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forum Anime RP? (OCs only) // 4/4 // (WIP)
Started by @Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

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@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

Name: RinRin
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Element(s): Mind, Fire, Darkness, Unknown
Specialty Abilities: Telekinesis, Taste of Hell, Lights Out,
Other abilities: Telepathy, Visions, Fire Blast, Pyronado, Demonic Summon
Mental: ADHD
Zodiac: Pisces
Clothing Style: red and black suits, the occasional top hat and staff, and a ring with a big turquoise stone.
Eye Color: His right eye is crystal blue, and his left is pure black with a red pupil.
Hair color: Golden blonde
Other Info: RinRin is a kind-hearted person who would risk his life for the ones he cares for, but he also has a dark side…

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Name: Clarissa Mills
Gender: female
Age(from 17 to 21): 18
Height: 5’7”
Element(s) [choose up to 4]: Earth, plants, wind, water
Specialty Abilities: Geyser Blast, Water Guard, Voice on the Breeze,
Other abilities: Healing, (… Umm, I’m drawing a blank here but I definitely want her to have a couple other abilities based on the Earth and Plant elements…)
Other Info: She is normally a pretty quiet, analytical, and a very organized person. Can be focused to the point where she struggles with multitasking. But always willing to stand up for others and maybe a little too eager to fight.

Deleted user

Name: Seirá Helios
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'2"
Physical Appearance: She's a very strange case; one half of her hair is literally strawberry blond, the other half is black, and it's a natural thing of hers. Her left eye is redish-gold, the other is bluish-black. Her skin is dark (think dark chocolate) at night, and in the day her skin is pale (think sea foam except tan)
Element(s): Light, Fire, Dark, Water
Specialty Abilities: Heavenfall, Cremation, Hellfall, Riptide
Other abilities: Can bar both good and evil subjects from entering an area (Think Forbiddance from Pathfinder) healing wounds, inflicting wounds, creating areas of light/dark.
Mental Conditions: She has two distinct personalities depending on whether the sun or the moon is out; when the sun's out she's bold, happy and loud, a very cheerful and all around pleasant person. When the moon's out she's the complete opposite of her day personality.

(Note: her powers and elements change with her personality, so in the day she has Light and Fire elemental powers, i.e. Heavenfall and Cremation. At night her elements are Dark and Water, meaning she uses Hellfall and Riptide)