forum wlw boarding school rp O/O
Started by @Spider-man

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Liese shrugged a bit and finished off her first paper before moving onto another one. "Some people hang out with their friends here if they've got the time."


Vira nodded "Yeah I guess you are right." (time skip.)
The next day after school Vira was already in their dorm room. There was another girl with her. They were both on her bed working on Vira's laptop. Laughing about something.


When Liese walked into the room, she was understandably very confused. "Uh… Vira?" She eyed the other girl curiously. "Who's this?"


Vira looked up at Liese. "Hey Liese this is Jess. She's in my science class an is on the robotics team. She offered to help me fix my laptop." She said smiling softly. Her and JEss where sitting slightly close together on the bed. the laptop and a few tools between them.


"Alright…" Liese eyed Jess warily for a second before huddling up on her bed to silently work on her homework, clearly uneasy having other people she didn't really know in the room.


Vira talked with Jess for awhile. The other girl left about an hour later and Vira walked her out. She came back in and sat on her bed.


"It's all fixed." She opened up the laptop. "She's really nice though. If you really don't like other people over I can just try to an go out with her somewhere else."


"I just… don't like people. In general." Liese sighed softly. "I'm not generally comfortable with having people around myself, and so I don't talk to anyone."


"But I didn't at first, did I?" Liese said pointedly. "I learned to deal with it since we're literally living together at the moment."


"I guess but I bet if get to know others you would be able to talk to them too." She wasn't sure why she was pushing this so much or been cared.


Vira shrugged. "I dotn know its too soon to tell but some of them seem nice." She finished up something on her homework and laid back. Not really laying down since she wasn't close to tired or ready for bed. "I'll make sure to text you if I have Jess oer again but I'll probably just ask her to go to the library. she seems really cool. Little awkward sometimes like you." She was half joking looking over at Liese with a smile.


"I don't know… I'm not really interested in making friends, so…" Liese kept writing on her paper, huffing a bit. "I don't talk to people; people don't talk to me. It works pretty well for me."


(Alright, anything you think would work well in a boarding school setting? I was thinking maybe just getting beat up on by other students but if you have a better idea)


Liese headed back to her and Vira's shared room about twenty minutes later than usual and locked herself in the bathroom, muffled sobs coming from behind the door.