forum NaNoWriMo 2020 roll call
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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@Starfast group

^ I don't see why not. I've always used it for writing stories but I've heard of people using it to write scripts for plays and stuff like that.

@YukiSenoue group

I think I might end up writing a book but in podcast form, becuase I'm a podcaster but not very good at actual writing. Does that sound like,,, okay for nawrimo?

Yes. You're what they call a "rebel". They're welcome and appreciated.


I've done NaNoWriMo for 5 years, but the first year I did the little kid version that's like 15,000 words. Every year I make the same mistake, I don't plan out what I'm going to do, so this time I have it all planed out.
This year I am writing the first book in my as of now unnamed trilogy but the first book is called "Building of Peace"
We are going to be following Cador the Eldest of the Senvien Royal family. Our Instigating event is the Kings assassination. It's going to be focused on the issues that the assassination causes, the war mongering, and over all weakening of the government that happens. We're going to slide in some Family drama, because this boy is 19, and has two younger sisters Lily and Azizia. Some betrayal for flavor, a bit of scandal for spice, a kidnapping for tension, a bit of romance for word count. It's going to be a bit of a slow burn as far as books go very character driven so I'm spending the final day's of prep fleshing out characters outlining arcs and so on.


instead of an entire new project, i may just take my current existing project(which some of you have probably heard me talk about, considering how constantly it and the characters get mentioned) and just…actually start writing, using nano as inspo

@HighPockets group

instead of an entire new project, i may just take my current existing project(which some of you have probably heard me talk about, considering how constantly it and the characters get mentioned) and just…actually start writing, using nano as inspo

Same plan. I think there's a writing competition coming up near me, so I might try and write a short little snippet for that.


instead of an entire new project, i may just take my current existing project(which some of you have probably heard me talk about, considering how constantly it and the characters get mentioned) and just…actually start writing, using nano as inspo

Same plan. I think there's a writing competition coming up near me, so I might try and write a short little snippet for that.

oh fun!! if i get anything done with mine(it's the story with catori!) i'll make sure to send it your way lmao

@HighPockets group

instead of an entire new project, i may just take my current existing project(which some of you have probably heard me talk about, considering how constantly it and the characters get mentioned) and just…actually start writing, using nano as inspo

Same plan. I think there's a writing competition coming up near me, so I might try and write a short little snippet for that.

oh fun!! if i get anything done with mine(it's the story with catori!) i'll make sure to send it your way lmao

D: you better!


I've been meaning to do this for ages, but my ideas were never fully thought out until now. I've just finished the first chapter in my story and I plan on using NaNoWriMo as motivation to keep at it. We'll have to see where it goes though, as I ended up scrapping the entire outline I had before (I made it too detailed and didn't leave enough breathing space for creativity ^^;) I hope fanfiction counts, because that's what I'm doing this year. I heard it's good practice, and I came to realize people are more likely to read something if it's already part of an existing franchise, something they're already familiar with.

Lol kinda regret writing chapter one before November, because that would've been 5,000 words off the bat


I'm participating for the first time, but I haven't set any goals for sure yet…… maybe a few thousand words? a couple more chapters?


I'm considering participating for the first time, but I'm worried I won't have time between studying for finals and preparing for my mom's next surgery. But I have a general idea, and I'd like to just try and write as much as I can!

The basic plot: Every major city is divided into territories belonging to the richest and most powerful people, known as Holders, in the area. In their territory they have the power to do whatever they'd like, and the police often turn a blind eye towards illegal activities as long as word doesn’t get out to other cities. It’s like a game—if the person who owns the territory gets caught, the territory is passed along to the next most powerful person. As you can imagine, this leads to a lot of framing and setting up and bribing. Anyways, so there's this new Holder that recently just overthrew the previously most powerful Holder in existence, and everyone is terrified of him for obvious reasons.

So then enter the protagonist, who's had a bounty placed on his head for an unknown reason by said Holder. The protagonist then goes on and finds allies in unexpected places as he tries to flee the territory, only to find in the end that he's still needed there.

The actual plot is still relatively underdeveloped and it could go anywhere (none of it is final, obviously), but it's an idea I've been wanting to flesh out for a while. All I know for sure is it's going to be a fantasy/drama orientated story, with potential hints of romance and mystery.


So… how was everyone's first day of NaNoWriMo?

It was great. I didn't get anything done concerning my actual novel, but I did write a lot in general. And I had some really cool ideas for it., which I'm excited to get started on.


i spent most of the day baking and then limbing trees up to a like six foot fence line–i think around six or seven trees–so i didn't get any writing done but tomorrow i have a free first half of the day so i should be good to write

@HighPockets group

I'm going to be spending most of tomorrow trying my hand at editing a video, as well as finishing up math work and then making some Important Decisions involving an extracurricular I'm in, so I doubt I'll get too much done then either :(
Good luck to y'all though!!

@Mojack group

So… how was everyone's first day of NaNoWriMo?

Almost 4000 words. That’s thousands more than what I got done last year…so I’d say good.


I'm at 2,277 words, we already have two deaths… oops. And we're about to go into a mental break down for one character so, let's do this. My hope is to get to 3 or 4 thousand before going to bed.

@larcenistarsonist group

Im aiming for 35k words!! I'm working on a fic that already has about 1000 words, but I have a plot (ish). Most likely I'm just gonna forget the plot and barf random words onto a google doc! :D YAY

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I'm at 2,277 words, we already have two deaths… oops. And we're about to go into a mental break down for one character so, let's do this. My hope is to get to 3 or 4 thousand before going to bed.

My first ~600 words are about the world itself (and everything on it) dying. (Mass) deaths are a great way to start! :)