forum Character Vibe Checks - BUT WITH PICTURES
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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Big DAD energy
Definitely accidentally adopted two kids
Can’t cook for shit
Everybody relies on him even though he almost died like five times.
Reeeeallllllly wants to sleep
Death has tried to take his soul but he beat them in a game of rock-paper-scissors

@HighPockets group


Big DAD energy
Definitely accidentally adopted two kids
Can’t cook for shit
Everybody relies on him even though he almost died like five times.
Reeeeallllllly wants to sleep
Death has tried to take his soul but he beat them in a game of rock-paper-scissors

This is SO ACCURATE omg except for the cooking bit lmao

@larcenistarsonist group



She seems very distant and edgy! kind of a street rat who you find on top of a dumpster chainsmoking with some alley cats like "whatchu doin' in this part of town, buster?" despite her street rat status, she actually does have a fairly nice apartment. she either lives with her pretty chill dad or lives alone. her favorite animals are cats, and hell, her name is probably Kat. if her name isn't Kat, it's another one-syllable with a hard consonant name. kind of angry for no reason, loves a little brawl every now and then.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language


(I’m not used to doing something like this, but I’m going for it anyway. So… bare with me, lol)

She seems like she’d be the leader of a gang of ‘bad girls’. She’s bratty and arrogant, but probably has a deeper side that no one ever sees. Deep down, she’s courageous (though she’d probably prefer the word ‘spunky’) and her attitude is just a lot of passion mixed with a slightly jaded outlook on life. She probably also has a heart of gold, though she won’t ever admit it.