forum NaNoWriMo 2020 roll call
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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i tried last year and write about 27k words in poems, because that's all i do
unfortunately, i lost all my work this march, and i'll be trying again this year.

@LabradeedleLabradoodle public

I'm going to attempt it for the first time. I honestly had never heard it before, but 100 pages is a lot lolol, it's intimidating.

I agree my man, I can't write 5 words without my brain sizzling like some bacon

@LabradeedleLabradoodle public

(so i'd recommend trying to keep it in one area on the ground, and maybe not outside or it might get preyed on and eaten by a stray cat or some shit, it's best to let it try to heal on its own as since bird wings tend to be fragile anything you do could break it more)


I'm going to attempt it for the first time. I honestly had never heard it before, but 100 pages is a lot lolol, it's intimidating.

I agree my man, I can't write 5 words without my brain sizzling like some bacon

I suffer from hardcore writers block the further I get into a story, so that's fun


I've done NaNo like…three or four times? Done 50,000 words once, but I've gotta go back to that story eventually and completely start over since I had zero (0) plot structure, so all 50,000 words (like 120 pages) is basically just the three main characters wandering around in a forest and randomly discovering things about each other. It's boring as hell.

But idk if i can do it this year, simply because of ~time~

@Katastrophic group

I'm going to be kinda participating I guess?
I'm using NaNoWriMo as the excuse to finalize my draft, and hopefully get a solid outline on the next two parts/books. I have so many plotholes already >.>

@furetakunai ac_unit

You should at least give a shot. The worst that can happen is you don't finish. And you can do what Katastrophe is doing and not actually write a novel but like a draft or somethin' ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑

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I think I might end up writing a book but in podcast form, becuase I'm a podcaster but not very good at actual writing. Does that sound like,,, okay for nawrimo?