forum Romance RP literally just so I can use a specific character (OxO Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@AnxietyGremlin group

He stopped talking, realizing they were half way there and he had been talking about danishes the whole time. "I'm sorry. I've been talking this whole time. What do you want to talk about?" He asked politely. He didn't know why he wanted to keep up such appearances, as he had cried in front of her, shown frustration in front of her, and rambled like a kid, all after having just met her this morning. He walked quietly, trying not to ramble as they turned the corner onto the street the cafe was on.

@emilyevewrites group

(And I’m about to take a temporary wrecking ball to it… 😅 So sorry…)

Anna smiled and strode confidentially along the sidewalk beside Cody. “I don’t mind listening. I’ve gotten quite good at it, thanks to my job.” She winked at him knowingly. “Besides, we can save what I want to talk about until we get there. Please continue, if you’re inclined.”

However, just as they were passing a store full of flashing lights, someone called out her name. "Anna!"

Normally, the woman wouldn't have stopped. “Anna” was a common name, and she didn't want to embarrass herself by thinking whoever it called the name was talking to her when really they weren't. But she froze instantly. She knew that voice. As she turned, a well-dressed man headed towards her, coming from the "flashing lights" store. One glance behind him told Anna all she needed to know – it wasn't a store, it was a casino.

"Harry," she greeted, straightening herself to her full height and arching her eyebrows at him. "I didn't know you would be here."

"Small world," Harry replied easily. His eyes cut to Cody. "Who is this?"

"This is my friend, Cody," Anna introduced briefly. She seemed uncomfortable and tense with the situation. There was definitely something between her and this man – Harry.

@AnxietyGremlin group

(Ah yes. Agnst. Your good. I love it when that happens)

Cody turned when he heard the voice as well. He smiled, then dropped it as soon as the man got close enough. He could tell Anna was tense, but didn't know why. He didn't want to make a scene without knowing all the details, so he just politely introduced himself. He held out his hand for Harry to shake it "My name's Cody. Nice to meet you. Harry, right?" As he waited for any type of response, he did what he was good at. Analyzed him. He could tell there was something. Maybe an old friend. An ex perhaps. But the man was unpleasant from the start. Cody could smell the slight tinge of alcohol on his breath, and saw that he had just came from a high baller casino. Not the best of circumstances, considering

A; Harry was clearly a man who liked to take chances,

B; Anna was clearly uncomfortable so there had to be something up with this guy,

C; Cody was a quick-to-anger felon, with a suspicion of murder charge on his record

D; He was with his attorney for crying out loud.

This could not go well

@emilyevewrites group

(Hehe, well you're in luck because I'm good at it XD)

Harry clapped his hand into Cody’s and shook it firmly. “Harry Clayton,” he introduced himself. After a moment, he released Cody’s hand and looked past him to his wife. “Is this your new boyfriend, Anna?”

Anna scoffed quietly, only quiet enough for Cody to hear. Did he have to say his last name? she thought. Well, technically and legally, it was their last name. She needed to work on that. “No,” she said shortly. “This is a client.”

Harry’s eyebrows arched. “Oh, I see…”

Anna took a swift step toward him and spoke under her breath. “Please, Harry. Not now. It isn’t the right time for this.”

@AnxietyGremlin group

'husband?' he thought, a hint of sadness ringing in his head. 'She seems so unhappy that he's here. They must be divorced or something' he said to himself. Cody decided to remain silent. this was not his place. If Anna needed help she would let him know. He did, however, brace himself to get another charge. He didn't know why, but he was unknowingly ready to catch more accutastions for this woman he just met this morning. He didn't know what to do. All he knew was that if had to do something, he would.

@emilyevewrites group

“Really?” Harry pressed. “And when is the right time to talk about this?”

Anna lifted her chin and stared him down firmly. “Oh, go back to your gambling. It’s the only thing you were ever any good at.” Until he lost all of our money and I had to leave him.

In a flash of an instant, Harry reached out and grabbed her wrist. Anna’s eyes widened, and she tried to pull away, but Harry held fast.

He muttered something in her ear, and her eyes darted down to the runic-looking bracelet he was wearing before looking back up into his steely grey eyes. Some kind of understanding passed between them as he still kept her wrist in a close grip.

@AnxietyGremlin group

Cody jumped into action. He grabbed his hand and pried it off her wrist. "I don't care who you are to her. You never touch a woman like that." He spat harshly. Leading her away and widening the distance. He truly didn't care. Ex-husband or not, that's not a boundary you cross. And maybe he overstepped his own boundaries. maybe he just picked a fight with the wrong guy. All that mattered at that very moment was protecting her. He could tell. She worked hard for everything she had, and this guy tried to take it all away from her.

@emilyevewrites group

Anna's eyes widened, and she stumbled in her heels at the sudden pull. "Oh! Um, lovely to see you, Harry," she called in parting and quickly focused on righting herself to walk naturally. Her heart was racing, even from the small interaction, and she looked over her shoulder to make sure Harry wasn't following them.

"I was alright," she said once they were out of earshot, ignoring how she'd nearly twisted her ankle. Anna would be the first to admit that she wasn't exactly the most graceful at times. "I had it under control. But I'm sorry the whole encounter even happened. I should have known that wherever there are casinos… there's Harry." She tried her best to keep the bitterness out of her voice, but it didn't work.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. All i know is that it wasn't okay for him to do that. I completely forgot there was a casino down this end of the road. I should have just taken you the quick way" Cody said calmly. "Anyways. You can talk about it if you want, but we're almost there. If you take a deep breath you can smell the coffee!" He said, goofy smile forever plastered onto his face. He did as he said, and breathed deeply. The air smelled strongly of strawberries and coffee grounds. Not to mention the chilly autumn air nipping at his nose and fingertips and attempting to either sour or lighten the mood. It was up to them which they would let happen

(sorry it's short, i didn't know what else to add"

@emilyevewrites group

(Bestie, you’re all good! I’m chill about response length. Mine vary depending on my motivation/time I have available to write ;))

Anna shook her head. “It’s alright. How were you supposed to know? You know nothing about me, least of all my sorry excuse for a husband.” She drew up slightly at her own words and shook her head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I shouldn’t have said that.”

She cut herself off quickly to keep from rambling and did as Cody instructed. A grin instantly spread on her face. “Oh my God, you’re right! I can smell the coffee!” she laughed.

@AnxietyGremlin group

He smiled. His smiled turned into a laugh. Her laugh was not only contaigeous but intoxicating. They laughed together for a few moments, and when he caught his breath, he stopped in front of a well lit, cozy-looking building. "This is it" he said, guiding her in.

He looked around as always, and greeted the barista. "Hey Julie!"

The woman behind the counter smiled warmly at him. "Heya' Cody! Who's this? She seems lovely."
Julie spoke with a warm and bubbly voice, motioning to Anna at the last bit

Cody smiled back. "This is Anna! She's my friend. "

Julie held out her hand over the counter. "Nice to meet you Anna. I'm Julie. What can i get for you this fine evening?"

@emilyevewrites group

Anna grinned and let him lead her in. She nearly forgot why they were here in the first place, but the thought quickly slipped her mind again when they entered and stepped up to the counter. She flushed a bit at being called ‘lovely’ by the barista and offered a handshake and sincere smile in return. “Hello, Julie. Could I get an iced dirty chai tea latte?” she asked, slipping a hand into her purse to pull out her wallet.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"Of course. Coming right up. And anything for you Cody? On the house for bringing in such a charming lady" Julie smiled, writing down the order

"Just the usual please" Cody replied. "I get free stuff a lot here. do you want a danish or something? I can call in a favor." Cody asked, turning to Anna.

Julie wrote down something else, never dropping her smile, and turned to Anna "On me. I owe him one o two"

@emilyevewrites group

Anna had just shooed her other blush away when it came racing back. Charming? "Sure," she said a bit absently, still looking for her wallet. "Which one would you recommend?"

At Julie's words, she looked up and shook her head. "Nonsense. I won't hear of it. At the very least let me tip you for outstanding service."

@AnxietyGremlin group

Julie smiled a more genuine, and somehow brighter smile "Thank you Miss."

Julie and Cody then looked at each other then at Anna, before saying in unison "Strawberry Cream Cheese."

It was obvious it was their shared favorite. Julie spoke again "If that's what you'd like i can get that started for you right away."

@emilyevewrites group

"Please don't call me 'miss,'" Anna said softly. "It's just Anna." She blinked in surprise but quickly grinned at the easy nature between the two. "Yes, that sounds delicious. One for each of us, please," she said, placing a twenty in Julie's hand and looking at Cody. "Where would you like to sit?"

@AnxietyGremlin group

Julie nearly died on the spot. Her tips were never more than five dollars "Thank you so much Anna. I'll get that started immediately." Julie said excitedly and ran to go make the order

Cody smiled. "Thank you for that. She never gets much. I wish I had the money to do that." Cody said warmly. "Anywho, I have the perfect table." He lead her over to a table in the corner by the window. Nice, quiet and private. The perfect ambiance, and just the right temperature. "Here. " He said as he sat down.

@emilyevewrites group

(Stop, I love Julie XD)

Anna gave the woman a warm smile. "It's much deserved," she said kindly before following Cody's lead again to the corner window. Her eyes lit up at the sight. "Oh, isn't this darling?" she asked with a smile, slipping into the booth and looking over at Cody. "It's a bit like we're isolated from the rest of the busy world now, don't you think?"

@AnxietyGremlin group

"Yea! That's why I like it. I come here a lot to think. Now what is it you wanted to talk about?" Cody asked inquisitively

Julie walked over with a tray. She set it down on the table, before placing Anna's danish and latte in front of her, then turning to cody and placing down a hot chocolate with whipped cream and a danish as well. "Enjoy your food!" Julie said before walking away as the bell of the door sung through the cafe

@emilyevewrites group

(Cool cool! Hey, guess what.)

"Well," Anna said slowly, "I was hoping to discuss-" She quickly cut herself off as Julie came over to place their orders down in front of them. "Thank you," she acknowledged with a smile. Once the waitress was out of earshot, Anna looked over at Cody with a solemn expression. "I was hoping to discuss anything about your past that you're willing to talk about." She lifted her drink to her lips and sipped slowly.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"Of course. Well where do you want me to start. Childhood? First arrest, First crime? What?" He looked around, and smiled. "I can start wherever." Cody enjoyed this cafe. It had always been his favorite place, and held a sentimental meaning for him. He took a sip of his hot chocolate through a straw like a child.