forum If your character had a diary what would the first page be like?
Started by @Leshierian

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Dear diary,
Everyone makes fun of me. Help. It's because I embarrassed myself in front
of everyone last year. Ugh… It's so infuriating! Anyway, I was recommended to
write in a diary to get over what happened, So, that's why I'm doing this. I hate this dam
school and everything in it. Well goodbye.
- Daphnea Rosenbloom

lmao that sucked cause im lazy

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Day 1 of my imprisonment by bandits.
They all know I'm a doctor, so they'll never let me go. I need an escape plan. Maybe I can poison the guard and make a break for it?
I'm sure glad none of these goons can read. I don't even have to hide my journal from them.

Day 2
Turns out the leader of the bandits can read. I need a new plan.
On the bright side, he's kinda hot soooo

Day 370 (I think??)
Well frick I forgot all about this journal. I'm still a "prisoner", by the way. I've been teaching the bandits how to do math. It's a trial for my world-weary soul. The leader's still hot, we play cards and talk about dystopian politics almost every evening now.

Deleted user

To kill:
-President Trevor
-Mayor Lee
Food to buy:
Crackers (for me)
Chocolate (for Willow)
Sun-dried tomatoes

Only drawings

I think I mite might kill Sparta today…idkkk deepeands depends on how I feel. He mite might piss me off. If so I'll probabally probably kill him. Eh but I'm also felling feeling lazy.

Dear diary,
I dont know wut 2 write. Dis cringy. Imma burn dis. Builds a fire and burns the diary

Wouldnt have a diary, it's too much work

I GOT A DIARY! Finally! I'm so excited! I've never had a diary before and I'm so happy to have one. I'm gonna write everyday and spill all my secrets! This is gonna be funnn! Proceeds to loose the diary and cant find it ever again

@Rabbi_Arsonist group

Dear Diary,
I'm F*cked-


Dear Diary,
I forgot
(She has memory loss)

Kill me (*x1000)

Dear Diary,
My wife forced me to get one of these and write anything I'm feeling, I'm pretty sure she did this so one day she can unlock it and read something she thinks Ima have in here. So uhhh, screw you diary :D

Dear Diary,
This is Loki's diary I stole it and he thought I would use it to spy on him. I didn't but when I asked him about it he got nervous so I ended up stealing it anyways…

HI LOKI!!!! :D


Dear diary,

How could I be so stupid? I'm supposed to get rid of the ghosts, not fall in love with them! Stupid, polite, insanely adorable Douglas! I know, he's been dead for almost a century, but still.

Not only have I fallen in love with a ghost, but I think he's in love with Rita (My assistant)… Because that's just my luck. I can't fall in love with any living guys. Of course, I fall for a straight dead guy.

I don't know what else to write about. Ghost hunting business is slow this week, so that's a thing that's also happening.

I'll write again tomorrow.
–Simon Hart

@Starfast group

Gerard: It's cannon that he'd write like a 3 page entry about how he thinks that everyone secretly hates him.
Andor: Dear Diary, I saw Ara at work today and he told me that I'm too easily distracted. I don't really think that's true but if he *draws a detailed picture of a sloth going skydiving* What if humans evolved from toads I think that would be kind of fucked up
Crispin: If you're read any further, I'll fucking kill you.
Milo: If you find this after I died, or even before that, please publish this.
Caleb: (He can't actually read or write very well, so the first page would just be the same few words that he does know how to spell repeated over and over again).

@larcenistarsonist group

Paisley: [date, time writing]
ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: Latin lessons, transcribing, held in high regard in Donovan's eyes, three hour training session.
FOR TOMORROW: recon and scouting remotely of Concordian Govt., prepare for mission, keep the team on track.
NOTES: Grace did well in our 1v1. Abel and Shea dyed their hair again today. Felix still on long mission* [side note: try to check in on him, it's been a month.] Rhyda slept for 16 hours straight. Look into that. Drew is still a fucking loser I need to tell Cagney to try to kill him again.

Abel: I just got a batshit insane idea so I'm gonna jump off a building with an inflatable to see if it'll kill me. rhyda already said she'd help I also need to change the strings on my guitar so keep that in mind I also need to sharpen my knives that'll be helpful [endless rambling/reminders]

Rhyda: (just a couple pages that she practices writing on, doesn't work very well and they're mostly scribbles.)

Shea: fuck fuck fuck fuck I'm so gay gay homosexual gay anyways hi diary I picked you up from the debris of an absolutely demolished building and I need to tell something how fucking gay I am wtf just kill me

Grace: Should I write poetry? … No that's… incredibly pretentious and I don't know how. so I guess… this is going to be a book of rambles? hah… um well I don't know what to put here other than I wish to get away from here. hopefully that day will come soon…

Felix: Body count fucking raised baby let's go,,, was a shame that he was a pretty one. whoops. anywho I got a sick watch out of it and Jackpot is happy to see me home. next step on the agenda! fucking figure out a way to kill Drew he's a witch or something

@squiddicus language

Riyah: Dear Diary, today was very pleasant. My training is going well, and I spent some time with Blaze exploring the streets around the Temple. Now that I come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't put that in writing, as I'm not entirely sure we were allowed to be there - Blaze seemed to insist that we were, but she did rather seem to be in a hurry to get back without being seen. I'd ask her about it, but she's too busy being in the throes of unrequited love. It's the third time this week, actually.

Blaze: [date and year] force help me, why are women so hot. like. all of them. like they could kill you with a sword but it'd be like. a good thing?? AND WHY MUST THEY REJECT ME SO CRUELLY

Qili: Day 3581. Life still boring. Idiots in shop today tried to break some of the spare calibrators. Sent the droids after them, don't think they'll be back. New ship looking okay but comm systems out of sync. Might need new undulating coils - always super hard to find so might have to pinch some off the Regime's people. Ha.

Ceryn: Hi - it's me, Ceryn. I think I might use this diary for writing stories and stuff? Fee, if you're reading this PLEASE stop now. PLEASE. In fact, anyone. I mean it.

Actually, this is too much stress. I can't live with the constant possibility of blackmail. It'd probably be really bad writing anyway.


(I ma assume the diary is from the beginning of the story)

Hailey: Dear Diary, for as long as I can remember I have stayed within the castle. My mother and father died before I was born, so I live with my aunt Rhine the queen. She says I can't leave the castle because the world is full of dangerous magic and dangerous people who will hurt you. So I stay inside, alone. That is all for today goodbye for now.

Flynn: Dear Diary, today I woke up in a dungeon with no memories. Apparently I was a thief who stole many valuable things. But I have no memory. If only I could find away to recover my memories, to do that I would have to escape. There is also an odd blue snake that sits in the cell with me sometimes. Other times he goes away. I don't know why this snake likes me, he just does. That's all for now.

Percy: Dear Dairy, today my father took me to the courtyard to train me. I am going to become Captain of the Royal Guard just like him. I am also going to make mom proud, she died when I was little. She was also a knight. But when I get older and more skilled I will lead the Royal Guard and we will fight off any magic that tries to harm anyone. We will be legends. Got to go now.

Mary: Dear Dairy, today me and my mother did chores around the castle as usually. My mother Emily is a handmaid at the castle and I am too. I mostly just do the laundry tho. Today my mother is teaching me a secret family recipe to make for princess Hailey's Birthday. Don't tell anyone but I really really like the princess. I hope she likes the treat! Thank you for listening, even tho your a book!

Deleted user

Spirit: [date]
My life has been so crazy lately. I thought I might start journaling, just to help with the stress. My siblings and I are in a new world today. I’m not sure what it is like, but I already sense much strife in the air. We haven’t even entered civilization! I’m worried, but then, I’m always worried. I only hope we can finally find refuge here.

Eternity: [date, exact time]

  • Search for food; supplies running low
  • Find civilization; need a library as soon as possible
  • Watch Amethyst; he always gets in trouble in new worlds

Matrix: Spirit made me do this. (Proceeds to fill the notebook with surprisingly-artistic doodles)

Amethyst: NEW WORLD WOOOOO!!! I can’t wait to start meeting people!!! Or maybe explore? Exploring sounds funner. Also, dunno why Eternity keeps looking at me funny… Do I smell bad? I know I put deodorant on this morning.
Wait, just sniffed. I forgot. Oops.

Nova: HI DIARY!!!! (Lots of hearts) I can’t wait to put all of my secrets in here!! Wait, but what if somebody tries to read it? GASP! I need to get a lock and key! Maybe Matrix can make one for me? BUT THEN HE’LL FIND OUT I’M TRYING TO HIDE SOMETHING AND HE’LL GET CURIOUS AND READ IT!!! I just gotta do it myself! (Proceeds to lose diary; searches frantically for three days before giving up and buying a new one; process repeats)

Memory: [date]
Spirit thought it would be a good idea for all of us to get journals. You know, to help with… stuff. I don’t know, I’m not good at writing real things. Real things are depressing. Maybe I’ll just write short stories instead. I’m good at those.

Mt. G router

Mine's a bit basic, but…

Dear diary,

I am excited to start writing in you and sharing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I hope that by doing so, I can better understand myself and the world around me. I am a bit nervous about what to write on your first page, but I am determined to be honest and open with you.

I am a complex person, with many different facets to my personality. I am both strong and vulnerable, smart and foolish, kind and cruel. I have dreams and aspirations, but I also have fears and insecurities. I am a work in progress, constantly trying to improve myself and become the person I want to be.

I am not sure what the future holds for me, but I am excited to find out. I am hopeful that you, dear diary, will be a trusted companion on my journey through life.


@Nightmare_Eclipse language

My character has no mental stability…

List of things to kill:

  • Cooper
  • cOoPeR
    Proceeds to spell Cooper in every possible day

To do list:

  • Kill Cooper….
    Process repeats


  • ….
  • See above lists

@Mojack group

Despite speaking mostly English, Revade would likely write his diary entries in Georgian. I will not however, since I don’t know Georgian that well, and really don’t want awkward mistranslations!


I really wish I wrote in these things when I was younger. Who knows, could have helped me then. Maybe it’ll help me now, but I’m older now, and there’s not much left to fix.
(day, month, year)
Today was fine. Things remain fine. Fine, I think that’s a word I’ll be writing a lot of.
People came to my office today. The police did. Not that I’ve been in trouble. They’re my coworkers in this assignment. So they’re here to rendezvous with me. They could have texted me, one of them. I much prefer texting over talking face to face. Some people get bothered by my ‘monotone’ voice and attributes.
Then, a group came later today. I wonder if they noticed my new gem in the back. I wonder if they recognized it. Probably. I should contact the embassy, get them to watch my office when I’m out. No doubt they’ll want it back.
(The above is crossed out. It seemed Revade wrote the entire thing, before deciding it was potentially a bad idea.)
Saw a dog. I don’t think that fear’s ever going away.
If you’re reading this, and you’re not me, bugger off.
I’m just writing on empty thoughts now. I think I’ll close this one off for now.

Revade’s writing is very neat. It’s also in cursive. He makes a good habit at updating his diary, instead of just forgetting about it. In fact, it’s a part of his routine to update it before he leaves his office.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

maddie: 'day 1'
dear diary i woke up today and I hung out with my friends and koco taught me something called addition

'day 17'
today i'm going to confess my love to koco

'day ???'
hi koco's cursed and is now evil, she also KILLED THE KING AND TURNED HERSELF INTO A DRAGON!!