forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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He nodded a little. "Alright." He replied. He wondered if they ever could fix this plague. If the city would ever be what it used to be.


Antonio hoped he could at the very least better the city. He didn't know if he would be able to return it to its former glory, but he would try his hardest.


"About two weeks I would say," Antonio responded thinking of his journey to Ceridwen, "Depends on the route we take."


"If you know how to ride a horse we could cut that time in half?" Antonio offered to Quinn assuming that was why he sighed.


Antonio hummed a little as he went into deep thought, "Do you want to try and learn how to ride? It doesn't have to be now, it could be when we arrive back at the palace."


"Well, if you do think of anything, let me know okay?" Antonio told him completely understanding his answer.


"We should be able to make it to the next city before nightfall," Antonio finally decided to comment growing tired of the silence again.


"Like Ceridwen how?" Antonio didn't know how to answer that question. Were other cities plagued to the point where moving around was a hazard? No. Were other cities filled with buildings and people separated by the amount of money someone had? Yes.


"Not really, no," Antoni replied recalling the cities he went through, "There are certain houses or communities that might limit people, but most of the city is open to anyone who so wishes to enter or exit."