forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Evan woke up in a cold sweat jerking up looking around, they werent in the car? How did he get home last night? He quickly put a hand to his head to try and stop the throbbing headache that had just started. They had just been on there way to get boba and donuts, why did they swerve off road.
He replayed the memory from yesterday, and the he found why.
Ari had been trying to get him to sit normally in his seat and so he got distracted and swerved off road. He felt awful, on top of the throbbing headache and aching joints. He reached for his phone, and scrolled until he found Ari's contact, he thought he could almost hear the keyboard noise so he stopped and tried again but it went away. His phone was pretty jacked up so he would definitely need a new one.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio got up out of bed and stumbled to his window to check on his herb garden window box, then groaned when he saw that his basil had died. He touched the leaves and sighed, turned back into his room to grab his trowel, but when he turned back everything was green. He paused, confused. He shuffled around the basil, thinking maybe he saw just a single sprig dead, but nope. It was all green, the entire box. He shook his head before watering it and shutting the window. Maybe he was just working too hard and was losing it.


All Sana remembered was going to give Evan a high-five, and then it seemed they were instantly in a ditch. She woke up with a start at that memory, groaning as she rolled onto her stomach and groaning once more. Sana sat up slowly as she tried to get comfortable, checking over herself and frowning at the mess of new bruises that were apparent on her arms and stomach. It hurt like hell to move, but she did anyway, making her way to the bathroom to check out the bruises further. Moving to flick on the light, she paused when it flicked on before she even touched the switch, though she put it off a just forgetting she had turned it on.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He walked into the bathroom and started running water, and splashing it in his face then pausing.
can i….hear things?… he shook his head.
of course not. water doesn't even sound like that and that would be impossible. he sighed splashing his face once more and drying it with a towel. He noticed the bruises on his arms he reached up to touch his black swollen eye. He sighed going back into his room and changing into clothes for school. He walked downstairs and his foster mom was cooking while his Foster dad was just watching sports in their living room. He waved at them, seeing as they were distracted he just walked out of the door and left.
Hey Ari you get home safe?? He sent out a text to Ari before seeing Sana's contact in his phone.
Hey sana, its even. You get home okay??

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio heard his phone ding with Evan’s special text tone and quickly snatched it up.
Yeah, though I don’t know how. How are your injuries? I’m so sorry, I should’ve been watched the road, if I had minded my own business, none of this would have happened… He was crying now, feeling absolutely awful and he curled up onto his bed, not wanting to go near his truck to get to school.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He heard the familiar ping of an Ari text and immediately pulled out his phone seeing the text then running a hand through his hair. wait wait wait, heard? no. he must have just felt the vibration He turned and started to head to ari's house.
'Me either. Im fine I'm just bruised up pretty bad, how are yours? have you heard from sana? Its okay btw ari, you couldn't have known that would have lead to what it did. I should have stayed in my seat then you wouldn't have had to nag on me and we wouldn't have crashed.
now he was crying too. He put his phone away after checking for a text from sana.
He knocked on Ari's front door.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio’s abuela opened the door and immediately started exclaiming in Spanish, speaking rapid-fire but clearly inviting Evan in with her gestures and worrying over his bruises and tears. She called out Arsenio’s name and spoke a bit more Spanish. Arsenio immediately responded in his own rapid-fire Spanish, his voice slightly wobbly with crying. Arsenio’s grandmother pointed Evan to Ari’s room, before hurrying off to make hot cocoa for the boys.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He nodded and spoke in some Spanish but it was rather slowed down. He just explained that he was okay and just wanted to see Ari and got a little emotional plus a thank you. Her gestures helped when she spoke to fast for him to read lips. He jogged up the stairs and went to Ari's room.
"hey," was all he said, before heading into the room.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio immediately ran over and wrapped Evan in a hug, murmured, “Lo siento…. lo siento….” Whenever Arsenio got emotional and upset, he tended to revert back to Spanish.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He hugged Ari tightly, setting his head on top of Ari's head.
"I just want you to know, its not your fault. Okay? It wasn't either of our faults. Im just glad that your okay, Im sure sana is okay too." even though its my fault. he made sure to speak out loud so that Ari would have to sign while crying.
He rubbed Arsenio's back soothingly.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ari slowly calmed down, snuggling close to Evan. He then started walking backwards with Evan still trapped in his arms until they sat down on the bed. He seemed to refuse to let Evan go, scared after what had happened and scared that he could’ve lost him.


Sana studied her bruises for a few minutes, sighing as she poked them and winced from the pain. Faintly, she heard her phone go off, and with another sigh, she headed out of the bathroom. Once again, the light flicked off before she hit the lightswitch, but she didn't even notice. Reading the text on her phone, she texted back quickly. "I'll be alright, nothing is broken. How are you and Ari?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(Ari is litterally adorable)

Evan moved with Ari towards the bed,, holding tight to Ari as they sat down. He felt his phone go off with a faint vibration and reached with one arm and looked seeing it was from Sana.
good to hear, were doing good no broken bones here either. then he set his phone down.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Most of my characters seem to end up that way. I feel like it’s probably because I project myself onto them. Lol)

Arsenio was now koala clinging to Evan when his grandmother walked in quietly and set a tray with two hot cocoas and a plate of homemade cookies on the bedside table before ruffling the boys’ hair affectionately and murmured soft words in Spanish before leaving them alone again, closing the door behind her. Ari just sniffled into Evan’s shoulder, holding on tight.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Evan couldnt help but let out a soft chuckle at the way he clinged to him. He said a quick thank you when the hot cocco and cookies were brought in. He was thinking something and accidentally said it out loud. it just happen to be, "Why are you so cute?" he didn't even realize he said it either, because he couldn't hear it.
He sat there softly smiling at Ari, holding him. "When your ready, there's hot cocco and cookies," he spoke softly.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Evan tilted his head a bit confused. "I don't remember saying you were but if you kept denying it i might just keep saying you are." he joked a little bit, taking a cookie from the plate and handing it too Ari. "Here."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ari took the cookie and pulled back to stare straight into Evan’s face. “You literally just said it out loud. Did you not realize?” He started slowly nibbling at the cookie, only scraping off a little bit at a time, savoring it.