forum With light comes dark. (OxO)
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn laughs, watching the cuteness unfold in front of him. “Adorable.” He mumbles. “You sound like a father.” He snickers softly, then coughs. “Ow…” he mutters under their breath. He lays his head back, closing his eyes for a moment while taking soft, deep breaths.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Yea. The only kid I've ever had is this guy" he said, setting Reginold down on the ground and watching as the snake slithered over to Aragorn, making his way up the side of the couch and onto the man's lap "Reggie!" Niko snickered. The snake looked at him, looked at Aragorn, and then laid his head down on the man's stomach. "Sir Reginold Sebastion Arthur Berkan the First" He said in a most serious tone. "Get down from there. You could hurt him"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles warmly as the snake slithers over to him. He then very gently traces his finger over the top of Reginold’s head. “It’s alright…he’s adorable.” He murmurs, seeming to relax. “He’s like a puppy.” They laugh softly, gently booping the snake. “Are you a brat?” He grins softly. “Yeah I bet you are. So bratty.” His tone completely shifted from pain filled, to baby talk. “Aww…” he chuckles.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko's brain short circuits. He just met this man, but seeing such a beautiful man be so gentle with a big, venomous snake was the cutest thing he'd seen in his life. He had the most internal gay panic known to gays ever

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles down at the snake. “I bet you cause so much trouble. Don’t you? Yes.” He grins, gently petting him. “Are you spoiled? Hm?” They seemed so relaxed as they pet and spoke to the snake, as if this was his life purpose. He seemed so happy. Hell, he probably was. He himself couldn’t tell though…he’d never felt happiness as far as he could remember.

After a while, Aragorn playfully boops the snake again. “Such a cuddle bug.” They whisper, smiling.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko's gay panic subsides just slightly, but he simply watches. This was so cute to him "I still can't believe he ate my shoe" he said, laughing a bit. "He's a good boy though" he said, smiling.

He looked out the window. It was getting late. "Are you hungry?"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn snickers softly, “Oh…he’s a shoe eater.” He gently taps the top of Reginold’s head. “Cheeky little thing.” They then looks up at Niko and nod. “Yes please…I haven’t eaten in a while…” they admit. He hadn’t gotten a chance to…and that was probably why he was so weak.

“I’ll take anything.”

@Phrog-King terrain

"What do you like? I can make some Rarebit if you'd like." He said, walking to the kitchen, but keeping a good ear out for their reply. "Don't worry. Here, you'll eat regularly" he said, smiling even though Aragorn couldn't see him

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles warmly. “Anything will do.” He says softly. “I haven’t eaten in a week…and I’m not picky.” He chuckles softly, closing his eyes as he gently pets Reginald. “Oh…did Reginald eat as well?” He opens his eyes. Of course he’d circle back to the snake…he did that with almost every animal, reptile, you name it.

@Phrog-King terrain

"He ate two really fat birds yesterday. He should be good until tomorrow morning." He replied, thinking it was so cute that Aragorn always came back to Reginald. "You really need to eat more. If you get hungry at all, just get something from the kitchen. If you are not comfortable with that, ask me and I'll feed you. You don't have to want for anything here. Especially not food. " He said, cooking, yet focused on their conversation

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn blinks, “Wait- really?” He seemed so surprised…like this was the first time in his life he didn’t have to worry about food. Where his next meal was going to be. They felt…odd. They then smile warmly in gratitude. “Thank you…you are very kind.” He says softly. “I guess I got lucky when I was transported here.” He laughs softly, looking down at Reginald.

@Phrog-King terrain

Nikolaia lets out a humored breath. "Of course. I guess it's just my nature as a doctor. Helping people" He brought out three plates. One in each of his hands, and one balanced on his left arm. He handed Aragorn the plate in his right hand, put the plate on his arm on the floor next to them, and set the plate in his right hand on the table. "Sorry, he has to get up for a second," Niko said to Aragorn before once again, clicking his tongue like a cat owner, and speaking to Reginald "Reggie honey. You gotta eat" He then turned his attention back to Aragorn as Reginald slithered off the couch and to the plate Niko had set down. "I know I said he just ate, but I still like to give him a little something, even if it's just a bit of meat. I always put multivitamins in his food so he gets all his nutrients"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles as he watches the snake slighter off. They then take the plate offered, thanking Niko and looking up at him. A grateful look gleamed in his eye as he smiled warmly. Somehow, he had forgotten about his pain, only paying attention to his surroundings. “It’s no problem. And thank you so much…” He murmurs, trying to sit up slightly. It caused a lot of pain, but he managed to get himself propped up enough to eat his food comfortably.

It didn’t take long before Aragorn started eating. They ate quickly. Too quickly. As if someone…anyone could snatch the plate up at any time. It only took a couple of minutes before his plate was completely empty. He looked up at Niko and smiled at him. “Thank you…”

@Phrog-King terrain

"Aragorn. Slow down. It's okay" He smiled sadly. He found it so upsetting that he had all the implications of past abuse. He was glad that he seemed to be enjoying the food though. "Do you want some more?" He asked in response. He got up and gently took the plate, leaving his own food completely uneaten on the table. He also took the completely empty plate from Reggie.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn blinked as he was asked if he wanted more food. He looked dumbfounded. He’s never been asked that before. They take a long while to process this before hesitantly nodding. “Y-yes please. If you don’t mine. M-my apologies.” he quickly said, trying to avoid any snap back for his decision.

Usually, if he was even offered food, he’d have to deny it. If he did accept it, it showed weakness. The one time he did accept it, he had to quickly apologize before he was slapped. “Starvation is weakness” A familiar voice rang in his head. “If you show weakness…you will be killed.” Aragorn shuddered at the memory.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Aragorn. Do not ever apologize to me for accepting an offer" He said sternly, yet gently. "Now, before I go into the kitchen, what do you want to drink? I've got milk, juice, water, and tea. pigwch eich gwenwyn"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn clears his throat, then he smiles slightly. “Anything will do. Thank you.” He nods in appreciation. They then slowly close their eyes, trying to let a sudden burst of pain subside. He hated pain…but there was nothing this poor man could do.

@Phrog-King terrain

A few moments later, Nikolaia came back in with a plate full of food and a large mug of warm tea. "It's Devil's Claw tea. It won't completely erase the pain, but it should help it subside a bit, as for the food, it's just more Rarebit" He handed Aragorn the food and sat down.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles brightly and gladly takes them both. “Thank you…you have no idea how much I appreciate this…” he murmurs, trying his best to eat slower this time. Though no matter how hard he tried, he ended up finishing his plate within five minutes.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Are you full? I want to make sure you eat all you want" he said, still having not touched his plate once since he set it down. "Make sure not to move too much for the next, I'd say…" he looked at his watch "30 minutes. You have to leave time for the tea time to work" He pet Reggie as the snake started slithering back towards Aragorn. "He likes you a lot."