forum It's Always Sunny in the Galaxy (CLOSED 6/6 but stalkers welcome)
Started by @WriteOutofTime

people_alt 41 followers


(Put the name of the species in the race section, and then the description in the appearance section. it doesn't really matter though as long as we can tell what they look like lol)

I'll just put the detail of the past of the actual species in other then

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Is it cool if I post my character tomorrow? It’s getting late where I live and I’d prefer a few hours of sleep lol


Name: Alex Roddick (Anglicized) Ekoss Huzasht (Real name)
Age: 21
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Male
Race: Hiyaupian
Role in the Bar: Barback, and occasionally floortender or bartender when needed
Appearance: (Hiyaupians are humanoid birds much like the Rito of BOtW) White feathers with black around the eyes, wing tips, chest, and underwings. About 6'1". Narrow yellow eyes. Lean body, slightly muscular.
Normal Outfit: Blue ribbons and beads entwined through head feathers, orange scarf, cropped brown muscle shirt, tan pants with a triangle pattern around the knees, tight blue ankle bracelet.
Personality: Quiet, reserved, only speaks to those he's close to, may speak to strangers if very intoxicated, has a calm facade and when he wants, a commanding presence.
Backstory: Born on Buxus in the Rotilry solar system. He is a selective mute, born with the disorder. Alex was sent away from his hometown when he was eight so he could learn the new universal sign language that had recently been developed. Despite being able to handle being in large crowds, he could barely ever manage social interactions. He made it through school surprisingly well while dealing with his disorder. When he was invited to open a bar, he was adamant at first but eventually gave in because there wasn't really anything he was planning to do on Buxus, and he thought all the interaction involved at a bar might help him learn how to deal with his social anxiety.
Quirks: Sometimes, instead of using sign, he will just write on someone's arm with his feather.
Fun Fact: Can fly 500 feet into the air and higher if he wants.
Likes: Cheese, axes, grapes
Dislikes: Mustard, extreme amounts of social interaction, talking, iced coffee
Other: Hiyaupian is an alien race that dominates all habitable planets in three solar systems: Urbaynia, Rotilry, Dirami. They often live high up in mountains or tree villages. They vary in color, heights, and possible flight heights. Alex is a Slytherin.

Is that okay? I'm very tired so I have no idea. Tell me if anything I made up doesn't work.

@Descry pets

(Ah! Also, kind of an update- I changed the age on my character's profile thing cause I see that everyone else's characters are in their twenties sooo..)

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i’m sorry this took so long!

Name: Caseya Ferentei
Age: 22 3/4 in human years, 113 years in Alenian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Race: Aleni (a race of sirens that have the ability to shapeshift and of course have the enchanting voice, although they can choose to have their voice be enchanting or not).
Role in the Bar: Entertainment (singer)/ Floortender
Appearance: In human form, Cas has honey colored skin, curly toffee colored hair, the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen, and a splattering of freckles. She has an hourglass shape, and stands at 5’6”. She keeps her teeth nice and sharp in case of she needs to scare of someone getting too close. In Alenian form, she has light blue skin and gills. Cas’ hair is now slicked back and perfectly straight, and her ears are pointed much like an elf’s. Her eye color stays the same, and so do her teeth. Cas also has tribal markings in a darker blue etched on her skin.
Normal Outfit: Cas prefers light and airy clothes, so she often wears loose clothes. Her regular outfit consists of a loose white tee and black joggers with tennis shoes.
Personality: Cas is confident and knows what she wants, and will do anything to get it. Using her charms, she can get out of almost any situation, which is useful for how much trouble she gets in. A troublemaker at heart, she loves playing small jokes on the team. Although she puts up a confident front, she’s secretly feels she’s easily replaceable on the team and they all secretly hate her. She pushes this down though, which creates an unhealthy problem with self confidence mentally.
Backstory: Cas comes from an ancient race of sirens, which live in the deep ocean. She grew up as the daughter of a respectable and honorable warrior, and was expected to follow in her mother’s footsteps. For reasons unknown to the team, she was exiled at the age of 15 and was on the run for a few years before finding the team. The group has become a second family for her, and she loves them all deeply.
Quirks: Cas always taps in threes; fingers on her legs, or her foot tapping on the floor. When she smiles, her eyes crinkle and she has dimples.
Fun Fact: Cas calls each of her teammates keina, which is love in her language.
Likes: the ocean, cuddling, singing, tea, the rain
Dislikes: strangers getting too close, small spaces, people pressuring her, any kind of bigotry
Other (hogwarts house, MBTI, zodiac, whatever else): Slytherin, Scorpio

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Sorry about that, I was busy! I'll get it up soon

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Name: Adelaide Juliet Carter, but she usually goes by Carter. Why? Because it gives her that bad-ass vibe, you know?
Age: 23
Sexuality: She isn’t sure yet, but probably bisexual.
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Role in the Bar: Bartender
Height: 5'7
Eye Color: Her eye colour is a deep brown, with a dark circle around the iris.
Hair Color: Dark brown, average stuff. She never ties it, except for when she’s training.
General Features: Carter is skinny, but healthy. Her body type is average. She has shoulder-length chestnut hair, a round face with big brown eyes and large eyelashes, slightly thick, perfect shaped eyebrows and a few freckles on her cheekbones, but they’re barely visible. She also has fair, smooth skin. (
Normal Outfit: She usually wears jeans/leggings and over sized T-shirts with different messages on it. If it’s cold, you’ll see her wearing a hoodie with jeans, she’s pretty basic. Since Carter doesn’t really like bright colours, she often wears dark ones, like black, dark purple, dark red and dark blue. These are her favourite ones! At night, she usually wears dark red simple PJs. But but! She almost always wears her pale green jacket, is also has a white C on its back! She says it stands for Carter. She got it from Jeremiah on their 13th birthday
Personality: Carter is usually quiet, she doesn’t enjoy being around people, except her brother. She’s very protective, even though Jeremiah is five minutes older than her. The human can be found in her room, drawing or simply laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. If she isn’t there, she’s probably at the bar, doing her job or probably talking to Jeremiah.
Backstory: You'll see (a.k.a. it's long and I don't want to type it all out)
Quirks: She tends to pace back and forth when she’s thinking, anxious or scared. Carter can be too honest, unaware of the fact that the truth can hurt some people. When she’s nervous or embarrassed, she’ll twirl a strand of hair around her index finger. Carter has a black, simple watch, but she carries it in her pocket instead of on her wrist. So, if anyone asks her what the time is, she’ll just yank out a watch out of one of her jacket’s pocket.
Fun Fact: She has a twin brother named Jeremiah Carter
Likes: Reading, drawing, acting, her friends, listening to music, exploring
Dislikes: Loud noises, strangers
Other: Hufflepuff, Aries

(Is she okay? Also, sorry I took so long)

Deleted user

(Is she okay? Also, sorry I took so long)

She's great!
