said, his voice always steady and calm, never raising it unless he needed to.

When Andy got into the car and didn't speak to him, that's when the guilt hit him. Was she mad at him? Of course, she was mad at him! He threatened to kill someone after all- not that it was his first rodeo, but as far as Andy knew, he was an angel. Well, he didn't seem much like one now did he?
Because Andy wasn't talking, Tamryn refused to talk either, pride getting the better of him. It was fine. This was fine. If she was mad he could handle that. He wouldn't make any more trouble for her he decided.

As they pulled into his driveway and Andy reached over to him, Tamryn tensed up, again. Now he really felt sick. Not because of the drinks he had that night, but because Andy didn't know about him and his job. He was a liar. And the more he dragged the lie on, the worst it would be for him, but he couldn't do anything about it. He refused to tell a single soul.
Tamryn bit his tongue as he was reprimanded, yet felt strangely warm with Andy's hand in his. Don't take it too far.
But what if the idiot had done something else?! Then he would have snapped Josh's neck in half and wouldn't have regretted it.
"Sorry…" He muttered, barely audible. He wasn't sorry though and it showed. "I didn't mean to take it so far" But I did. Came his inner thought.
"Maybe it was a bad idea for me to go, I'm…terrible when handling situations like that," He said, stretching in the car.
Andy leaning into him felt wrong for some reason. He was a killer. People didn't like killers and especially not Andy. If he had really killed Josh, that would have been the end and he wouldn't be here right now having this moment with her. It made him want to stop everything, even time. He wanted this to last forever. Maybe he would stop being so violent and unapproachable to others.

Tamryn's eyes softened when she laid her head against his chest. Gosh, he was a real idiot, wasn't he?
"I'm sorry," He said again, this time with a little more meaning to it. "I really do love you too, I shouldn't have been drinking so much, that was my fault," He said bitterly. He didn't like admitting his shortcomings but felt that it was necessary.
"If there's a next time, I won't repeat the same mistake again" Though the thought saddened him. No more tasty sugary drinks for him.


“Shh, don’t overthink it. It’ll be okay,” she said, tucking her head under his chin. “Besides, Josh was being a jerk. I don’t think trying to kill him was a great move, sure, but…”

Andy sighed and decided to leave it at that. She didn’t want to remind Tamryn of what had happened and get him all worked up again, but she did have more questions about what had taken place. What was Josh planning to do? She knew what scenario was likely going to happen, but even though Josh was a jerk, he genuinely seemed like he simply wanted to talk about something. That didn’t make what he did any less sketchy, though. Besides that, there was the whole matter with Vixen. She had seen Josh with her the entire time, so it was somewhat weird that they were separated during the event. Plus, she seemed almost guilty while her and Alex were restraining Tamryn. Was she hiding something?

Andy closed her eyes and tried to forget about all the events that had unfolded. She would try to figure out the answers to all her questions later. Right now, she simply needed to be there for Tamryn.

She lifted her hand to his hair and weaved her fingers among his locks, admiring his hair’s natural curl. She still sensed a slight bit of fear in the back of her mind after seeing how animalistic he became when he attacked Josh, but that didn’t change her admiration towards him. He was Tamryn. Her Tamryn. And nothing would ever change that.

After sitting there for a long time, holding him, she looked up into his eyes. “Just let me know when you wanna head inside, okay?” She gave him a gentle smile. “I’ll help patch up your wounds.”

@Dayzed forumand Confused

But? But what? But it was okay? It was somehow alright? The cliffhanger left Tamryn reeling, maybe she wasn't so against the idea of killing someone? Tamryn knew that was unlikely, but he wanted to dream. He wanted to desperately dream that she thought it was okay to be with someone who did such things for a living.
Tamryn looked Andy in the eyes when she looked into his. It felt undeserving. He felt so undeserving of her affection and how much she stuck by him even when he got angry and acted out of place.
"Thank you…" He trailed off. Tamryn was still very drunk and everything that had happened felt like a dream. He felt like he was dreaming, especially with the feelings that came with being with Andy.

"What if I would have killed him?" He started. "What if I had been taken in for killing someone? You said that you'd always be there for me, but I can't help but wonder if that would be true if I had killed him. I'm a killer, I could have killed him" He admitted, though at the point he couldn't tell if he was actually talking to Andy or not and the words flowed out of his mouth.
Tamryn's eyes fluttered closed, he felt like he was slowly starting to lose consciousness, feeling very heavy- tired, all of a sudden. The drinks he had finished off last were really starting to hit him all at once now that the hours had passed.
"I think we should go in now, I think I'd like to forget anything happened…" He had tried killing someone. In front of Andy, maybe this one was reasonable if Josh had tried anything but what about the other ones? The other ones weren't reasonable. He had taken people away from their families, friends, and lovers. How could a sin like that be forgiven? It couldn't, all he had left was, to tell the truth. Maybe it was the alcohol talking but he wanted to admit everything to Andy right then and there. He couldn't take the pressure of it all, the weight that was heavy on his shoulders.
Maybe it was time to get help. Maybe somehow things would be okay.