forum With light comes dark. (OxO)
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn nods and smiles. “I’m full…thank you so much…” He looked so grateful, his iced blue eyes shining. For the first time since he could remember…he felt…hope. After a moment, they nod again, “Alright…I’m…really tired anyway…” He looks down at Reggie and smiles brightly. “He does? Awww…”

After a moment, Aragorn glances up at Niko’s plate. “Are you ok? You haven’t eaten anything…” They frown slightly, seeming worried.

@Phrog-King terrain

"I'm fine. I always make food for myself, out of habit, but usually just end up eating snacks throughout the day." He said, getting up and taking his plate to the kitchen. He then walked up behind the couch and gently touched Reggie's head while the snake was on Aragorn's lap. "Goodnight bud. Goodnight Aragorn" he said, walking into the hall and out of view.

He entered his room and looked at his dresser. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he noticed a picture he kept there. It was of his late husband. He picked up the photo and traced his finger along the picture. "Dw i'n dy garu di Sion. Rwy'n colli chi ac mae'n ddrwg gen I."

@Eli-the-transboi group


Aragorn looked worried, but he decided not to press on. They just smiled softly at Niko, nodding. “Good night…thank you.” He looks down at Reggie and gently pets him as they doze off. After a moment, he couldn’t help but overhear Niko speak in Welsh. He frowns softly as he listens, then sighs. Don’t get into that poor man’s business… he thought to himself. Though…Aragorn just couldn’t help but worry. They understood what loss felt like…and from those words…

Aragorn blinks and shakes his head, trying to clear their thoughts. Just save it for tomorrow. He sighs and closes his eyes, sleepily tracing his fingers along the top of Reggie’s head. He was so incredibly tired…hopefully he’d be able to sleep tonight. If anything…they hoped they wouldn’t wake this kind man up with his nightmares. Aragorn debated on whether to even let himself sleep. Sadly, he would lose the battle eventually and fall into a deep sleep.

His nightmares didn’t take long before they plagued Aragorns mind with terrifying images. Death, gore, loss…then suddenly, images of the cult finding him came to mind. Those evil creatures taking Niko…killing him just like the rest. Aragorn started screaming and thrashing in his sleep, his heart pounding in their chest. “No!” He cried, trembling with fear.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko jumped out of bed, hearing Aragorn's screams. He rushed to the man's side and crouched beside him, gently shaking him yet trying to steady his thrashing. He not only wanted to help him, but he didn't want him to further injure himself. "Aragorn," he said once the man stopped his turning. He held the man's head close to him, like a mother comforting a child. "Shhh. It's alright. Hush fy annwyl. Bydd popeth yn iawn, oherwydd yfory bydd golau" He quickly switched from speaking to singing, and from english to welsh "Bydd hi'n dywyll o bryd i'w gilydd, ond cofiwch gadw fy ngeiriau. Oherwydd pan fyddwch chi'n deffro bydd yr haul yn tywynnu"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn gasped, his eyes opening. He quickly looked around, then noticed that Niko was holding him…singing. They blink as they looked up at this man. They still looked panicked, but now…confused as well. He wasn’t used to this. Though…something about this calmed him. Aragorn shuddered and hid his face in Niko’s shoulder, trembling. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to…” He whimpers, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. He felt so bad for waking Niko up. He didn’t deserve to have to deal with Aragorn’s problems.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Hey. Don't apologize. Please. This is not your fault. I was awake, you were having nightmares. It's okay. He then spoke more of the song stroking Aragorn's hair gently. "Pan fyddwch yn deffro, gwrandewch ar fy ngeiriau, oherwydd nid yw'r byd yn greulon fel y bu. Mae yna angenfilod, yn sicr ddigon, ond byddwch chi'n ymladd, ac yn ennill" He continued holding the man, stroking his hair and whispering calming nothings. "It's alright. I won't ask you to talk about it, but I will comfort you." He opted to let Aragorn go should he want to pull away. He wasn't bothered by this at all
'The nature of Doctors is a funny thing' he thought. 'I care for people out of no where, simply because they are people, and they are hurting'

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn’s breathing slowed, and so did his heart. Soon, he had calmed down. They let Niko hold them, secretly enjoying the feeling of being held…being cared for. He hadn’t had physical affection from anyone for years now…and to be honest…he was touch starved. Aragorn’s eyes slowly closed as he leaned into Niko, relaxing ever so slightly. One could feel his muscles slowly relax as he dozed off, now half asleep. They were so tired…so exhausted from running…from fighting.

After a while, Aragorn murmurs softly under his breath. “Thank you…”

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko held him, sitting on the couch slowly so as not to wake him. He listened to Aragorn's breathing. Listened to it slow. He felt his heart rate slow and his muscles relax. "Mae'n iawn nawr. Cwsg yn dda, fy annwyl" He said, softly, stroking his hair and letting him sleep.
Niko, however, did not sleep. He continued holding the man, not once moving from his spot. He was deep in thought by the time morning came. He saw the sunlight as it began filtering through his windows, giving off a warm, comforting glow in his plant-filled forest home. He smiled. It had been a while since he had anyone to care for. He had moved far away from the populated towns a while back. His husband had built this home when they had first gotten married, as a gift. Sion had said 'I want you and our children to always have a safe place to return to' and it had persuaded Niko to stay here once Sion had passed. To keep his memory close

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looked so peaceful as he slept. He held onto Niko as if he were the only thing keeping them from floating away. As the light shown onto him, it made his pale hair and skin seem to glow. This seemed to calm Aragorn even more, making them seem so happy…peaceful. Safe. He honestly looked adorable. The exact opposite of intimidating.

Aragorn slept until 10 that day, too exhausted to even move in his sleep. The poor guy hadn’t got an ounce of good sleep in over 30 years. It’s been so long. It was no wonder his body took this perfect time to rest and absorb as much sunlight as it could. Once Aragorn woke up, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, sitting up. His pain had subsided a good amount, but it was still there.

A soft grunt escaped Aragorns lips as he sat up and looked around. He then looked out the window and blinks. “Oh…how long…”

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko hadn't moved since he sat down the previous night. The man gave a pleased smile when Aragorn sat up. "Good morning. It's 10 in the afternoon. How did you sleep?" He asked, stretching his arms, which, also, hadn't been moved in hours.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn blinks. “It’s 10?! Why didn’t you wake me?!” He rubs his forehead. “Oh I am so sorry…I didn’t mean to oversleep. I didn’t try to…” They seemed panicked now, as if they were about to get beaten and attempting to prevent it like a terrified child. “I’m so sorry…” Their voice quivered with fear. Like he was living his life’s terrors all over again.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. I'm not gonna hit you, or anything like that. I let you sleep because you seemed really tired and very comfortable." He put his hand on theirs. "Do you want breakfast?" He asked calmly. The sleep deprivation was very apparent in Niko's appearance in the morning light. He looked much different than he did their first interaction. It was like one was getting a good look at him for the first time. His dreadlocks were pulled back in a loose ponytail. He had dark bags under his eyes, and he just looked exhausted. His stubble was greying, even though he wasn't even thirty yet. His smile though. His smile was that of one who had seen so much and didn't want anyone else to feel such pain. It was the face of a worn old man on a 27 year old doctor

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looks into Niko’s eyes, silent for a long time. The boys seemed to have a sort of connection. Their own life experiences. They were both in pain. Aragorn could relate…he sighed and looks down in gratitude. “Thank you…” He whispers. “I’m so sorry…” He mumbles softly. He then nods slightly at the question. “If you can…please.” He looks back up at Niko, a look of gratitude and understanding lingering in their eyes.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Of course. How does bacon and laverbread sound?" He asked, getting up and heading towards the kitchen. He more hobbled in that direction, actually. He still needed to stretch his legs. Niko, being ever attentive, listened for Aragorn's reply

@Eli-the-transboi group

“That sounds amazing. Thank you.” Aragorn said gratefully. “May I say…” He murmurs, “You are an amazing cook.” They smiled. A genuine tone sat heavily in Aragorns voice, showing just how thankful he was for all of this. They honestly felt spoiled.

After a moment, Aragorn looked around for Reggie, wondering if the snake had been startled by his night terrors last night.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Thank you. Reggie is in my room. You can go get him if you like. He likes to hang out on my bed." He said, frying bacon and humming the Welsh song he had sung to Aragorn the night before. "Hush fy annwyl. "Bydd popeth yn iawn, oherwydd yfory bydd golau.." he muttered under his breath, concentrating on the food

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles softly, then slowly makes his way off the couch, hissing in pain. They then immediately sit back down, leaning back against the couch. It hurt too much to stand, so they just decided to stay where they were. Let their leg heal more. After a while of breathing, he listened to Niko’s singing.

“You have a beautiful voice.” He murmurs, looking towards the kitchen.

@Phrog-King terrain

"Hm?" Niko sounded as a reply. He sounded surprised like no one had told him that in a long time. "Thank you. The song is one my mother sung to me when I was just a bachgen" He muttered after a second, singing a bit louder "Bydd hi'n dywyll o bryd i'w gilydd, ond cofiwch gadw fy ngeiriau. Oherwydd pan fyddwch chi'n deffro bydd yr haul yn tywynnu"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn listens, smiling warmly as he relaxes. The mans voice sounded that of an angels. They’ve always enjoyed listening to music…and this was beautiful. Aragorn leans back as they indulge in the beautiful voice, closing his eyes. Wow… He thought, taking a deep breath.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko continued singing as he approached with food. He stopped in front of Aragorn, noticing that his eyes were closed. "Bacon and laverbread" He said, handing them the plate. "Would you like some juice? I have orange and apple. There is also coffee" he said, stepping away slightly.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn opens his eyes and looks up at Niko. He then smiles as he takes the plate. “Thank you.” he says gratefully. “Anything works. Thank you.” They smile warmly, sitting up with a small grunt and propping the plate in their lap. “Would you like me to eat at the table? I understand some may think it’s ill mannered to stay on the couch.” They chuckle softly, getting ready to get up.

No matter how much pain they were in, they still wanted to let this kind man know that they actually cared. That he was grateful. Even if it meant putting himself through pain to do so.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko scoffed lightly. "Stay where you are. Tell me what you want" He smiled. He knew the man was in pain and didn't want him to get up. He also wanted to get him what he wanted not just whatever He smiled at him. "Juice or coffee"

@Eli-the-transboi group

“Um…” Aragorn sits back down, seeming torn. “It- really doesn’t matter.” He smiles. They definitely weren’t used to options. They got what they got and they appreciated it. He usually had to fight for his food anyways. “I…um…just whatever is quickest…?” He muttered, looking up at Niko sheepishly. Internally, he begged the gods that was the right answer.

@Phrog-King terrain

Niko sighed. "Do you want apple or orange?" He didn't want to pressure him but he wanted him to get used to having options because as long as he was in Niko's house, he would get whatever he wanted. "You don't have to worry. There's no right answer. It's whatever you want to have, not what's convenient for me."

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn blinked at this, looking confused. “Um…I- thank you…it doesn’t really matter what kind of juice…I like either or…” He shifts slightly, starting to get uncomfortable. This was definitely a new experience for them…and they definitely were not prepared for it.