forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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Timeskip: Later that night

For Sana, the rest of her afternoon had flew by. Even her class did, complete with all the new assignment she had to finish. She didn't pay much attention to them though, already focused on her meet up with Evan and Ari. The two hadn't texted her at all, but she made her way back to her dorm easily, perfectly content with dropping her things off before meeting them.

(Just to add in some fun..would you two be up for the mystical being and their bestowing of a quest happening while they're meeting up? Or would you rather wait?)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio had gone home and changed into something more suitable, because it was getting colder out. He was now pulling to the front of the School Lot C in his rundown pickup truck one of his uncles had gifted him, and parked, before creating a group message and texting both Sana and Evan to let them know he was here.


Sana just bothered to throw on a thicker sweatshirt before leaving her dorm, figuring her light leggings would be warm enough. She read Ari's text quickly, then headed back towards the parking lot, wondering why she hadn't just met them right after class.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio received the text then scanned the parking lot, and saw Sana’a figure coming towards the parking lot. He quickly texted Evan back, I see her, she looks like she ran to her dorm to switch out her bag and clothes. We’ll wait for you to get back. See you soon! <3 Then he climbed out of the car and waved his arms to catch Sana’s attention.


Sana glanced around the parking lot with a confused look on her face before she spotted Ari and Evan. She smiled when she saw them and waved back, tucking her phone into her sweatshirt pocket before jogging over to the two of them. "Nice seeing you two again," She said, glancing between them, "How were your afternoons?"

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ari grinned. “Loud as ever in the Torres house. I could barely get any studying done.” He shook his head as he chuckled. “A few of my younger cousins were over and were hanging off of me like koalas.”

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"Aww i wish i was there that sounds adorable." Evan gushed chuckling a little bit. he turned to sana. "I just finished up with an afternoon class, its was pretty easy though so not much worry there. how was your evening?" he smiled at her.


"Both of your afternoons sound much more fun than mine," Sana replied, chuckling lightly and smiling, "I just had class, though saddly mine wasn't quite as easy." She glanced at Ari, asking in curiousity, "How many cousins do you have? They sound adorable."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenic grimaced. “23…. 23 cousins….. the youngest is a few months old, and the oldest is 6 years older than me.” He felts overwhelmed just thinking about the impending family thanksgiving family reunion.