forum "Why is there a twink in my bed?" "Oh, that's your present."
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Brenn stepped out from around the corner, "It's okay, he can stay with you, but only if you'd want him to. It's okay by me." He said quietly, a slight smile on his face, "It's good to see you smile again."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian looked up when Brenn spoke, that weak smile still on his lips.
"I see, I see… Then I think it'd be nice to have him around for a bit more." Sebastian looked down at Moose, a soft blush on his face from the last thing Brenn said.
"It's good to feel nice enough to be able to…"


Brenn cocked his head slightly, "Able to what?" He said as he moved over to the couch sitting down next to him, "I, uhm I'm really sorry. . ." He started, "I uhm, I apologize about running yesterday." He said looking over at him, "I didn't want to hurt you, I really care about you."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Able to smile…" Sebastian looked up at Brenn when he sat down. He took it a small breath when Brenn started apologizing.
"I- I'm sorry too. I… I should have never reacted the way I did. I…" Sebastian trailed off a moment. "I really care about you too, I should have never done that."


Brenn sighed, "It's alright Sebastian, I-I understand why you did it. You were hurt, and hurt people hurt others." He gently squeezed his hand, "It's okay Sebastian, I don't want you to be upset with yourself, you did what you felt was necessary, and I forgive you for it."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian let out a soft breath.
"I… thank you, Brenn. I'll… I really will try not to be." Sebastian squeezed back, closing his eyes a moment.
"Are you sure, though..?" Sure that it was even possible to forgive him for that. Sebastian slowly opened his eyes, looking at Brenn. He still felt like shit about it.


Brenn nodded, "I wouldn't have said anyhthing if I hadn't meant it. What's the point of wasting breath? I hurt you and I'm sorry, I angered you when I shouldn't have." He said softly, looking at Sebastian, a his brow furrowed, "I must admit though your actions were rather convincing, and what you said, d-di you mean it?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian looked away a moment.
"Which words?" He said hesitantly. He'd said so much, and half of it he didn't even remember. Couldn't. Refused to. There was so much about that day he just wanted to forget…


"Uhm, it's okay. . .Just pretend that I didn't say anything, okay?" He said with a sigh, "I just, I can tell you don't want to talk about it at all, so we're okay. . ." Brenn knew what he meant, but he didn't want to say anything about it, by the other man's body language, actions, and even just facial expression Brenn could tell that now was not the right time to speak of the things said the night before, and he knew that things would go downhill if he even breathed a word about the black and blue bruises forming on his back and other parts of his upper body. Brenn didn't even want to think about how scared he was the night before of Sebastian, how the man's deeds terrified him. He knew that it was rather unwise to try to leave, and he knew that the man's anger was all his fault, but he did understand that the man felt guilty, and that was something that no matter what Brenn said, couldn't change or justify for him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian lowered Moose to his knee, still unable to look at Brenn. Instead, he focused on the bird, trying to keep his hands from shaking.
"I…" Sebastian trailed off. Did Brenn need to talk about it? He knew he had said so many hurtful things the night before, and if Brenn needed to know he didn't mean them, he could never mean them, then he could… he could bring himself to talk about it. He'd rather himself be hurt then Brenn think he was avoiding the question so he wouldn't have to answer for what he did.
"I can talk about it, if you need to. Please, Brenn…"


Brenn sighed, "I uhm, no. . .I'm fine, I don't want. . I mean, it's just, I guess. T-the whole pet thing. . ." He trailed off awkwardly, "D-do I a-actually belong to you?" He said softly, looking up at him, "I uhm, i-is that true? I uhm, I just.. I wanted to know." He said, not looking at the other man, "But, uhm, t-that was it. . . I think."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I-I…" Sebastian trailed off. He didn't know, he really, really didn't know. Before, his answer would have been a definite no, and last night it would have been a definite yes, but now… everything was so mixed up.
"No," he finally said. No matter what his friends would say, no matter what he would say, he didn't.


Brenn smiled slightly, glancing over at the other man, "T-thank you. . ." He said softly, his thanks coming out more like a question rather than a real statement, " I really do appreciate it." Brenn moved over towards Sebastian and gently patted the other man's hand, "It's o-okay Sebastian." He added quietly, really meaning it and hoping that the other man felt that, "I mean that too, please don't beat yourself up over this."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Why did the thanks sound like a question? W-was that not what Brenn wanted to hear? Sebastian felt confused… but he let it go. He wasn't going to question Brenn's words, not this time. Sebastian finally managed to look up and Brenn when his felt Brenn's hand on his.
"I… I'll try," he said softly. He really would, too. He didn't want to upset Brenn anymore.


"O-okay." Brenn said with a slight smile, trying to show that he really was okay. He looked up at him, his hand gently squeezing it again, "I. . .I, would you like me to go?"


Well, I don't want to leave. . . Brenn thought as a blush rose to his cheeks, Wait, why am I blushing, this man actually abused me last night, yet, I still care about him, and somehow, I still have feelings for him? He was oh so confused at that moment, he didn't understand a thing about himself, yet at the same time, he felt like things were fine, I don't get it. . He thought, sort of taking Sebastian's hand, You're a fool for doing this, Brenn.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian didn't understand the blush either. Was he embarrassed? …Fever? It would make more sense. Still, Sebastian sat there with Brenn and Moose, letting out a soft breath. He leaned back in his seat, looking for once that day to have relaxed a bit. Sebastian held Brenn's hand in turn, closing his eyes a moment.


Brenn sighed softly and glanced over at Sebastian, "S-sebastian?" He started, now actually looking at him, "Do you think I'm crazy?" He thought that he was at the moment, it was crazy to actually care about this man, and he knew that the other man might feel that way too, "I don't understand myself. . ."


Brenn sighed, shrugging a little bit, "I just, I would worry about you if something happened, if you got caught. And I don't think that that's normal, like at all. . . I shouldn't really care about this stuff, after all of the stuff that has gone on, but I do, and I uh, I sort of care about you. . ." He said looking down a little bit, "I'm sorry about this. . .I just, it's kind of weird to me. . ."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It hurt a bit, to hear this. Brenn cared, even after Sebastian had hurt him so much the night before. Still, his face was indifferent, not showing the guilt Sebastian had.
"I… I can understand you finding it weird," Sebastian said softly. "I…" Sebastian looked down as well, not meeting Brenn's eyes anymore.


Brenn nodded a little bit, "I don't understand it. . .I don't understand myself either." He took a deep breath, about to sort of apologize again, and just think out loud. "I don't understand why I ran from you yesterday. You, well, you treated me better than anyone really has in my life before, I think I sort of got nervous that you were being so kind, especially in the odd situation that we were both forced to be in, so I ran the first chance I got. I wanted my home, and that was the main reason, but I was also scared, I figured that no one was ever that kind, so I thought that there must be something wrong and that sooner or later I would end up in a worse position." He looked back up at Sebastian, "But, uhm disregarding all that happened the night before, you really have actually been a good person to me, especially since most people haven't. I don't know if you've ever thought about this before, or at least yet, but there's a reason my disappearance hasn't made it to the news, that there isn't anyone looking for me. It's because I really don't have any people, family, or even friends to begin with or at least real ones, so I sort of just mix with different people, being there when they want me. But, anyways. . " he said trailing off slightly, "I still really think you're a good person, and I still care about you." He started to fidget again, a sure sign that he was nervous, "If uhm, the authorities do come for me, I uhm, I'll protect you and your corporation, I promise-" The second the last words came out of his mouth a heavy pounding was heard at the door, and Brenn watched Sebastian go to the door and answer it, he could hear the loud voices of the officers, and he stood up, moving to be by Sebastian's side, taking the man's hand and squeezing it gently.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian had stayed silent as Brenn spoke, processing his words. When the man finished the first part, he hugged Brenn tightly.
"I…" he fell silent again, nodding some. "Thank you," he said softly as he pulled away to answer the door.
"Hello, officers," he said, keeping himself calm. He explained the situation as they had discussed they would. He looked over when Brenn took his hand, squeezing in turn.
"So, no, officers, I'm not holding my friend here against his will." He smiled softly at Brenn, looking back to the officers in front of him. He was good at lying, so smooth. Like he wasn't lying at all, just explaining an awkward situation.