forum The Cadence of War (Closed 3/3) (Gore, violence, traumatic incidences, etc. 15+)
Started by @Oakiin

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@PaperHats business

(Also quick thing— I think I’m gonna change up York’s personality just a smallllll bit. It’s not gonna be enough to impact the dynamic we’re working with, I just want to write him a little different. Update: it has been changed)


(Alright, so heres the thing, I've watched a lot of realistic military movies,
the problem is that I don't know if I'm using the terms right.)


(The only experience I've had with the army is when my brothers decided to go into junior air cadets here in Canada. That's it they left 2 years after they joined but that's all the experience and knowledge I have of it)


(some things <3
Brooklyn: Yes, the turn order is replies. People are allowed to have their own conversations, but when entire group, plot based stuff is happening, we should try to stick to the turn order.
ex: Characters are just hanging around, talking amongst themselves/NPCs, turn order can be lax
vs this: characters are raiding an enemy camp: this is important for ALL people to be up to date on, so turn order will be a lot more strict, so no one gets lost
Hopefully that clears that up!
Also, with the military stuff, dw, this is just a casual rp, we haven't even decided what country we're fighting, let alone what country we serve, and for all we know, we're on a different planet xD (okay, probably not, but you catch my drift xD) So use terms how you see fit, it's anyone's guess. ^^
And LASTLY y'all have some cute stuf going on, I love it :D Keep it up!)


(Can I have a thing where no one actually knows what Tokyo's real name is, except Sasha. :I know it's a little racist, but its part of her little background, like they never actually knew her name, they just call her Tokyo because that's what other people called her?)


(Sure! Although, any reason in particular Sasha would know? :3)

(Idk, I just assumed that Sasha was like the leader of the group?)

(Nahh, he just a simple soldier like y'all ^^ He can be unaware also :D)


(Sure! Although, any reason in particular Sasha would know? :3)

(Idk, I just assumed that Sasha was like the leader of the group?)

(Nahh, he just a simple soldier like y'all ^^ He can be unaware also :D)

(Ah, well then, no one shall know Toyko's real name then.)


Oliver did a two-finger salute in response to the nudge and jogged a bit to walk next to York. "How long have you been with the army?" Oliver asked awkwardly, he didnt know York that well but he despised silence that could broken by familiarity.

@PaperHats business

“Six years,” he mumbled, voice still very quiet. He kept lower than considered casual, trying his best to minimize the amount of rustling gear he had. He wasn’t fully geared of course— and wasn’t fully worried either— but it was all he could do to keep on guard.
“What about you?” York asked, his low voice resonating through the silence.


"Four years, I joined to pay for school and for my family." Oliver spoke, looking around with alert eyes. "You go to school or went to join right out of highschool?"


(I keep forgetting we only have four people here, it's totally my turn xD
Quick question to Ollie and York: How far away are y'all from camp? Still within earshot, or a ways away? (And how far are they planning on going? Anything is fine, just wanna check so I know how to set some stuff up ^^)

Sasha's eyes flew open for the fifth time in as many minutes, hearing even more people up and moving around. Finally realizing he would not be sleeping anytime soon, he slipped out of his tent, watching as Oliver and York walked together. For a moment he thought about chasing after them and joining them; Oliver always was a calming presence to him. But he decided against it. They were probably too far away at this point anyways.
Instead, he turned to find Tokyo. Maybe she wanted some company.

@PaperHats business

“I earned my AA right out of high school, so I was convinced I didn’t need college,” York murmured. “So yes, I guess I did join out of school. After a few years, of course.”
He adjusted his rifle in his hands, still holding it close to his abdomen. His amber eyes glinted around the terrain, his mind seemingly elsewhere and out of the conversation.