forum The innocent's hand in hand with the evil. (OxO with LegoBatman'sLeftLeg! [A.K.A. Lynn])
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Yeah if you're alright with that! I can also start if you dont want to XD

Deleted user

Vex was walking through the market, trying to find their mark, and stumbled across a bright, bubbly person. They immediately paused. Who the hell has the right to be so cheerful? they think, a little annoyed.

Deleted user

Gus was busy taking orders from customers as they noticed a tall, brooding figure who stood out contrastly from the typical crowd. Seeing as how he was approaching Gus's stand, he brightly smiled and greeted him.
"Good morning! What can I do for you?!" He asked in his usual, cheery tone.

Deleted user

Vex stops and turns their baleful gaze upon the small vendor. The sunlight catches their salt white hair and turns it into strands of gold in the mid-morning light.

"I am looking for someone." they say, pulling out a photo of a person… that was standing right in front of him. They smirk internally. "And I have found them. So, you need to come with me."

Deleted user

Gus froze, the icing they were piping dripping to the floor in a spatter of red.
“M-m-me?” They stuttered out, gazing into the honey colored hair that stood before them.
“Did I win something?”

Deleted user

Vex grins warmly, putting on a false act.

"No, not quite yet. However, you might. You might." they say, motioning for Gus to follow them. "Just… follow me. We have a car waiting for us."

Deleted user

Gus grinned eagerly, motioning for his apprentice to take over.
“I gotta go! I won something!” They cheered as they followed Vex

Deleted user

Vex opens the door of the black limo and holds it for Gus politely, shutting it after he gets in. Vex then climbs into the drivers seat and starts the car with a murmured word. The interior was all black leather and ebonised wood trimming. Their hair returns to its normal salt white color. Quickly, they set off, weaving their way through traffic like a madman. Eventually, they stop in front of a bright stuccoe building.

"We're here." they say, getting out and opening the door for Gus.

Deleted user

Gus sat silently during the duration of the drive, staring outside at the passing city.
I won something… he kept telling himself, though an eerie feeling grew over them as they approached the destination.
Gus hopped out thankfully, staring up at the building before them.

Deleted user

Vex's act drops slightly, and they slightly snarl, but they recover quickly.

"Yeah, it's really something, isn't it? This is the place. There are a few rules, but we'll get to those later." they say. They hold the door for Gus. "After you."

Deleted user

Gus nodded in appreciation, slowly stepping inside the dark house.
“What next?” He asked quietly, staring up at Vex

Deleted user

Vex drops the act completely, their form shifting slightly. They stand up ramrod straight, and their eyes lose the bright sparkle they had. Clapping once, they door is barred. Clapping again, the interior is illuminated with a harsh light.

"Next, we train you. Welcome to the Vex Marauders."

Deleted user

Gus panicked, realizing he’d absentmindedly let himself be kidnapped. He backed away, staring terrified at the evil form before them.
“Please! Take me back!”

Deleted user

Vex gives a cold grin.

"Too late. Willingly, you came. Unwillingly, you are mine." they say, the last word escaping as a vehement hiss.

They walk around Gus. A lot of work needs to be done for this one…

Deleted user

Gus breaths heavily, watching vex’s every move around him.
“What did I do?? Why do you want me?!”

Deleted user

Vex's grin widens.

"Your powers are… useful. You are one of the few I have had the pleasure of meeting that have both light and mind powers. You have a soul that I can use." they say, clapping once more. The light is cut off immediately, leaving the room blacker than the singularity of a black hole.

"Light the room, if you can…" they say, their voice a hiss in the dark.

Deleted user

Gus was terrified of the dark. Terrified. He quickly shaped light in his hands, closing his eyes as he warmth calmed him. They sighed softly

Deleted user

Vex watches closely, then smirks. He's scared of the dark… they think, forcing the dark to close in around the light, dousing it. Let's see how he does under pressure.

Deleted user

gus slowly watches as his only light is snuffed out, encasing him in the drowning darkness. Bad memories flashed throuhg his head as hsi breaths quickened and shallowed, heart pounding against his small chest as he sobbed, curling into a ball. "P-please… please don't leave me here…"

Deleted user

Vex snickers.

"Make your own light, little one. Light up the room, drown out the darkness. Make the shadows pay for what they did." they whisper into Gus's ear, amusement tinging their voice, their tone carefully thought out to enrage Gus and convince him to do what Vex is asking.

Deleted user

Gus only started to tear up more, curling tighter into himself. "Please…. I-I cant… please stop it."

Deleted user

Vex leans closer.

"Do it…" they say, the last word a long, drawn out low hiss of displeasure.

Deleted user

Gus erupted with light, crying out in fear as the shadows were completely dispelled.