forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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Her eyes widened and she nodded, a tiny smile once again appearing on her face, "Wow, family reunions must be fun." She chuckled and added in, leaning against the truck, "That sounds much more fun than me and my nine other cousins."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ari grinned and ruffled his his hair in embarrassment. “Eh. I kinda always wished for a smaller family… with so many people, it’s easy to feel invisible, and always we all can’t always afford much luxuries because we have to care for so many people. Honestly, if I get married at any point during the future, I only want to adopt a couple kids so I can focus my attention on them better rather than be forced to leave them to their own devices and unintentionally ignore them.” Arsenal laughed a bit. “It’s also a little annoying to be the stereotypical Hispanic family, ya know?”

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

okay so Evan didnt listen to the conversation but he watched as they exchanged words, back and forth until he kinda lost track of what they were saying so he pulled out his phone, and texted back his mom. Telling her about the plans that he had made.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(So my tablet just autocorrected Arsenio to Arsenal just now.)

Arsenio touched a hand to Evan’s arm to get his attention and gestured towards the truck, addressing the both of them. “Well, I guess we could get going. If we stand around talking too long, the bubble tea shop’s gonna close!”

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio smiled at Evan’s gentlemanly behavior and walked around the car to get into the driver’s seat, starting up the truck which emitted a dull roar. Dammit, he’d have to get his muffler checked soon…he sighed in broke, and buckled up and punched in the shop into his hand-me-down GPS.


(Sighed in broke…10/10 can relate to the max lol)
Sana smiled nodding in thanks as Evan opened the door for her. She slipped inside and closed the door behind her, waiting patiently for the two of them to get ready. Bubble tea sounded really good, and she couldn't wait to get going and try it. Hopefully it was as good as she assumed it would be.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Evan let go of the door as she shut it behind her, he walked around the door making sure to glance for other cars just incase. Sometimes vibrations came a bit late and he would rather not get run over, he opened the door to the car, slipping in the passenger seat. He buckled up his seat belt and looked forward, not paying much attention too Sana.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Wrote it because I am it. Lol)

Arsenio slowly pulled out of the parking lot. He glanced to the both of them and nudged Evan to get his attention so he could continue with the act. “Hey do you guys wanna grab some donuts or something on the way to bubble tea? I’m a bit hungry.”


"I'll never turn down donuts," She said, smiling and glancing between the two of them and nodding, "Count me in." Sana tapped her wallet, "I'll even pay for donuts if you guys want."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio considered this. “Can you afford to? We can always just pay for our own donuts or something. I’ll be paying for the tea.” He looked over at the two of them before quickly returning his eyes to the road.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"OR I could pay for your guys donuts, and Ari can pay for the bubble tea and sana could just be there to enjoy our time and out company as friends." Evan suggest looking at Ari and then winking at sana before returning to sitting properly in his seat.

(Gasp what if they got into a car crash because evan wasn't sitting in his seat properly and Ari turned to get evan back sitting in his seat properly an they swerved, then they meet the super power figure in visions they all have at the same time. Then they wake up back at there home and go to school finding out they gots powers and decide to meet up about it.)


(I'm honestly down for that idea :D )
Sana shook her head, looking through her wallet again, "I can afford donuts, as long as y'all aren't going to eat twenty-seven of them." She chuckled and glanced between them, quite glad she decided to change into a thicker sweatshirt, "Evan could do the tea, I'll take care of donuts and Ari can just deal with driving."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio panicked a bit when Evan started leaning out of his seat and immediately reached out to push him back into a proper position, “Evan, we’ve talked about-“ a And suddenly he was blinded by some idiot with his bright lights on and the car swerved to the right, heading straight for the ditch, Ari screamed in panic as he tried to turn back, but the car was going too fast and the ditch was too close.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

The car swerved eventually crashing into the ditch, two cars stopped in the middle of the road and two people got out of there cars and ran for the ditch, "Oh my gosh."
"Somebody call 912!"
"Are they okay?"
"What happened?"
"Your kids are all fine, they are very lucky to only get scratches and bruises. Your cleared to take them home."
They would wake up each seperate but also in the same place. They just couldn't see each other. There was a glowing being above each of them.
"Your destined for great things." They said. Each would respond with
"What' do you mean? Who are you?"
"All of that in good time, now wake up"

(Hope that was good lol)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(It was great!)

Ari sat up, gasping and looking around frantically. He calmed when he saw he was was in his bedroom. He was confused. The last thing he knew was that he was heading for ditch, trying to turn the car back and save his friends. He winced and clutched his ribs. He lifted his shirt up and gently peeled away the bandages there, wincing horribly when he saw the mess of black and blue bruises across his stomach and ribs.