forum "Why is there a twink in my bed?" "Oh, that's your present."
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian felt Brenn tossing and turning, closing his eyes tightly. His fault, his fault…

Sebastian woke up in the morning to find himself laying right next to Brenn, an arm draped over the other. He blushed deeply, moving away from the other man. Oh dear God, when had that happened?


Brenn was still in a rather deep sleep, but when he felt the sudden movement and the lose of warmth, he slowly woke up, "W-what's going on. . ." He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes a bit, trying to wake up, "WHy are you in my bed?" Then he looked around a bit, "W-why am I in your bed. . .ohhhh, that. . .that thing." He said wincing a bit as he stretched, "I-i'll go now, if you'd like."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… Y-you can if you want," Sebastian mumbled softly. He understood Brenn's confusion. He laid down on his back now, looking up at the ceiling.
"I won't force you to." Sebastian closed his eyes, looking away.


Brenn nodded and got out of the other man's bed, quickly fixing the sheets, then leaving as quietly as possible. He gently closed the door to his room behind him, and made his way to his bed, curling up in the sheets. His whole body was tired and hurting. The pain from the blows the night before was next to unbearable, but he didn't want to say anything about it. Sebastian seemed to always grow embarrassed or even ashamed when Brenn even alluded to his feelings, so he didn't want the man to feel even worse.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian laid on his own bed, looking up at the ceiling again when Brenn left. His thoughts from the night before were all rushing back- he'd hurt Brenn, he'd trapped him in his horrible life and when Brenn tried to leave- not even escape, just… forget, for a bit, Sebastian had snapped. He'd tosses Brenn around, yelled at him, called him a pet… tried to put the shackle on him. Sebastian closed his eyes, putting his hands against his face.
After a while, Sebastian sat up. He made his way towards the kitchen, arms wrapped around himself. He started making breakfast, but he doubted either of them were hungry right now. Still, he needed this routine, he needed something to hold on to.


After a little bit of just lying on his bed and feeling sorry for himself, he got up off the bed. He knew that he was probably going crazy, he had probably lost it at this point. He should be upset with Sebastian, hating the man after all that he had been put through, but he just couldn't. He could see the man''s point of view, the reason why Sebastian had done what he had done, and Brenn understood his anger, his betrayal, his hurt. The man had the option of doing whatever he had wanted with him, abusing him in any way shape or form, but he didn't. He had given the boy his space, and was even kind enough to bring him his bird and his own room. I must have really hurt him. . . He thought shaking his head a bit. He quickly changed out of his pajamas, and into some of the clothes that Sebastian had bought him and made his way into the kitchen, "Good morning!" Brenn said with all the cheeriness he could muster, just trying to make something a bit normal.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian looked up when Brenn came into the room. His face had fallen back to its default, the indifferent look of a man how didn't care. Sebastian's emotions were raging inside of him, though, pushing and pulling him in so many directions. He was hurt still, a bit, but he was so ashamed. He was still angry, in the shadowy part of his mind that he always had to have a tight grip on around Brenn.
"Good morning," Sebastian said, managing to make his voice… not cheerful, but definitely not as gloomy as his thoughts.
"Are you hungry?" Sebastian was just finishing up the food, sliding the omelet onto two plates in equal portions.


Brenn sat down at the kitchen counter and nodded a little bit. He wasn't really hungry, but he didn't want Sebastian to get hurt that he wouldn't eat his food. So he took a bite of the omelet looking down at the food, "I appreciate it Sebastian. . ." He said softly, "It tastes good."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian sat on the opposite side of the counter as Brenn. He himself just moved the food around a bit with his fork.
"I'm glad you like it," he said softly. Sebastian glanced up at Brenn, letting out a sigh.


"Not hungry?" He said softly, seeing the look at the boy's face, "I'll let you be if you'd like. I can take it over to my room.. .

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Sebastian said. "But I won't stop you." Sebastian looked down at his plate. Even before, after just kidnapping Brenn, there hadn't been much tension. But now… Sebastian knew things wouldn't be able to just go back to normal. But they could try, they could damn try…


Brenn shrugged, "I don't want to bother you or something. I can go but, if you'd like me to stay or something I will. I wouldn't mind."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… It'd be nice if you stayed," Sebastian admitted softly. With how Brenn worded it, he had no idea what Brenn wanted in this, so he took a shot in the dark.
"I'm probably not going to go in to work today."


Brenn looked at him, studying the boy a bit. He couldn't tell if Sebastian was saying that just to say it, and make sure that Brenn behaved, or just stay there to stay home. "Okay, I hope you rest well, if that's what you want." He said with a smile, "I-I'll uhm. If you need to do something, I try to stay quiet."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Thank you, for the thought," Sebastian said. He stood, his omlete mostly untouched.
"Please, don't feel like you have to do that. I don't have anything to do today like that." Sebastian just wanted to rest, to recover from all the emotional turbulence he was going through.


Brenn shrugged, not really caring at this point. "I think I'll stay in my room today, okay?" He said picking up his plate and walking over to his bedroom. "If you need me, I'll be here." He said with a small smile, he could sense the mood of the other boy. "Rest well."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… okay, then." Sebastian moved towards the couch.
"Thank you." Sebastian offered a soft smile in turn, sitting down, He laid on the couch, hands under his head. He really didn't want to do anything today…


Brenn placed the plate of food onto one of the small tables he had in his room and walked over to Moose's cage, slowly uncovering it, then letting the bird out so he could stretch his wings a bit. "Morning buddy." He said softly, his mind and body still tired from the events from the night before. "How did you sleep?" Moose seemed to understand what the boy was saying and cooed quietly, as if to say okay. Then he landed on the bed, hopping around in circles and bopping his head. Brenn rolled his eyes and turned away, knowing that the bird was just trying to cheer him up, although he wasn't sure how he knew that he needed that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian turned the television on, keeping the volume down. He let out a small breath, closing his eyes to think. What were they going to do from now on? Had Sebastian ruined it all- of course he did, he beat Brenn, he'd shouted and yelled and degraded him. Of course it was all Sebastian's fault. Just like… No. He wasn't thinking about that, thinking about her. He'd gone most of his life not, he wouldn't do it now. Sebastian let out a shuddering breath, curling up a bit more.


Brenn leaned back on his bed just laying there sprawled out. I don't understand myself. . .I would've thought that I would hate this man right now. . . But, yet, I kind of still care about what will happen to him if he get's caught. WHy though? I just. . .I can't. Moose hopped onto his back and began to peck him gently, "Moose, stopppppppp, I-I can't right now. I want to wallow in my sorrowsssssssss."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian ran his fingers through his own hair, turning over to face the back of the couch. He didn't have a bird to distract him, to keep his mind from spiralling down. He covered his face in his hands, letting out another shaky breath. No, no, no… he couldn't break down, he couldn't.


But at that point he felt a bit better, then he remembered something, Sebastian. . .he needs someone to be there for him right now. He stood up and let Moose perch on his finger before walking out of the room. Moose seemed to know what he wanted him to do, and flew towards Sebastian, landing on his side. Brenn watched form behind the corner, not wanting Sebastian to see him and freak out or something. Moose just cooed softly hopping on the boy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sebastian let out a shaky breath, moving his head a bit to look up at the bird on him.
"Hey, Moose," Sebastian said softly, his voice cracking a bit. He lifted one finger up, gently running it over Moose's feathers. He gave a very faint smile, Moose pulling him out of his spiral for a moment. He didn't seem to notice Brenn.
"Did you escape from Brenn?" Like Brenn had tried to with him?


Brenn smiled a little bit seeing the boy look happy, at least for a few seconds, He stepped a bit closer to the two, watching the interaction. He saw the hurt in the boy's eyes when he mentioned the bird escaping, and he sighed softly, I. . .I'm sorry Sebastian, I just wanted my home if only for a few minutes, I thought you'd understand. But I did get a bit carried away. I just wanted my freedom too. . .But now I guess I appreciate what you've given me, the protection, clothing, food, books, a bed, everything I could need. . .

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The thing was… all Brenn had to do was ask. He just had to ask, and Sebastian wouldn't have freaked out. He just had no idea where Brenn had been, he… Sebastian shook his head a bit. He sat up, letting Moose sit on his finger. He pet Moose again, letting out a soft sigh.
"Let's get you back to him, then…"