forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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"Yeah, I suppose that is true," Antonio let out a slight laugh at that comment. If he had to stay with Quinn for a whil, he might as well try and befriend him.


Quinn sighed faintly, running his hands through his hair. "You'll have to stay here until we can get you out of the city. Alright?" he said, looking at Tony.


"Alright," Antonio nodded. He kept his eyes on Quinn as he gave him an awkward like smile, "That's fine with you isn't it?"


Quinn nodded a little. "So long as you don't mind sleeping on the couch. The guest room isn't furnished." he laughed faintly. "It…admittedly has not been my top priority."


"I completely understand," Antonio laughed with him in a soft tone. He patted the couch they were sitting on just gently, "I can sleep on the couch for a while."


"I'm a little thirtsy if you some water to spare," Antonio replied honestly to the question. The only water he had on him was in case he needed to use his magic, in other words, not suitable for drinking.


Quinn nodded a little. He got up, and came back after a moment with a glass of water, holding it out to Tony. "Here." he said, sitting back down.


Tony gave Quinn a grateful smile as he took the water. "Thank you," he said before taking a drink from the water.


"Of course." he replied, shifting and tying his hair back in a bun to keep it out of his face. He looked around the room, eyes snagging on the portrait for a moment before flickering away again.


Antonio hadn't realized how long Quinn's hair was until he pulled it back into a bun. He nodded a little as he continued to drink the water finishing it off fairly quickly. He hummed just slightly, "You live here alone?"


Quinn nodded a little. "Yeah." he replied simply. "It isn't all that bad." he gave Tony a faint smile, running his hands through his hair.


"I would hope so," Antonio smiled back at him. He let out a slight laugh, "At least you'll have some company for the next few days."


Antonio continued to smile at him. His smile turned sincere as he said once more, "I hope my company will make up for you having to take care of me."


He hummed for a moment at that. "Yes, I hope so too. Otherwise these shall be a very long few days." his mouth quirked in a faint smile.


"No one likes long days," Antonio replied still smiling though it was now slightly lopsided. He let out a little laugh, "So I'll try my best to prevent them."


Him and his family… Well now Antonio was in a rough spot. He hesitated a moment in thought before asking with a little, smile, "Which one? The one I grew up with or the one I'm looking for?"


"Then I'll tell you about the one I grew up with," Antonio decided figuring it would be easier to lie that way. He had a slight smile on, "I grew up in the upper class, but we weren't quite nobility. My mother is a really kind and caring person, she's really the one that raised me. My father on the other hand is kind of stern and distant, he practically schooled me. And then there's me, supposedly the best of both of them."


He nodded a little bit as he listened, humming faintly for a moment. "I see. Was it…a decent life, then?" He asked, raising his eyebrows a little bit.


"It was decent enough," Antonio replied now silently hoping he didn't give too much away. He hoped there wasn't any suspicion from his story.


Quinn nodded a little, not really questioning any more of what Tony had said. "Alright." He said simply, taking in a breath. "Do you have any questions for me? About… Ceridwen or whatever?"


"What about your family? What were thye like, if you don't mind me asking," Antonio asked him back in return. He figured he could ask his questions about the city and the plague later, for now he wanted to get to know his new roommate.