forum Senior Notebook Prom! (Registration open until May 3rd)
Started by @RedTheLoveless

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Eris twirled again, her dress flaring out around her thighs. She enjoyed the beat of the bass against her skin and moved her body to follow the sound. Smiling the tiniest bit, she raised her hands, letting all the stress and worries fall away to just have fun.

Deleted user

"Yesss!" Logan hissed, tongue sticking out happily, like a sneck. They were definitely some sort of high, either on meds or sugar.

@Moxie group

Moxie's eyes lit up a little. "Yes I love Heathers! Logan have you seen the youtube video of Thomas Sanders singing Freeze Your Brain?"

Deleted user

"Of course I have! Who do you think I am?" Logan looked a bit offended, mock offence of course.

@Moxie group

"Oh yes of course, what was I thinking?" Moxie said to Logan, in a joking tone. She turned to Jynnie. "Is that the one that was really bad where they changed a lot of stuff?"

@TeamMezzo group

Starr laughed, a sort of insane kind of laugh. "You want me to dance?"

"Yes! It'll be fun! Cmon!" Asaya was almost pleading.

@TeamMezzo group

"Yes, I want you to dance. You won't die, I promise." Asaya giggled. She grabbed Starr's hand and dragged her onto the floor.

@Painted-Iris group

Iris, now back at one of the tables on the side watched people continue to dance around. Pulling out her phone, she opening a particular app to talk with a few older online friends.
She smiled a bit at the silly responses a few sent. It was always something Iris liked to check when feeling stressed.

(older as in knowing them long, not older in age, though one technically is)

@HighPockets group

"Oh yes of course, what was I thinking?" Moxie said to Logan, in a joking tone. She turned to Jynnie. "Is that the one that was really bad where they changed a lot of stuff?"

"That's the one!" Jyn said with a laugh, "They kept in some…interesting lines from Dead Girl Walking, but cut out Kurt and Ram."