forum "Why is there a twink in my bed?" "Oh, that's your present."
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Brenn nodded along to what the other man was saying as he spoke to the officers. He heard a bit of an opening in the conversation, and then spoke a little bit, "Yes, I have been staying with him for a while now, but the prank yesterday was just a complete misunderstanding, but everything has been resolved at this point." Brenn noticed that the officers seemed to be convinced by what they were saying, at least for the most part. It was rather nice to see that they were so easily convincing the others. But, trying to make it seem more real, he sort of moved into Sebastian's arms, sort of having the other man hold him, Hopefully that won't be too much.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian looked down when Brenn moved into his arms. He smiled just faintly. On the inside, of course, he was a bit overwhelmed with Brenn being this close to him. He went along with it, though. He shifted his arms a bit, holding Brenn loosely in his arms.
"Yes, officers. Have a good day." He watched the officers walk down the hall a moment, giving Brenn a slight hug as he closed the door.
"Thank you," he said softly.


Brenn sighed with relief when the officers left and he leaned into Sebastian's embrace, his heart pounding, "I can't believe they actually believed us, that was terrifying. . ." He said with a shudder, then, he smiled again, "You're welcome, Sebastian." A major weight felt like it was removed from him, "We're safe! You're safe!!!!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian let out a long sigh of relief, resting his head on Brenn as he calmed himself down.
"It was…" He managed to smile, and smile brightly at that as he hugged Brenn again.
"I'm so glad!!" He held Brenn close a moment, eyes closing a second before he pulled away again.


Brenn laughed hapiily, moving away from him. "That was amazing! We really pulled it off!" He said, his voice sort of at a squeal, "I just, wow. . . That was just wow. . ." He said, sort of in awe at this point, "We work so well together!!!!!" He said, doing a little bit of a happy dance, then moving in to hug him again, "You're awesome!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian watched Brenn, laughing a bit himself. He was just so relieved it had worked…
"Yeah, yeah we do!' He said, running his hand through his hair. He really was still a bit shocked it had work. That was probably the closest Sebastian had ever come to freaking out- he'd never had police at his door before. He hugged Brenn back.
"You are too, you know." He smiled brightly.


Brenn rolled his eyes, now calming down a bit, "No, I'm not, but you are, you're really something special." He said with a grin, now sitting on the couch. "I just, that was a good move there to sort if just make it seem more realistic, like we were in a relationship or something. It looked pretty real." He said, as he held one of the throw pillows against his chest.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian moved to sit as well, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, it was an impressive move on your part. How could you say you're not awesome when you come up with something like that on the spot." Sebastian tilted his head a bit, his smile still there.


Brenn shrugged, "Meh, I mean, you were the one who helped make it real, so you really helped me out." He said with yet another shrug, "I just wanted to make sure that you would stay safe and stuff. You know?" He smiled a little bit, and ruffled Sebastian's hair, "You're too sweet though, thank you for that!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian nodded, his smile still lingering. He figured he'd have it for a while, even if it was faint, and he enjoyed the idea.
"Yeah, I know. And thank you, for that." Sebastian let out a low huff when Brenn ruffled his hair, chuckling a bit.
"You know," he said, fixing his hair. "You're one of the first people to call me sweet." He blushed faintly.


Brenn smiled a little bit, sort of looking down self consciously when Sebastian admitted that, "Well. . .uh, I guess."? he started to get a little awkward, not knowing what to say, then decided to stick with his comment, "You are really sweet, and I really think so. I mean, those people probably haven't spent a month or two living with only you, and you know, after you spend enough time with a person, you see their true colors. You sort try to be big, bad, and tough, which you are, but you have a nice side to you, it's just harder to see at first."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian was still blushing a bit, hands in his lap. For a bit, he could forget the guilt and pain from the night before.
"I…" He tilted his head a bit. "You're too nice to have to deal with a guy like me." He chuckled some, though. Just what was going through his head?


"What? Noooo, that's not true, you're a nice guy Sebastian, you just have to let yourself believe that? You know? I mean, if I believe it about you, you should too. It's that simple!" Brenn said with a shrug, as if it really was that easy, he could tell that the man was still feeling the burden of what he had done the night before, but it wasn't for Brenn to say anything about, instead, he just fell silent, or at least quiet, and began to pet Moose again.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian watched Brenn a moment, finally leaning forward to hug him.
"Is it wrong to say you're better to me than almost everyone else in my life?" Sebastian smiled some, still hugging Brenn. He pulled away after a moment.
"And… I'll do my best to believe it, I really will."


Brenn wasn't expecting Sebastian to hug him, at all, it sort of came to him a surprise, but still he leaned into the other man's embrace, his face turning a shade of pink, " N-no?" He said as they pulled away, "I uhm, I- if that's how you really feel, but you have a major group of people who are willing to protect themselves and you. I mean, I had never seen so many people together when I was brought here for your party. You have a big bedroom and stuff, but there was a ton of people there." But, as he finished that sentence, he realized he was getting off topic, "I' uhm, thank you."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian looked down at his lap as Brenn spoke, his smile fading a bit.
"Well… seeing as my closest friend has been an emotionless murderer most of our lives…" Sebastian looked to the side a bit.
"Besides, they're pretty much obligated to come…" he glanced at Brenn.
"You're the only one who's actually even protected me when you really didn't have to."


"Oh. . ." Was really all Brenn could say, this was saddening to him, the other man deserved to be treated better, for other to see the good in him, just like he did. "Well, then, I plan on continuing that then. You're special, and I think that I mean, even if you kind of have to do bad things, that doesn't make you a bad person completely. I mean, you didn't choose this life for yourself, right?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian pulled one knee up to his chest, folding the other underneath him.
"I…" he shook his head a bit. No, he hadn't chosen this life. Still, he had participated in it for so long, so willingly, he felt like had he been given the choice, he still would have done it.
"You know, it means a lot to me to know you don't think I'm horrible after what I've done…" Not just to Brenn.


"I try to see the good in everyone you know? And I could see the good in you from the moment we actually met. Instead of taking advantage of me, like everyone wanted you to, and thought you would, you treated me well, actually like I am a human, which really isn't how your friends view me. I mean, had you not wanted me, you could have given me to one of your friends, letting them do whatever they wanted, but you know, even though you really didn't want me around, you were still kind towards me, and I appreciate it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian nodded a bit. Honestly, he knew he hadn't actually truly started being good to Brenn until recently. He kept it from showing, but he felt like a horrible person for deceiving Brenn like this. He was terrified of Brenn finding out too- he felt like the man would never be able to trust him, and he couldn't blame the man! Sebastian was a manipulative bastard.
"I'm glad I've been able to be like this with you…"


Brenn nodded a bit, his gaze focused on the bright colors of his bird that was surprisingly still perched on his finger, as the boys both new the bird hated sitting still or really listening to Brenn or doing what the boy asked of him. I. . .I feel so confused, this is weird. Was all Brenn could really think about at the moment, his head was starting to hurt from all the confusion he was feeling, he just din't understand himself, or Sebastian either, he was supposed to be this man's whatever. But here they were almost as if they were friends. Not that renn didn't mind, anything would be better than basically being this man's lap dog or whatever, but he just, something about this was making him feel so uneasy, as if he or Sebastian were doing something wrong.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian slowly lowered his finger for Moose to go onto his leg, arm tired. Is eyebrows drew together a bit.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly. "You don't look like you're feeling too good…" Sebastian was worried. Brenn had been through a lot recently, and this entire situation had to be pretty stressful on him.


"Yeah. . ." He said, standing up, "I'm fine. I'm just going to go to my room."I need to sleep this off, that's what I need to do, I'll just wake up and things will be better, they have to be better. He thought as he walked back to his room, closing and locking the door behind him. Why is this my life? Why couldn't I have just. . .I don't know, died last night or something? Why did I give up? Why. . .just He flopped onto his bed and curled up underneath his sheets, tears rolling down his cheeks, "I give up."


((I don't know if this is just me being an idiot, but I kind of miss the sort of jerk, mean Sebastian, I feel like I'm just being an idiot. . .))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Don't worry, he'll make a comeback soon ;)

Sebastian watched Brenn go. Was this a good idea? Was it a good idea to pretend like everything would be okay, that they could be friends? He knew that the moment they were around his real friends, things would have to be just like they had been meant to be- master and slave, owner and pet. He leaned his head back, trying not to cry.