forum With light comes dark. (OxO)
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Phrog-King terrain

"Okay, apple juice it is" Niko smiled, lightening up a bit. He waltzed off into the kitchen and came back not seconds later with a large glass of apple juice. He placed it on the coffee table in front of Aragorn and sat down across from him, looking out the window

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorns eyes widened slightly as he sees the glass. He then smiles slightly and softly whispers a “thank you” to Niko. They then seemed to pause for a moment before slowly eating. Though, Aragorns attempts for eating slowly failed miserably as they scarfed down the rest of their food in under three minutes. After he was done, he looked up at Niko and tilted his head. He watched the man for a moment, trying to figure out what that look was that seeped through his eyes into his aura.

“Are you alright?” Aragorn asked softly after a while, his piercing blue eyes seeming to soften.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko seemed to have been out in a whole different place. A separate time. He was jolted back to the present by Aragorn's words, yet he seemed to have anticipated the question, seeing as he didn't even comprehend them. "Yea. I'm okay" He turned back to face them and noticed that they had, once again, wolfed his meal down. "Would you like more?" he asked softly, seeming to mourn the world he'd just left

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looks into Nikos eyes, then shakes his head. “No. That’s alright. Thank you.” He says softly. He then sets his plate and empty cup down and offers a hand to Niko. He noticed that area. Grief. Sure this man would only see the light in people, but these emotions were hard to miss. Especially since they weren’t evil. They were what made up a person.

“Would you like to tell me where you went?” Aragorn asked softly, keeping his hand out as an offering of comfort.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Ah. I went to Sion." Niko said, taking the hand and standing, yet not dropping it. "To a time when he was still here with me. And I could still hold him" Niko uttered these words with a type of sorrow that one who has lost much and cracked under the pressure. He shuddered slightly, giving Aragorn's hand one tight squeeze before dropping it, and resuming his cheerful distant smile.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looked into Niko with true understanding and concern. He then moved over and patted the seat next to him. He wanted to do anything he could to comfort this poor man. Grief was harder alone…

“How can I help…?” He murmurs, tilting his head to the side.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Ah. I'm not sure. I guess, you just being here. Just showing up on my doorstep that fateful night. It gave me purpose for the first time in a while. I have someone to, I guess, take care of." He muttered, still slightly distant when he sat down next to him. "Being a doctor, and a husband, it give me an intense need to care for people. To care for my patients, and to care for the people around me. I haven't had many people around me lately, so thank you" he said, sighing. "But I apologize. You don't need to deal with my problems on top of all of what you're going through.." he trailed off

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn shakes his head, looking at Niko with a soft gaze. “Niko…” he murmurs, “You deserve someone listening to you…I can understand how it feels to feel lonely. You just need someone to see you. To listen. And I think fate decided for us to meet. You were in need of company…and I salvation…” he chuckles softly, gently rubbing Niko’s back to attempt to comfort and ground him.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko leaned into Aragorn gently, not seeming to realize or care "Thank you." he said, just sitting there in silence for a while, letting the moment bond them.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn nods and hugs the man gently. Niko definitely seemed like he needed some comfort. The poor man…”I’m sorry you had to go through so much pain…I hope I can make at least some subside. If only by a little.” He says softly, trying to keep a soothing tone. “Grief is difficult to venture alone. So…if you’ll let me…I can try my best to assist you.”

@Phrog-King terrain

"okay" he muttered. It had been so long since he relaxed. Since he talked to anyone about his problems. He just sat in thought, images of his life passing by him. Images of his husband, mostly. And his family. He saw Sion, his short blackish-blue hair swaying in his face as he ran up to greet him. His light brown eyes in their almond shape, upturned at the corners and pushed up by his light-tinted cheeks from a smile. And that smile. His straight white teeth, even with the small gap between the front pair. His lips were full and rosy. His fair and fairly unblemished skin was aglow in the dewy morning light. He was gorgeous. Niko smiled a bit at the thought. "I want to show you something" He said, moving to get up

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looks up at Niko, smiling. “Oh?” He tries to get up, hissing in pain. Eventually, he gave up and slumped forward. “If I need to get up…let me know and I’ll prepare myself…” they mumbles, grunting as he tries to get his pain to leave.

@Phrog-King terrain

"No, no no no" He muttered like a concerned parent. "I'll bring it to you, just stay." He said, heading to his room and coming back with a picture. He sat down next to them and handed him the picture. It was of the Asian man with the blueish hair. He was smiling and standing with Niko. "This is Sion." the two looked very happy. They were standing in front of the house they were presently in, and holding hands. Sion looked to be at the peak of his life. Niko seemed so different. He seemed less worn and tired. His eyes weren't sunken, and they sparkled with a pure contentment that was no longer present. His smile showed less anguish, and that he wished for everyone to experience such happiness. His face was clean shaven, but he still had his signature dreadlocks

(feel free to add detail for spice)

@Eli-the-transboi group

(Ooooo I likeee)

Aragorn stared at the picture with a soft smile on his lips. Both seemed to have such bright auras. So full of purity and happiness. So much good. It was so sweet. “You both seem so at peace.” He murmured, gently tracing the frame. They noticed Niko still had that same goodness around him, if only a little dim from sorrow. Yet that was to be expected. Poor thing…

“How old was he…?” He asks softly, looking at Niko. Yeah…that aura was definitely altered by time. Different colors, different brightness. Yet…there was still that caring brightness to it all.

@Phrog-King terrain

"He was 24 at the time of the picture. It was right after he had finished building us this house. At the time of his death he was only 26" He said, a sorrowful smile on his lips as he looked at the photo. Reggie slithered up on his lap "Hi baby. I know. I miss him too". He then turned to Aragorn. "We got Reggie shortly before this photo. Sion got him for us with the house. He was so small, and he grew so fast." He mentioned, motioning to the snake

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles and gently boops Reggie. “Poor babies..” He murmurs. He was not just mentioning Reggie, but also the widowed Niko. “I could imagine how much that could hurt…I’m so sorry you two had to go through that…it’s truly not fair.” They sigh heavily, gently tracing his finger over Reggie’s head.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Ah, some things just don't go your way" He joked, holding Reggie's head. "We're big boys. We'll be alright. He said giving Reggie a light noogie. He sighed. "How are you feeling in terms of motion? When you're strong enough we need to do a bit of physical therapy for your arm and leg. You broke several important bones, and won't walk or move your arm right for a bit. It'll be worse if we don't do the therapy for a bit"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn nods slightly, then sighs. “I can move slightly…but it causes a lot of pain and discomfort.” He murmurs, looking down at Reggie. “But it’s alright…I’m sure if I tried I’d be able to move around enough.” He whispers, gently tracing his hand down Reggie’s body. He then smiles softly as he seems to relax.

@Phrog-King terrain

"How is your arm feeling though? Your range of motion and your hands will be a bit wonky, so we could suggest doing grip strength exercises?" Niko said calmly. He sat on the arm of the couch near Aragorn's feet, and smoothed Reggies scales when the serpent slithered up close

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looks back over to Niko, then his own arm. He attempted to move his hand, but he could only get himself to wiggle his fingers. Yet, even that caused discomfort. They cringed slightly as they laid his head back. This isn’t gonna go well… he thought as he looked back over to Niko. “Yeah…that sounds like a good plan.” He smiles, nodding in agreement.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Aragorn. If it hurts you shouldn't do it. But if you say you can, I'll get the grippers and some other stuff" He said standing up a bit in hesitation.