forum Desire's Untrust (Group RP) (CLOSED!)
Started by @requiemisback language

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@Jules_ group

Crow just stared back. Was this smart, or just unnecessarily risky? He had absolutely no clue.
"Let's elaborate on that- Hey! Are you even listening, Kirsten?" Crow walked over after noticing her earbuds and knocked his fist on her head. "If we're going to do this we need to start taking it seriously," he said, glaring at her.
He could feel the frustration building, and it was really starting to get the best of him. He clenched his teeth, letting himself fall back into his chair with a sigh.
"Anyway, what kind of distraction do you have in mind? Anything in particular?"

@requiemisback language

Kirsten scoffed, moving one side of her headphones away from her ear. "Yeah yeah, I'm listening- Ow, what the hell?!" she replied, exclaiming the latter bit of her sentence. She rubbed the side of her head where she'd been whacked by Crow and grumbled. "Pezzo di merda…" she mumbled quietly.

@Jules_ group

(Oh I didn't mean that he did it hard, it was just tapping with his fist. Either way he deserves that comment though :P)


"Well I'm quiet and I move fast, and I can basically move around without seeing. Maybe thats a good thing for me?" She rocked on her feet and bit her lip, trying to think of other ways she could be useful as a sentry.

"Yeah it's a pretty good thing, if we had a blackout." He looked out the window. "I'm sure they will recognize you got good skill, i-" someone came and told him he was summoned to talk to boss.
"great, well I'll see you later Vi." He headed to the boss's office knocking on the door.

“Come in,” Arabelle said when she heard the knock. When she saw it was Dustin, a small smile came to her face, though it wasn’t a kind or caring sort of smile. It was simply pleased, as if she had found the last piece of a puzzle or a missing gear in the machine.
She put out her cigarette and tossed it in the trash can behind her. “Mr. King, there you are. I’ve been tracking your progress, and I think you’re ready for your first assignment. What do you say?”

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He had the neutral monotoned expression on his face as usual, staring at the women in front of him.
"..What's the assignment?" He decided to ask that first incase it was somewhat different from being a sentry which he didn't think it was but he was going to double check just incase i. Happened to be something different.


Arabelle pursed her lips, then produced a map of Venezia from under the desk.
“Sentry,” she announced without preamble. She beckoned him to come closer, then circled an area on the map. “We believe those traitors are in somewhere in this area. I’m going to need you here-“ she pointed at a certain spot, “- between the main road and the river. Patrol those alleyways. My suggestion to you would be to watch from the rooftops, and contact the other sentries if you see any trace of the traitors.” Her eyes made it seem like it wasn’t a suggestion at all, despite her words. “Do not engage with them. Wait for someone to do that for you. Now, do you think you’re ready?”

@Jules_ group

"Nice of you to finally join us," Crow grumbled, ignoring Kirsten's comment. "Not much at this point. We're currently debating on the best way to get out of here, but things aren't going very smoothly." He shot a pointed glance over to Kirsten.
"Spectra was suggesting some sort of distraction, and she was actually about to explain that before you came. Other than that, you didn't miss much. Any ideas from you?"


"Undercover? We get a lot of tourists, we can buy orange spray tan from somewhere, get stupid shirts and camera's, get some luggage with false bottoms and leave separately, joining tour groups to pass by unnoticed. That will give us a chance to see if the sentries have been sent after us and we can scout other places to hide." Sparrow said, walking over to the table and sitting down on one of the stairs, leaning and putting her feet o the table.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"well anything from like, setting something on fire making something explode robbing a bank, causing something that has a huge amount of people going to it and make it seem like we are in charge of that thing and escape while they are all distracted, though i suppose the tourist idea isn't too shabby either." She stretched once more yawning.

@knightinadream group

Darcy wandered around a part of the city. He practically was dragging his feet while going through some buildings and a few homes. Every time he came across a person, he held up his phone with the picture of the bastards, but he always got the same head shake. Leaning against the side of a building, he pulled up the boss's contact and tried to call her, but he got nothing. "Oh Saint Anthony…." He whispered to himself while texting Margot. "Tony…Tony…look around for somethings that are lost and need to be found."

"What now?" Margot mumbled to herself. She placed her scissors in the little drawer space then walked over to pick up her phone. Just as she held it in her hand, it vibrated again. A snicker left her lips as she read the message. With a shake of her head, she left her office and strolled on over to the boss's. She pressed her ear against the door before knocking.


Arabelle had put her phone on silent, not wanting anything to interrupt her thoughts or her meeting with Dustin, and why she had not received Darcy’s call. So it was only when she heard the third knock on the door that she began to suspect something. Dustin still seemed to be deliberating, so she would allow him to for now.
“Yes?” She called. Then she leaned back in her seat. “Ms. Rosario? I hope it’s nothing serious, but make it quick.”
Arabelle knew Margot as someone who could take care of things on her own, and she liked that about her, and it was rare that she would come to her with a request. It was more likely that she was simply here to send a message.