forum wlw boarding school rp O/O
Started by @Spider-man

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"Alright…" Liese yawned a bit and returned to her other homework while Vira edited the theme and such. She tucked her bangs behind one ear to get it out of the way.


Vira nodded and editing it a it. She didn't have alot of other homework. Getting most of it done during lunch. "So since we are roommates mind sharing your number?" She asked. "Like incase one of us gets locked out or something."


"Yeah, sure…" Liese scribbled out her number on a slip of paper and slid it over to Vira on the bedside table. "There." She returned back to her homework and sighed.


Vira took the paper and put it into her phone. "Hey so you have my number" She texted to Liese before putting her phone down and lookign back at her computer.


Liese glanced down at her phone and put Vira into her phone as a contact before texting back.
She stuck her phone back into her pocket so she could continue with her homework.


Vira checked her phone when she got the text but just smiled and put it down. She got bore of the silence after awhile. "So have you gone here all of highschool?" She asked.


"Mhmm. Parents send me off." Liese replied shortly, scribbling down something else on her homework. "Don't like kids much."


Vira nodded. "that sucks," She said sounding sincere laying back on her bed. "Not the worst place they could send you though ha?" She was half joking looking over at Liese.


Liese shrugged a bit. "Guess not…" She kept writing. At least she'd be done with this soon… "Not the best either…"


Vira nodded. "All schools hae something wrong with them. Anything I should be warned about?" She closed her laptop completely not focused.


"Bitchy rich kids. School's full of them." Liese sighed softly. She nibbled on the end of her pen, looking down at her paper.


"Yeah but i already expected that. There where a few at some of my old schools. Well one of my old schools. The other ones not so much," She said rambling slightly. "But you're most likely a rich kid and you don't seem too bitchy. There has to be some other nice ones out there."


Liese shrugged a bit. "I just don't like talking." She closed her notebook and sighed again. "People don't like me. I'm fine with it."


"I can see the first part but I don't think the second ones exactly true. I understand though. Didnt have many friends back home." or any. "But can we at least agree to tolerate each other? It would make this year a lot easier."


"Sure…" Liese got up and headed into the bathroom to change into something more comfortable that she could sleep in. She came back out a few minutes later wearing sweats and without makeup on.


Vira nodded content with that answer. she got up after Liese and took a quick shower. She didn't think she was going to be able to sleep tonight but she still got into pajamas. She got out and sat on her bed. Getting out her laptop again and putting in headphones.


Liese curled up in her bed when she returned and closed her eyes. "Go to bed whenever you want… I don't care…" She soon drifted off to sleep.


Vira nodded only ha;f hearing her. She tried going to bed a few hours later bt ended up just laying there. She got up early in the morning and started silently getting ready. She did her makeup and successfully didn't look tired.


Liese awoke early in the morning to get ready for school, getting herself dressed in a new hoodie and jeans before putting on her makeup.


Vira was already ready. Sitting on her desk that she had unpacked some of her personal stuff onto. Like books and the sketchbook she usually puts designs in.


Liese headed out to class soon before the bell rang, holding her journal close to her chest. She settled herself in her desk and immediately began sketching instead of paying attention.


ira left at around teh same time. They both had english but Vira didn't attempt in any small talk just yet. She sat next to Liese again.


Liese glanced up when Vira walked in, but then turned back to her notebook and continued scribbling things down.


The teacher started talking and Vira took notes. Her mind was on the first Robotics team meeting after school. She new her mind was going to just keep drifting to that all day long. (Time skip to after school? Sorry I think I have an idea of how they can connect a bit more)