forum The Cadence of War (Closed 3/3) (Gore, violence, traumatic incidences, etc. 15+)
Started by @Oakiin

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(Sorry for the wait y'all)

Static. That was the word she could think of that could describe the ringing in her ear.
Her vision flickered and danced, the fires that burned seemed to twinkle along the edge of her sight. No, this wasn't home, she was outside. Disoriented, Tokyo tried to get ahold of her surroundings, then she looked her hand.
Was she shot, when did she get hurt, what happened? Questions raced through her mind now trying to find the source of the bleeding in order to stop it. But it wasn't her blood. A few feet away from her laid a man, clad in black, now bleeding to his death, blood pooling around his body. She had shot him.
When the ringing had stopped, she could hear it. Screaming, gunshots, explosions.
"Sasha?" She cried out in a panicked voice, he was just by her side a few moments ago. Where was he? Her brain was still a bit foggy from waking up, but Tokyo understood enough to know what was going on. They were being ambushed.


Sasha lurched forwards as he hear Tokyo call, reaching out and grabbing her arm, partly to keep track of her in the darkness, partly to reassure himself that he wasn't alone.
"I'm here," he said, barely keeping his own panic under control. His heart thundered loudly in his ears, and all his muscles felt weak with the adrenaline rush. "We…we gotta find York and Oliver."
He could barely hear himself, feeling disjointed from his body as he spoke on autopilot, his training taking over. Good. Good, he didn't want to have to think. If he tried to deal with this situation himself, he wouldn't be able to handle the fear and the pressure. He looked in the direction of camp, seeing the fires starting to die down. There were no more yells. Did that mean they'd won?

Somehow he doubted it. There were no calls for a headcount. No angry officers yelling for them. just crackling fires and silence. it took Sasha a second to comprehend what that probably meant.
"Don't leave me," he mumbled, realizing he was probably going into shock. "Stick together, right?"


Oliver felt a white hot pain in his arm and looked down to see blood dripping down the side of his arm. Thankfully, the bullet just grazed him, not doing much. That didn't mean it didn't hurt, he cursed under his breath before jumping in the bushes and laying flat on the ground, hiding from their attackers.

@PaperHats business

From around where York was, there could be heavy cussing heard. And, although it was entirely in Scots Gaelic, any language-speaking person could tell for a fact it was profanities.
“Tokyo!” he called out, stalking through the brush. “Oliver! Sasha! Where are you guys!? Are you alright!?”
He was just looking for a sign. Any sign that his comrades were in fact, okay. The explosion had ridded him of almost all hope, and he was gripping, clutching on to whatever was left.

(gah— sorry it’s so short!)


(We're in a different country, so speaking our native language probably would be fine, most the average soldiers wouldn't understand it. But we will probably need one at a certain point xDD)


"Sasha, where are we going." she stumbled trying to keep up with him. There were people at the camp, her friends, why were they going the opposite way?
"Hey!" Tokyo ripped her arm out of his hand. "There are people back there, we should go help!" She could hear them, her friends, comrades, screaming and yelling.
What about Ollie and York? Were they ok?


(So Brooklyn's gone, any ideas how we take her character out in a way that she might be able to rejoin us someday if she wants? Tokyo gets lost or separated or smth?)


(If you're up for it! ^^ But if you think you'll return to notebook someday, feel free to leave a possibility of her return <3)


"Sasha, where are we going." she stumbled trying to keep up with him. There were people at the camp, her friends, why were they going the opposite way?
"Hey!" Tokyo ripped her arm out of his hand. "There are people back there, we should go help!" She could hear them, her friends, comrades, screaming and yelling.
What about Ollie and York? Were they ok?

"Those aren't people on our side," Sasha said desperately. The shouts were rough and clipped, those of enemies giving orders, not friends screaming for help. In the chaos it was hard to tell. "We have to find York and Ollie!"
Behind them, the shouts cut off, ans silence fell. Sasha doubted they were safe. They were being hunted now, their foes moving out into the forest to mop up any stragglers.


"Yeah but-", she was suddenly cut off by a shot that landed in her arm. Slowly blood began to drip down her arm. "Oh shit, Sasha I'm hit." It was too late for that. One after another, shots kept firing, grenades were being thrown. Tokyo found herself alone in all the chaos. No Sasha, no York, No Ollie. She couldn't hear any of the commotion anymore, only seeing the fires that were going awry.
Her knees buckled, arms failing, now falling to the floor. There wasn't any pain, it hadn't registered yet.
It's not fair
This isn't suppose to happen to me.
Thoughts, emotions now running through her mind like a hurricane. It was so loud, even before she fell, she could hear it. An echo like a jet engine trailing after it, repeating itself through the hills and trees.
"Search her." Tokyo couldn't understand, her body felt numb as the blood was pooling beneath her body. It was if she had lost control, watching, listening. There was a distant feeling of hands roaming around her body, turning over pockets, taking away her weapons. A tear slowly trickled down her face. It was funny, as someone who was told to prepare to die and face death many times, she never prepared herself for it. It was suppose to be a joke.
"I don't want to be alone," no sound came out as Tokyo uttered the solemn words.
"Look." The assailants had found a picture of Tokyo, Sasha, and York, standing together with bright smiles on their faces. They never knew what was coming.
Slowly, one of them placed the photo on her chest and stood, whispering to each other as if she could do anything about it.
"Any last words?" Her vision was getting a bit fuzzy, but it was getting brighter for some reason. Was it morning already? She knew that your life could flash before your eyes, but why couldn't she see? Where was Korren?
It hurt, it hurt as her chest heaved, trying to look them in the eyes, mustering the strength for her last breath. It was as if time had stopped, just for a moment, time had stopped.
"Valerie, my name is Valerie."

@PaperHats business

(Oh holy hell York is going to be absolutely devastated. It’s been a pleasure writing with you Brooklyn! I’m sad to see you go but good luck on your journey, wherever it takes you :) Have a great one, friend!)


(Oh, golly, that was a legit tear-jerker ;v; We'll miss both you and your character <3)

Sasha heard the shots, felt Tokyo rip away from him, and tried to turn back to her. But the bullets were flying too thick and fast, one grazing his shoulder, terrifyingly close to his face. He fell back, still unsure of Tokyo's position, fear driving him deeper into the bushes as he tried to escape the onslaught of bullets.

And just as quickly as they'd started, they stopped. Sasha froze, his heart thundering in his ears almost as loudly as the firing guns. "Tokyo?" he whispered, but the voice that replied was not his friend.
"Search her."
Oh God, please no.
He slowly turned, slinking towards the voice. He silently parted the foliage just enough to see the enemy, surrounding a huddled lump on the ground. But it wasn't Tokyo, I couldn't be. She had to have escaped. Sure, the figure was wearing her clothes, held her weapon, but there was just no way.
But as the enemy soldiers pulled away, Sasha could see her clearly, and there was no more pretending. Tokyo didn't make any attempt to escape, blood pooling around her. And as the man standing above her said something to her too quiet for Sasha to catch, he watched as a gun was drawn, pointed at her forehead, and fired.

He would have screamed if he thought it was possible, but his voice didn't work. Time seemed frozen on the exact second of her death, the image impossible to ignore. He had to find the others. He couldn't be the only one left. He couldn't be alone. As he stumbled to his feet and staggered away, blinded by grief, he realized he didn't want to leave her body.
I'll come back. I'll find the others, and come back for her.