forum Out in Space (classic lit and sci fi) (Reboot) (CLOSED, stalkers welcome)
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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(I know, I just thought he’d say something to that effect lol.)

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(Eden would just be like “yes I do believe I can. Would you like to be crushed now or after I rip your limbs off, little man?”)

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(In the case of a witty comeback like that, Eden would scream-cry as they attempted to bite Alek’s limbs off but in the case of a scream they would scream too, hit 500 decibels and keep going.)

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(Ahhh please do, visualizing it would be so funny. I would draw it too but my cousin broke my laptop and the FedEx ppl are not helping in telling me when such things would arrive.)


Mina’s family had been in Soul Station for generations, and the Murrays being the one of the more powerful families there, Moriarty would have known them well. Perhaps he was picking a familiar face when he ensnared her.
In a way, Mina Harker and her husband Jonathan were still haunted by the events of three years ago. Some nights she cried herself to sleep, some she didn’t sleep at all. On those nights, she would hear Jonathan murmuring and whimpering in his nightmares. Sometimes it went further than three years. The fuzzy memories of a sea of black and empty graves would resurface, or it would just be a simple question in her mind. What happened to them? No one could seem to say. Mina had her own speculations of the fate of her parents, but she never had the time to investigate them.
She had extended the manor that she lived in to accommodate the orphanage she ran, as she had thought it would be convenient to have work and home be in the same place. Indeed, it was. Though managing everything would get overwhelming at times, cutting transportation out of the equation certainly made things easier. After eating dinner with the rest of the orphanage staff, Mina made her way back to her office, where she found the letter on her desk. How it got there, she wasn’t sure, but she was too curious about it to care. There were other messages and notifications on her holographic computer, but a paper letter must be more important.
Upon opening it and reading the first few words, her expression was stony. When she was finished, she was shaking, but resolute. The strange message told of James Moriarty’s offer to recruit her to team with the purpose of finding and capturing the Clay Man, who, as the letter claimed, had brought about her father’s demise. Father’s? So did that mean…?
There was also the claim that the Clay Man was actively watching her, though how or why wasn’t specified. It only said that if something happened, the criminal would find the task of killing her and the rest of her family quite simple.
Mina vaguely remembered Moriarty’s name. Vaguely. Had father known him? Is that why and how he knew all of this? She then recalled his name being mentioned in a few news broadcasts, though that seemed to be all they had, his name. Like he was a mere footnote. This didn’t exactly solidify his identity in her mind. The letter asked her to go to the Benjamin Towers building next Thursday. Perhaps she could discuss it with him then? She would like for this to be simply some sort of prank, but then, why go through the trouble of writing this on paper?
She sighed. She would go. The feeling of there being more than meets the eye rose up in the back of her mind. And of course, there was only one way to find out if this was all true.

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(Okay so uh…. first of all you made Eden very angry boi and I am approve of this. Second, Alek flipping Eden off? Perfection. Also Sherlock just is like, a mood, so yeah. Mina and Jonathan need a break.)

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(Also, Eden hair make heart go brrrrrr. Like. Nonbinary people with long hair do be hot though.)

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(Like that one meme about people dunking on that one cat but it’s Alek.

Eden: Stinky. Stinky little man.
Mina: Nooo
Eden: Disgusting, is he not?
Sherlock: yeah okay
Mina: No! Don’t call people stinky, it’s mean!
Victor1: ….
Victor1: stinky boy
Mina: Betrayal.)

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(Like obviously this wouldn’t be their dynamic in the actual RP but a man can dream of stupid shit and shitposting.)