forum Romance RP literally just so I can use a specific character (OxO Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

Anna looked over at the other detective. “DS Chohan, could you shut that off?” she asked, pointing at the recording device.

Suri pursed her lips, glanced down at her watch, and said, “Interview suspended 1046.”

She pressed the button to stop the device, and immediately, Harry looked over at Anna. “What the hell was that fo—”

Anna rose to her feet quickly, her chair sliding out behind her. “This is ridiculous,” she snapped. She was rarely ever seen this angry. “My points are valid, and you have to respect them. You have no right to be asking about his sister. She doesn’t matter to this case.”

She glanced down and motioned for Cody to get up. “We’re taking a ten-minute recess,” she said, giving Harry a sharp glance like he was going to try and cross her again. Fortunately, the man had the sense to remain silent, and Anna led her client out of the room with sharply clicking heels signaling her departure.

@AnxietyGremlin group

Cody didn't like the fact that they asked him about his sister like he was doing something wrong by not knowing her whereabouts, but he didn't expect Anna to get this angry.
He stood up quickly when she motioned for him to do so, as he had the sense to not argue with such a powerful woman while angered.
He followed her out fo the room swiftly and followed her wherever she planned to take him.
"Thanks. You know it wasn't that bad of a question. Yes they had no right to be asking about my sister, but you don't need to get so worked up about it. It's okay"
He spoke with caution in his words. He didn't want to invalidate her feelings, but he did want to calm her down. He didn't want her all worked up over him.

@emilyevewrites group

Anna led them through the halls quickly, dutifully ignoring Cody as she strode through the lobby and right out the doors onto the steps leading up to the building. When the door shut behind them, she faced him and took a deep breath. An apology was the first thing out of her mouth.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured. “But that’s only part of it. Harry shouldn’t even be on this case.” She exhaled swiftly through her nose before continuing. “And he definitely shouldn’t be this disrespectful. I assure you; this is not how he treats other solicitors. It’s not fair to you. Paige has nothing to do with this. They’re only trying to drag her in to be a witness and testify against you somehow.”

She shook her head firmly, her honey-toned curls bouncing.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"It's okay Anna." He said listening intently to every word she said. "I agree. Not just because I don't like him, but because I've been in the legal system long enough to know that attorneys with out of work relations shouldn't be on cases together. I don't know what Harry is to you, but I know that he shouldn't be working this case."
He agreed with the last part whole-heartedly. Paige didn't have a thing to do with this, and he didn't want her to know or to even have to stress about it.

@emilyevewrites group

Anna sighed, closed her eyes, and held up her left hand. The diamond ring on her finger glittered in the sun. “Husband,” she admitted reluctantly, opening her eyes and lowering her hand again. “Though we’re beginning to go through the process of a divorce. That’s why he was making a big deal out of it when he first saw me, and now he’s trying to play mind games.”

Anna shook her head again, this time with more vigor. “This is not how he treats other solicitors,” she repeated more vehemently than the first time.

@AnxietyGremlin group

'I kissed a married woman.' he thought to himself, thinking about the other night. "It's not right, but I'm used to it Anna." He said. "He shouldn't be doing that. It's messed up." He said, he didn't know what to do but he wanted to help.

@emilyevewrites group

Well, now he knows, Anna thought. She felt oddly upset that Cody was now aware of her marriage – estranged as it was – to Harry.

“You shouldn’t have to be used to it,” the attorney snapped quietly. “That’s my point. And yes, I know, but I’m not sure how much either of us can do.”

She shook her head and checked her watch. “We should be getting back. It’s nearly been ten minutes, and I don’t need him to critique me for being late.”

Anna led the way back inside and stopped short just inside the doors.

Across the lobby stood Harry, and he was talking with another woman. She was blonde and very pretty, and she was standing closer to Harry than what was usually appropriate for a conversation, even if they were whispering. She placed her hand on his arm and said something that made him reply quickly. The woman slid her fingers down his arm until they got to his wrist, where they lingered for a moment before she pulled them away. They both leaned in at the same time for a deep kiss before Harry headed back the hallway to the interrogation room and the woman headed for the doors to leave.

Anna quickly found her footing and pulled Cody across the lobby, giving the other woman a wide berth despite her not even noticing them. It was obvious from her body language that Anna was pissed, but the closer they got to the room, the more she let her professional behavior fall into place. She didn’t have time to be concerned about Harry’s dalliances and affairs. Cody needed her total focus during this interrogation, and that’s exactly what she planned on giving.

@AnxietyGremlin group

Cody watched this and thought about punching Harry, but he kept his cool and went along with Anna dragging him. He walked quietly and quickly to the interogation room and sat down, waiting for more questioning

(I'm in class sorry)

@emilyevewrites group

Anna sat down and arched an eyebrow at Harry, who had a faint lipstick smudge in the corner of his mouth.

DS Chohan looked around and started the device again. “Interview resumed 1055.” She looked over at her partner. “Any further questions?”

Harry leaned forward slightly and steepled his hands. “Yes. Mr. Barlow, could you list your criminal record within the last year?”

@AnxietyGremlin group

"And that is relevant how?" Cody had never been asked that EVER. The already had access to his criminal record so why would he need to list it. Besides he hadn't even committed any crimes in three years until this one

@emilyevewrites group

"We're looking for repetitive theft and murder charges in the backgrounds of all the other subjects. They all agreed, rather quickly too," Harry remarked.

"You have that information," Anna countered. "Why does he need to tell you?"


Anna curled her fingers into fists underneath the table.

@emilyevewrites group

"When was the last time you committed theft? You have a pretty extensive criminal background," Harry remarked.

Anna jumped in. "That's outrageous. How is he supposed to remember? Look at your damn list."

"Enough, solicitor," Harry snapped back.

Anna's eyes flashed with barely concealed anger.

@emilyevewrites group

"What about theft? Or assault and battery?" Harry pressed on.

Beside him, DS Chohan looked uncertain about the way the interview was proceeding. She glanced at Anna, but the other woman was focusing on Harry and just trying to keep her head above water.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"I still don't see how this is relevant. aside from the theft." He replied. He did have a few assault and battery charges on him, but not extremely recent, and he had no theft charges. When it came to theft he usually knew how not to get caught "Are we almost done here?"

@emilyevewrites group

“Answer the question, and then yes,” Harry said smoothly. “We can be done.”

Anna was practically holding her breath in anticipation for the interview to be over and to get away from Harry.

@emilyevewrites group

Harry nodded over to Suri, who spoke into the recording device to end the session.

Quickly, Anna stood up and motioned for Cody to follow her lead. Just as she was heading for the door, Harry rose to his feet and hurried after her. “Anna, wait,” he called after her.

Anna immediately looked at him with a sharp gaze. “What do you want?” she murmured quietly but firmly.

“Just wondering if I can still have Daisy this weekend, if that's okay,” he said.

“Yeah, that's great. But you could have called later to tell me that, so what do you really want?” Anna pressed.

Harry shot a quick look at Cody before looking back at his wife. “Well, I just wondered if you fancied a drink or a bite to eat tonight.”

“I can't,” she answered. “I'm having dinner with someone.”

“Okay, cool, yeah,” Harry replied, shrugging it off even though his expression fell a bit. “Have a good night.”

He turned to go, and Anna sighed quietly. “Happy anniversary, Harry,” she said plainly.

Harry looked back at her, a small smile on his face. “You, too.”

With that, Anna headed for the doors, not looking behind her again except to make sure Cody was still walking behind her. “You alright?” she asked once they were outside and in the sunlight again.

@AnxietyGremlin2 group

Cody got up quickly and followed her, standing back a little when Harry stopped her. He then caught up to her, and replied "Yea, little irritated though. What about you? You good?" he questioned, wondering what Harry stopped her about.

"I have to go to a band recital for Paisley if you want to join me" he offered. He wanted Anna to see how talented his sister was. He wanted everyone to see it. She was his world.

As they walked, he thought about what it would be like if she went with him. It wasn't like a big, fancy date, but it would be something

@emilyevewrites group

Anna smiled tiredly. “I’m fine,” she answered, though her expression didn’t match her words. However, her smile grew at the mention of Cody’s sister. “Yes,” she agreed easily. “I’d love to go. When is it? Tonight?”

@AnxietyGremlin2 group

"Yea. It's in a couple hours. I'd say you have enough time to go home and get ready, and I'll pick you up say, 6?" Cody replied, portraying himself calmer than he was. He didn't expect her to say yes, though she seemed even happy he'd asked