forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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"Of course!" Antonio exclaimed offerin him the full chocolate bar. He had easy access to chocolate all of his life, so giving Quinn the entrie bar wasn't any loss to him, "Here."


Quinn took it carefully, looking from the bar to Tony. "You sure you wanna give this to me? It…might be a while before you can get any more." He bit his lip a little, looking carefully at the other man.


“I can live without chocolate for a while,” Antonio replied with a smile. He would have laughed, but figured with how nervous Quinn looked that might not be the best idea, “So yes, you can have the whole thing.”


Quinn nodded a little bit. "Alright. Thank you." He said. He opened up the bar and took a small bite, closing his eyes and taking a breath.


"You're welcome," Antonio smiled as he sat back and watched Quinn. He was happy to bring some happiness to Quinn at the moment.


Antonio stopped watching him after a while so he could enjoy the chocolate in peace. He could tell Quinn really didn't get it all that often with how much he seemed to savor each bite.


Quinn ate about half of it, then carefully wrapped it up again and set it aside to finish later. "Thanks." He said softly, biting his lip for a moment.


"You're welcome," Antonio nodded as he replied once more. He had a little smile on seeing that Quinnwas saving some of the chocolate for later.


Quinn headed over to the closet, bringing Tony a few pillows and blankets. "It can get chilly, so if you need to stoke the fire or add more logs to it, go ahead." He gestured to the woodbox and fireplace.


Antonio nodded spotting the fireplace. He had never used one himself, but they couldn’t be that hard to figure out. He took the blankets and pillows from Quinn, “Okay. I suppose this is goodnight then?”


Antonio had no plans of taking any of Quinn's food when it wasn't for a meal. But he nodded and gave Quinn a little smile, "Thank you again."


Quinn headed up the stairs, heading into his room and changing for bed. Once the sound of his footsteps overhead stopped, the house grew pretty quiet.