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forum "Now I know it's insane--" "I get to walk around shirtless and literally live in the lap of luxury? Where do I sign?" /Male OxOxO romance/ closed! / 16+only
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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(I am!!
Hey Whisp, do you think they met before? Dali probably saw him and went "Ah yes, another one with fae blood, I'm going to be his friend" )

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I mean, they were both on the front lines, right? They could have briefly met there if that’s true. And yeah, but their Fae blood would be of two different sub species, just for clarification.)

Deleted user

(Yeah probably. I just said half elf because he didn't know his dad and didn't show any abilities other than the general painkiller vibes)

Deleted user

(I don't mind either or, it would be quite intresting if it's the meeting)

Deleted user

(Hmm, you know that one scene in Greatest Showman where pt barnum finds the bearded lady in that washing place, something like that? Like he hears rumors of two ex milatary who work for scraps and stuff, I'm a bit tired apologies)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I haven't seen it since it was big, but from what I remember the scene is just… Yeah he's looking for people and he finds someone doing menial jobs)

Corbin was tired. He was tired of this war, tired of his advisors, tired of never being able to close his eyes without seeing his father's head at his feet. Thankfully, he might have found a solution to the first two problems. He had headed out of the palace with his guards, he attempted solution to the fear from the third problem. He adjusted his formal jacket, the color deep red. He hated it, it reminded him so much of his father's death, but there was nothing he could do.
It was tradition.
So, instead, Corbin was heading out to find the men who could help him end this war. He made his way into the work space, looking around once. The only thing he knew he could use to identify the men was their race- half elf.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Mir was mopping the floor furiously, looking incredibly exhausted with dark bags under his eyes. He stopped and stood up, not noticing that someone had walked in, reaching up to wipe sweat from his forehead. His hat fell from his head as it tilted backwards, his back bending in a stretch. He cursed under his breath as his pointed ears, white hair, and magenta eyes were revealed, reaching down with his right arm to pick it up. His arm was clearly stiff and gave jerking movements, and his fingers fumbled for the hat more than was what was just clumsy.

Deleted user

Dali stood in the back of a tavern, cleaning up tables with a dirty rag. His eyes were drooping with days of staying awake. His leg was acting up again, making him lean most of his weight on the table. One more table, then I'm done. He promised himself, the man not paying attention to anything but this damn mess on the table. One more table, one more table, one more table…

Deleted user

(I don't know, probably same building for simplicity sake)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeah, I usually do that or make one that is easily edited when I have questions)

Corbin glanced at his guards, motioning for them to stay by the door. He looked at the men working, unable to keep his eyes from widening when the one's hat fell off. Both of them looked disabled one with an arm and the other with a leg that had been too wounded for them to be any use in battle anymore. He approached the man with white hair and disabled arm.
"Excuse me," Corbin said, keeping his voice low.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Dragomir squeaked when he was addressed, stuffing his hat on, slightly cowering, afraid of the usual beating just because he was part inhuman. “Y-yes, sir…? How may I h-help you…?” He didn’t look directly at the man in front of him, trying to hide his eyes and look non-threatening. His mop had clattered to the floor and he bent and fumbled for it.