forum “Grimm”dark Fantasy O/O Closed
Started by @ladybug_academia group

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@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

(Unfortunately, it looks like it was really deleted. Unlike the rest of the site, posts on the forums aren't temporarily backed up when they're deleted, which makes them a lot harder to recover after the fact. Sorry about this! I'll see if I can get a release in the next couple days ready that adds a similar backup system so it doesn't happen again!)

@ladybug_academia group

“I see.” Adriano watched the interaction between Megan and Shadow, still for a moment until he took the chance to approach his own horse. He took her reins in one hand, stroking her neck with the other. He wasn’t planning on leaving anymore. In some ways that lifted the pressure off of his shoulders, or at least a fraction of it. “It’s…nice, I suppose, to meet you, Meghan. I’ve never talked to a Grimm before, let alone one like you.” He should have been used to it by now, that she wasn’t the bloodthirsty Grimm he’d heard about. It would take some time, but the kindness certainly helped.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Likewise, Adriano.” Meghan chuckled, acknowledging the strangeness of their situation. “Honestly, I’ve never had a chance to speak with a Wesen either. Most run off as soon as they look at me… Kinda like you did.” she admitted. From reading her father's books she could sort of understand why. Grimm’s didn't have the best reputation but Meg had never attacked anyone except in self-defense.

@ladybug_academia group

(Heyo, I’ve been feeling pretty under the weather lately, and while I’ve been trying to get responses up I haven’t really been able to keep up as much as I’d like to. I wanted to let you know that a reply is coming soon, it just might take another few days or so :) thanks so much for your patience! )

@ladybug_academia group

(Many thanks!! <3 The few days I took off definitely helped)

Adriano snorted out a laugh. “Well, if the only thing they had heard about Grimms is anything like I was taught, of course they ran. Like I did.” His voice tapered off into an awkward mumble, as he lifted a hand to scratch his nose. The other hand hanging by Fleur’s reins. “Ah, well, considering this is a stable, can I keep her here?”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Yay! Glad you're feeling better!)

Meg smiled a little at hearing him laugh and nodded softly. “I think I understand why… I mean, I know what my ancestors did but I don't know how you can tell.” she said, looking over at him. It was painfully obvious to her when she noticed someone was Wesen, was it equally obvious to them that she was a Grimm?
“Of course, you can.” she answered, nodding again. “Fleur can stay here as long as you decide or need to stay. She's a beautiful and very well-behaved mare.”

@ladybug_academia group

Adriano dipped his head in thanks, taking Fleur’s reins in his hand to lead her over towards an empty stall. The stables reminded him of the ones at the palace, albeit smaller. Nevertheless they smelled the same. Of hay, and of horse, and faintly of manure. The smell wasn’t bad, per se, a little pungent, maybe, but nothing he hadn’t been used to before. The atmosphere was almost comforting, really. “Really?” he said to her first comment. In vaguely shocked tones, mostly conversational. “It’s—uh…” he stammered, wondering for a moment of it was wise to let a Grimm know how Wesen recognized them. “It, um, it’s pretty obvious, actually. Once we see your eyes.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meghan nodded slightly back and opened the door of the empty stall for him. The smell of the stables didn't seem to bother her either considering how much time she must have spent here playing as a child while she found all the best places to hide
“I… I figured it had something to do with my eyes. It's why I usually keep them covered or just don't look too many people in the eye.” she admitted. “Though I don't understand what it is about my eyes that causes such a reaction. I… I doubt I change the way you do.” she said half joking.

@ladybug_academia group

Adriano nodded with a partial smile spread across his lips. Just his lips, it didn’t reach his eyes. He didn’t answer until he had settled Fleur into the stall, detaching her saddle and checking to see that the food and water pail were full. “No, no you don’t change like us. Not exactly. It’s just your eyes. They turn…they turn into something like a black mirror. A void, and I can see myself woge. It’s very unsettling, really.” More than unsettling. It had been just like his mother had told him.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meghan’s eyes widened at the information and slowly brought a hand up to the side of her face, near her eyes, more in near shock than anything. She doubted that she would be able to see it herself but it was still an interesting mental image. “I see.” she nodded. “I would apologize but considering what my ancestors have done, it makes sense that you would have a way to identify us.” she said, keeping her voice calm despite the uneasy feeling in her gut. Besides, seeing a old friend suddenly change their face in front of you was likely just as unsettling. She had more or less grown accustomed to the sight by now, but the first few times was… quite an experience.

@ladybug_academia group

Adriano nodded absently in response, running his hand down Fleur’s neck. Perhaps just for a sense of familiar comfort. “Yes, I suppose it does make sense. I don’t think…I don’t think you have any reason to apologize. That is, unless you’ve beheaded one of us before. But…” He trailed off, thinking about the stories his mother had told him again. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, it seemed. Not when he didn’t know what had become of her when he left. “I’m well aware of what my ancestors have done too.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meghan gave a small rueful smile at the response. “I haven't actually had the opportunity… No one has stayed around long enough to get into a fight with me.” she told him. Honestly, she wasn't sure if she would behead anyone… Unless she had no choice. She knew how to fight, how to defend, and she didn't put up with people giving her trouble. But she didn't actively search for Wesen to kill them. She didn't see the point of that. “I guess every family has a couple chapters they don't want people to know.” she commented honestly.

@ladybug_academia group

Adriano glanced back over at her with a partly amused expression, partly trying to determine if she was joking in her second comment. “Well, it’s no wonder why none of us has stayed long enough around a Grimm to fight.” After all the stories he’d been told, only the Wesen who didn’t care for their lives confronted a Grimm. He smiled faintly and returned to doting on Fleur while he let her finish. “I guess so. And some of us have more than a couple chapters.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meghan nodded slightly, that same contrite smile still on her face. “I guess most Wesen would be considered deranged, at best, if they did try to fight a random Grimm.” she rationalized, though that was probably common knowledge to Adriano. It was good to get some definitive information from a source other than her ancestors’ journals. She couldn't help but chuckle briefly at his agreement. “Yeah… I wouldn't be surprised if some families have a whole novel they prefer to keep hidden.”

@ladybug_academia group

Adriano pressed his forehead against Fleur’s neck for a few moments, carding his fingers through her mane, just to whisper a nonchalant farewell. He made sure all her tack was organized, and then went to lean against the stall door. “I’m sure. Yeah, my family, at least half of it definitely has a novel of that sort. And the Grimm’s have an entire series, to my knowledge.” He scratched at his nose to conceal a soft snicker.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“That honestly doesn't surprise me.” Meg admitted with a small shrug. “I have quite a few journals full of information about Wesen and my ancestors…” she trailed off a little awkwardly as she remembered the information that those books contained. “I… I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get you those blankets and a spare pillow.” she told him before starting to head to the exit.

@ladybug_academia group

(Heyo, sorry for the long hiatus, tbh I got stuck trying to come up with inspiration for a post that would be more than his internal monologue and it eventually slipped my mind aha,, but I am still interested! I could write up a time skip sometime today that could bring in another plot point maybe?)

@ladybug_academia group

(Oof sorry this took so long to get posted, I’ve been recovering from oral surgery. I’m good now tho!)

Life had become fairly monotonous again for Adriano. It was nothing like life in the castle, but compared to moving from town to town with the Royal guard on his heels, sweating in a stable—that belonged to a Grimm, no less—was paradise. Almost. A couple weeks had passed since Meg offered him shelter. And in that time he settled into the idea of trusting her more and more, gradually, yet steadily making progress.
He sat with his legs crossed up in the hayloft with a stretch of fabric in his lap. His chin propped up in one hand, bored, and a threaded needle in the other. “Are you sure you don’t have any more blue?” Adriano bit at his lip, glancing up from his project with hope that Meg hadn’t silently left in the last half-hour. To his own surprise he’d grown accustomed to her company.