forum The Masked Angel (3/3)(Closed)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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The darkness was all encompassing, as the angel desperately tried to free himself from Nathaniel's grasp, to no avail. In fact, it seemed to make him clench more forcefully. In a struggled breath, he spoke; "Y-your right. I cannot best you." This life was soon to be over, Sebastian could feel it. Only in a grasp for love, he had only found grief. It was like fully paying for something you had never purchased. After all, the price for love was grief. But that no longer mattered, in the twisted games of a demon's eye, who could see neither. Sebastian closed his eyes, and breathed slowly, few and far between. Feathers. Soft, white feathers. He was a dove, watching a dancer choreograph himself in the stunning lights of the room. That was not was he was here for. He couldn't leave his human form unconscious for long. Blanche rose from her perch, flying out from the room, darting through the halls of the lowest floor, and landing silently in the corner of the dark, he waited.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel growled in Sebastian's face, debating whether or not to end the boy here. He was going to come back and harass him anyway. It was pointless. "If you knew that, then stay out of my GODDAMN AFFAIRS," He shouted. Nathaniel grabbed the angel and tossed him towards the entrance to his room. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! YOU NEVER LEARN!" By not snapping the smaller boy's neck, he was showing mercy. Inadvertently, he had given his adversary a second chance to impress the dancer. It was too late to undo such a major blunder. "I'm letting you go, lost puppy."  Nathaniel snarled, the second candle on his piano relighting. His voice was gruff and abrasive. He waited for the frail boy to get up and run a long distance. That, however, never happened. He growled as he stared at the motionless body. Nathaniel took a step forward and kicked Sebastian in the side to see if he would respond. Nothing. Nathaniel slammed the door shut after kicking the boy out of the doorway. He returned to his piano practice. Nathaniel slammed the keys down, producing a note that sounded like a church bell. He sang in a different language. "Garçon insolent! Cet esclave de la mode! Se prélasser dans ta gloire! Imbécile ignorant! Ce brave prétendant! Partageant mon triomphe!" He let out a huff of frustration and slammed his fist upon the piano.

(Just a note. I'm not going to provide a translation to keep this verse vague)


His plan had worked. Chris would soon follow Blanche, to see Sebastian's lifeless body, and from there would provide the perfect opportunity to explain the entire thing, to the extent that he could without blowing his own cover. That would be against the law of angels. Sebastian made a bit of a ruckus, eventually tiring out his voice and sounding a bit more like a crow than a dove. In the past two centuries, Sebastian had learned surprisingly little about the demon, but one thing had been clear from the start. His greatest advantage was having his prey be clueless. If he could protect Chris from that oh-so-common mistake, he could get the advantage, and save the dancer from whatever malice was to come.


Chris saw Blanche fly out if the room. "Oh hey get back here that cute boy told me to look after you!" He shouted but to no avail. He chased the Dove down the halls and the bird stopped at a shut door that had music coming from inside, it sounded like piano. But there on the floor was the cute boy from earlier. He looked beaten up and bloody. "Oh my god are you okay?!" He asked kneeling beside him.


(The door is close right he is on the other side of the door near the door way just making sure I got it right if not I can fix it)


(oh it's fine! It'll provide a great plot point. Nathaniel kicked Sebastian out of the room, before slamming the door if I read correctly, so I wrote based off that.)


Sebastian opened his eyes. It hurt to a slight degree to put on the slight façade he was about to. It was necessary, though. He put his hand up to his face, making a slight whimper. "I-I don't know what happened. I heard a lovely piano and when I walked in to see who was playing, he attacked me. He had fangs, and his faced was burned and scarred…" Sebastian stood up, actually quite shaky from the blows he had just endured. His human body was most shockingly fragile. "Thank god you found me." He sighed. Hopefully he had said enough to get the point across. There needed to be no mistake when Chris saw the demon, or else Sebastian's future would unravel before his eyes. Perhaps a future with Chris, perhaps not. At this stage, that was unimportant. He needed to simply keep the dancer safe for the time being, and to stop himself from bleeding onto the most likely expensive rug.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Outside his room, Nathaniel heard the commotion. He slid open the door slowly, revealing an alert Sebastian and a worried Chris. With furrowed brows and a worried expression, he left his room. After all, his scars and other demonic features had magically vanished, so it was a great act to fool Chris. A human disguise was always effective. "Oh, my goodness! This poor guy." He knelt beside Sebastian, his hand resting on top of the angel's, his nails digging into it. "When he fell, he must have hit his head. It can get quite dark down here, and the candles occasionally go out. It's very easy to trip." With a smile of malice plastered across his face, Nathaniel wiped the blood from Sebastian's face. He fixed his gaze on Chris. "I'll see to it that this poor boy gets some medical help. Do not be concerned; I will look after this angel." Sebastian could tell by the slight glint in Nathaniel's eyes that he was wrong. "He's in good hands."


Sebastian froze. He had a few options in front of him, all of which lined with a slew of risks. The demon had cornered him, and Sebastian had fallen right into his trap, thinking that it had worked the other way around. He over to Chris. It was unclear who the dancer would believe. Nathaniel was a master at lying, able to trick and manipulate anyone who he saw fit. If he could only shatter that….and where was he going? Being punched only minutes before had certainly fogged his mind. "He did it, Chris. Don't believe him." Shit, that made him sound more disorientated than before. He threw Nathaniel's hand off his face, obvious marks from where he had grabbed him…or at least that's what he felt. "See? He's just trying to hurt me. H-he'll hurt you! He's a demon!" Sebastian took a step towards Chris, not completely sure if he had made the situation worse. "Please, just believe me."

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel kept kneeling, staring at Sebastian as he froze. He'd accomplished his goal, turning the angel's plan against him. With 'worry' in his eyes, he looked at Chris. He could deceive anyone and get what he wanted. Sebastian would never be able to shatter Nathaniel's illusion. "Do what? Nothing was done by me. Is everything all right with you, sir? If you require medical assistance, I can arrange for it." His voice was softer than Sebastian was used to hearing. When Sebastian ignored his assistance, he became anxious and tried to restrain him from moving too much. "Did you get hurt? I'm not attempting to harm you in any way. What motivates you to make such a statement? You must have tripped and suffered serious injuries." He felt Sebastian's head. " Sir, I will not harm this young man (Chris)." Sebastian's next remark drew a frown from Nathaniel. "I'm not a demon. I'm attempting to assist." He hoped his rebuttals were effective. If this angel was the reason he lost his lovely dancer, Nathaniel would kill him.


Chris looked between the two boys. He looked back and fourth between the two. He thought about how nice the boy with the dove was, he had never met the other man before, something was off about him. He leaned down towards the injured boy and said "Where does it hurt?" Followed by a soft whisper that he himself could barely hear, "I believe you," he whispered. He then looked toward the other man, "I know a doctor, I met him at the party earlier, I can assist in the medical aid of this man(Sebastian)" He told the uninjured man.


Sebastian sighed. Despite the recent hiccup, it seemed everyone would leave this deal mostly unharmed, or at the very least, alive. He had only two cuts, one on his face and another on his leg from tumbling to the ground. Despite their size, they weren't very deep. It would be in both of the boy's best interests to play along. "He punched me twice on this side of my face, and when I leapt back in retaliation I gashed my leg." Sebastian didn't look at Nathaniel, and instead simply stumbled off toward Chris. Luckily, his leg was nearly numb at this point, but there was still a relatively steady trickle of blood down towards his ankle. "Great. Let us hasten, then. I can't bare myself to even look at this…scoundrel."


"Okay," Chris said helping the boy to his feet. "By the way I never got your name?" He asked letting the boy lean on him. He still wondered how the bird led him to the boy but he would have to ask that later.

(Sorry this is really short I just couldn't think of much to say. Lol)

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel couldn't believe what he was hearing! He thought he'd put on a good show, but it began to fall apart. "Fine." He muttered. "Take him to the doctor, but just so you know, I didn't hit him. I didn't hurt him in any way. He had to hurt himself in some way." He stood up and crossed his arms in the doorway of his room. "Sir, you have offended me by calling me a scoundrel. Calling someone a name is a terrible thing to do." As Chris helped Sebastian up the stairs, Nathaniel snarled, irritated that Sebastian's blood had gotten all over his territory. He hurriedly shut the door to his room and walked over to his piano. He threw the other candle, shattering the glass and splattering hot melted wax all over the place. Nathaniel was slashed by some of it. "GOOD GOD!". Before laying down on the small couch, he shook as much wax off of him as he could. Nathaniel's head pounded as he tried to think of a new strategy. Kidnapping? It might work.


Sebastian continued to limp up the stairs, led by the charming dancer. He chuckled when he asked for his name. Did he not remember him? It was quite noble to help someone that he had never met. "Sebastian Swift. Remember from the party?" He groaned slightly when he spoke. Talking strained the gash on his face a bit more than he liked, so he attempted to keep his sentences short. After quite a few minutes of stumbling through the dimly lit theatre halls, the two came to a polished wooden bench just large enough for two to sit comfortably. He clambered onto the stool, and sighed. "The cuts aren't deep. No need for a doctor." He smiled, appearing completely in the moment, but his mind was circling around the previous incident with Nathaniel. Hopefully, he had gotten the demon off his trail for some time. He didn't look forward to any future confrontations, as he likely wouldn't be as lucky the following times. For now, he could spend some time with his dancer, without any life-threatening stakes on the line…hopefully. He tried to begin a conversation. "So why did you decide to dance? It's quite the difficult career path for a man."


"Oh errm I love dancing and I am good at. I can't really see myself doing anything else." Chris explained, "my mother also wanted me to dance, she paid for my lessons, my shoes, ect. She is kind of my manager." Chris sat next to Sebastian and looked over his wounds. "You should clean your cuts, no matter how bad it is, you could get infected."