forum Romance RP literally just so I can use a specific character (OxO Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

Anna blinked and stared back at him for a moment. But she couldn't help it as she burst into laughter right after. "What is that supposed to mean?" she managed to get out.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"It means your hot" He said plainly. He trie dso hard to keep a straight face but burst into laughter at his own stupidity. Then he realized what he said "W-Wait I- " he sighed. He dug his grave, now he has to lie in it

@emilyevewrites group

Anna was caught off guard almost immediately. "You… You think I'm hot?" she asked, confused. Without being able to process her words, she asked, "Why on earth do you think that?"

@AnxietyGremlin group

"yea.." he gave up. he was scared it would become awkward, but he already messed up. He had been looking to the floor, but he looked up at the second question. "Why? Are you crazy? Just look at yourself. Your gorgeous. Your hair is beautiful. Your eye's sparkle in whatever light your in. Your smile is so bright i can't see anything but you! Just look in a mirror one time and you'll get why"

@emilyevewrites group

Anna's features softened for a moment in the dimmed lamplight. She subconsciously reached up and touched her hair. "Oh… I don't think anyone has ever said such kind things to me."

@emilyevewrites group

Anna gave him a quick up-and-down look with a knowing smirk on her lips. "Can you wait to be a weirdo until I'm at least inside my flat?" she teased, heading down the street again. Still, in the back of her mind, Cody's words resonated, and she smiled to herself.

@emilyevewrites group

"Goodnight," Anna said quietly. She turned to put her key in the lock, but she hesitated. "Wait," she said, half for Cody and half for herself. Her heart was racing as she reached up to cup Cody's cheek and drew him down the short distance so their lips met.

@AnxietyGremlin group

Cody died right there and then. His heart raced like it was running a marathon. He looked at her curiously, but when she cupped his face he panicked, he let her guide him down to her height and kissed her. He closed his eyes, and stayed there for a moment. drawing away shortly after. "Goodnight Anna. Sleep well." He said, before walking away. A stupid blush and a dorky smile the whole way home.

@emilyevewrites group

Anna's eyes opened slowly after the kiss to see him leave. "Goodnight," she called back. With that, she turned and let herself into her flat. She shut the door behind her and leaned against it, still trying to catch her breath. What had she just done? Where had it come from? She couldn't stop the smile that spread on her face. All other thoughts aside, it was… nice.

@AnxietyGremlin group


Cody walked down to the station, and went inside. He waited for Anna. It was the day of his interrogation. He wasn't going to do it without her. She knew everything that had led up to it, but no actual details of the case that weren't in his files. He stood there and waited, looking at the door, everytime it opened, slightly disappointed every time the person entering wasn't Anna

@emilyevewrites group

Anna picked up her pace as she walked down the street toward the precinct. She looked down and checked her watch. Damn, she was running late.

A few minutes later, she entered the police station, quickly spotting Cody and approaching him with swift and sure steps. "Hello, Mr. Barlow. I'm sorry I'm late, but it couldn't be helped. How are you?" She addressed him professionally, but when her eyes met his, she felt a shock run down her spine.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"Fine, and you? And it's quite alright Ms.Clayton." He used the most professional tone he could, heart racing as he looked her in the eyes. He was quite relieved when an official called his name and escorted the two to an interogation room

@emilyevewrites group

Anna broke their gaze to look over at the official directing them. She entered first and stopped short.

Sitting across the table was an Indian woman with wide brown eyes and Harry. Seeing Anna, he instantly stood up. Anna looked just as surprised and confused as Harry as he motioned for her to follow him out of the room.

"Go sit," she whispered to Cody, touching his arm to guide him by her. "I'll handle this."

@emilyevewrites group

The woman across the table offered a small smile since Harry was gone. “I’m Suri Chohan.”

In the hall, Harry was waiting for Anna with an incredulous expression. “Who sent you?” he demanded.

“My firm,” Anna answered simply.

“What are you doing?”

“My job. Can we just be professional about this?” she asked, glancing back in the room to see if Cody was
watching or not.

“We’re still a married couple, remember?” Harry pointed out. “We both can’t work on this case.”

“Well, then why don’t you go home?” Anna asked, turning and heading back into the room. “I’m his solicitor,” she said, addressing the words to Suri while she sat easily in the chair beside Cody and opposite what would have been Harry’s.

DS Chohan cast a look at the door, trying to see if Harry would return or not.

@emilyevewrites group

After a moment, Harry returned and sat down. Anna arched her eyebrows at him, and he looked away, dismissing her look. Suri looked over at him questioningly, almost the same look Anna gave him.

“Winter will handle it,” was all he said before pressing down on a recording device and speaking to it. “1037 on April 9. Interviewing the suspect, Cody Barlow, are DI Clayton and DS Chohan with a note that solicitor Anna Clayton is present.” He gave Anna a brief look before setting the device down in the middle of the table.

“Mr. Barlow,” Chohan spoke up first since Harry was busy shooting subtle glances at Anna. “Can you begin by describing where you were on the night of April 6?”

@AnxietyGremlin group

"On april ninth I was in town, I was shopping to buy a bracelet for my sister at the mall. I went to the Claires to find something cheap, and when I couldn't find anything, I just walked around" He said, lying through his teeth hoping they couldn't tell

@emilyevewrites group

DS Chohan pursed her lips and slipped a sheet of paper out from a manilla file folder. “So, Mr. Barlow, this isn’t you?” She slid the paper across the table, and Anna lifted her chin slightly to look. The image was taken from a security camera, and there was Cody wearing a black hoodie with the hood up and black cargo pants. His back was to the camera as he walked by, and the picture was grainy.

“Are you joking?” Anna asked. “That could be anyone. It’s impossible to see—”

“Enough, solicitor,” Harry interrupted her. “Let Mr. Barlow answer the question.”

Anna’s features turned to stone, and she stiffened in her chair.

@emilyevewrites group

Chohan withdrew the picture, and Harry spoke to fill the silence. “And did you ever have any kind of acquaintance with the Mr. Peter Lockgate that was murdered in his home just minutes after that security photo was taken?”