forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Antonio glanced at the map as he tried to route a path to the capital with as few cities as possible. More for Quinn than for him, and while it would be easy for now, the closer to the capital the harder.


"Do you like it?" Antonio asked wondering if maybe they should go through more cities, it would be more crowded but also more familiar to Quinn.


"That's fine! I was just trying to map out our path," Antonio laughed a little with him, "Just wanted to know if you were comfortable camping out in the wilderness or if you wanted to stick more to cities."


"But would you be comfortable going through crowded cities?" Antonio asked in return. He didn't want to push Quinn further than need be.


"That… Is a good question," Antoni said while glancing around the area. He spotted an area that had decent cover and privacy, "Maybe over there?"