forum Anime RP? (OCs only) // 4/4 // (WIP)
Started by @Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

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(glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to put their character in this right now 😅)

(As for you and Zaven, I'd like to think a giant ass collumn of divine light being called down in a concentrated area followed by the sounds of Heaven's messengers and holy choir would be enough of an indicator for how to easily insert y'alls characters)

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(I don't think I did- did I? I thought I wrote pretty clearly that she was speaking before he attacked-)

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(Lol, it's fine that there was a misunderstanding. If you could tell me what exactly confused you I can try to avoid it in the future)

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

RinRin speaks, "I don't see why not." He allows the darkness surrounding him to cover the whole field. Echoing across the clearing is a voice, Lights Out!. The clearing fades to gray and then darker, but still light enough to see. Then he focuses and throws up a combo shield of Fire and Mind, preparing for the oncoming attack.

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(One more little note: switching between personalities for Seirá also alters her memories. She remembers nothing of her day life when she's in her night form, and nothing of her night life in her day form. She's basically an angel and a demon trapped in the same form)
(Lol, same sometimes)

As soon as the light disappears, a dramatic change in the atmosphere of the clearing can be felt as something changes.

RinRin didn't know it yet, but he was about to be facing up against something dark, probably darker than he'd ever known.

A bone-chilling laugh echos through the clearing, all the light being extinguished entirely, every noise beyond the clearing silenced.

"Well, this is an interesting prospect." Seirá's voice rings out, slightly different. A little deeper, a lot colder and sharper.

A wall of water rushes up behind the man.


@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

RinRin is intrigued. It seems like a whole new person just inhabited her body. But he was ready.
"Riptide," she said.
He hears water behind him. He turns to see a huge wall of water. Oh damn!
He forms a dam with Mind, but it won't last long. He says, "Are we showing off now?"

Deleted user

(Yeah. So it's probably Nighttime Seirá that RinRin met if we're going down that path XD )

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The water rushes around, over and under the dam, ever seeking, relentless, just like the current the move is named after.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, but if you'd like me to show off, I'd be happy to oblige. But it'll end with your funeral." Seirá smirks, melting into the darkness like a drop of water, completely silent and devoid of much true emotion beyond cruelty and violence.

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

RinRin can't sense Seira anymore. This is a problem. He surrounds himself in darkness, hiding his presence. He makes a column of flame appear in several spots. Then he says, "Well, invincibility is illegal. So have a taste of this." He cackles so deep and loud, the earth trembles. "Since we are showing off, I might as well show my full capabilities as well." He smiles. He uses the same move that Seira did in the beginning. He wreathed the field in fire, mainly to light it up. "But what you don't know is that I have another element. One that no one knows what to call it. The element Unknown." Then he stands at the ready. "Here's what the Unknown element can do."

"Darkest Night,
Cage The Light,
Remove Sight,
And Prove Thy Might!"

Three words echo across the clearing:

Rise Of Hell!

The earth splits open and a wave of heat roars out. The whole clearing explodes with hellish blue light. In the darkness and scary blue light…

A single red dot shines. The eye of Rinzu.

RinRin surrounds his opponent with paralyzing fear from the dark, and strikes her with a dozen lightning strikes, throws spikes at her, and crushes her with rocks. Then he pushes her with his mind so hard she flies backwards.

RinRin collapses. His last thought before losing consciousness is, Rexa, meet me in the park. He knows he'll be out for a few hours.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Clarissa liked to think of herself as an organized and prepared type of person… But she was also pretty curious when she saw pillars of light and darkness flashing in the direction of a well-known fighting Area. So, she hurried over and hid in a hopefully safe place where she could watch, without being hit or affected by the attacks.
However, when she sees one of the combatant's collapse after a very impressive display of power, she carefully crept closer being wary of whoever else might still be around.

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

RinRin wakes in the clearing. Seira is gone. He sees another stranger that he's seen before… That's it! The vision. That's where I saw them. He stands and walks towards the stranger. "Hey." He summons his hat out of ethereal space. "Who might you be?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Clarissa blinks, relieved that he woke up without needing help but confused at being addressed already. “Clarissa. Clarissa Mills. Are you ok?” she asks as she stops hiding and approaches him to check him out for herself.

Deleted user

RinRin can't sense Seira anymore. This is a problem. He surrounds himself in darkness, hiding his presence. He makes a column of flame appear in several spots. Then he says, "Well, invincibility is illegal. So have a taste of this." He cackles so deep and loud, the earth trembles. "Since we are showing off, I might as well show my full capabilities as well." He smiles. He uses the same move that Seira did in the beginning. He wreathed the field in fire, mainly to light it up. "But what you don't know is that I have another element. One that no one knows what to call it. The element Unknown." Then he stands at the ready. "Here's what the Unknown element can do."

"Darkest Night,
Cage The Light,
Remove Sight,
And Prove Thy Might!"

Three words echo across the clearing:

Rise Of Hell!

The earth splits open and a wave of heat roars out. The whole clearing explodes with hellish blue light. In the darkness and scary blue light…

A single red dot shines. The eye of Rinzu.

RinRin surrounds his opponent with paralyzing fear from the dark, and strikes her with a dozen lightning strikes, throws spikes at her, and crushes her with rocks. Then he pushes her with his mind so hard she flies backwards.

RinRin collapses. His last thought before losing consciousness is, Rexa, meet me in the park. He knows he'll be out for a few hours.

Seirá's last thought before she loses conciousness is Well fuck.

Light Seirá wakes up and looks around as the darkness clears, slowly standing up with a wince of pain, though that quickly vanishes as a pulse of light runs up and down her body, healing her.

"So. . . what happened?" she asks, confused, looking at the new person curiously.