forum "Question, Who Am I?" || Private with @Prince_Taehyungie ||
Started by @spacebluelily language

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After a few minutes, they were taken back to Jackie's room, once again greeted with confusion the moment she saw them. They expected that, though, as they knew that she no longer had any idea of who they were, not even with any idea of who she herself was. Everything until waking up after the accident was a blank. While everyone else in there would've given anything to get her memories back, they knew that it would take time if the unlikely event was to even occur. Even so, they tried explaining just enough so she'd be comfortable going home with them. They wanted her back, and whether they could fully get her back or could only reintroduce her to everyone and make new memories, this was a start.

@spacebluelily language

Jacqueline looked at her family and Yasmine with a confused face, as they explained everything to her. She didn't really think that they were lying, but one never knew. She sighed as she got off the bed, and ran a hand through her hair. Before they appeared, a kind nurse had lent her some clothes. "Okay, then." She said. "So, I have to come with you lot, right?"


(I was out shopping. Sorry!!! Also, should I be concerned about your username?)

Her family explained to her that she would be coming home with them since she was a part of their family. They tried making her as comfortable as possible, but they knew it would be hard when they were nothing more than complete strangers to her at that point. Still, they eventually convinced her to come with them, and soon enough, they were on their way back home.

@spacebluelily language

(It's all fine! Uh…no…? I don't know, actually oof)

Jaqueline looked around the car, at all the unfamiliar faces. She didn't know how one could forget their memories. It just seemed impossible. The car came to a stop and everybody got out. Jacqueline did the same. Jackie's mom opened the door to the house and stepped aside. "Welcome home, Jackie."
Jacqueline cautiously entered the house and looked around. It was going to take a while for her to adjust to the house and everybody else.


(I didn't know if it was to match someone or to express your emotions, hence the concern.)

"Hey…if you don't mind…could you drop me off at my house…?" Yasmine asked a bit into everyone trying to get Jackie comfortable in her house again. "I feel really out of place… She's not my family… I shouldn't even be here… If our friendship dies…it dies…but I don't care… If she changes…she changes… Just take me home, please… This is your moment…not mine… She needs to remember you more than anyone… I'm not even important…so why would I need to be here…?" It was clear she was feeling guilty and like she was intruding, so she wanted to go home, to cry, to scream, to scold herself for this, to just let it all out away from other people, without feeling like she's making things about her.

@spacebluelily language

(oh, i see. you don't have to worry about me. i'm fine. :) )

"Your family too, Yasmine," Jackson said softly. "You know her more than we do. She spends more time with you than any of her family members. You're just as important as we are. Your friendship won't die. You guys were friends before the crash, what makes you think she won't be your friend now?"


(That's good. :) I'm lonely… My friend brought up love…so now I just feel forever single again…)

"I'm not even family… Besides…personalities can change… Brain damage can do things like that… I should just get used to the Jackie I knew being gone… At least I never told her what I wanted to before it… It would've only crushed me more… Now that can die with me… I'll find my own way back home… I'm leaving…" Yasmine then bolted out the door. She couldn't take it. She didn't want to start crying and make everything about her, so she left.

@spacebluelily language

(i feel you. we're both in the lonely club)

Jacqueline wanted to do something. She wanted to run after her and comfort her. Even though Yasmine was practically a stranger to her now, it didn't mean she was going to let her be all broken. "I'll be back," Jacqueline said as she left the house and followed Yasmine. Maybe she could talk to her? She knew it was most likely to fail, but she didn't want her to be sad.


(Forever alone! Haha…it's a feeling that I hate… I thought I found my soulmate…but quarantine was too much…and I hurt her…and we broke up… God…I still hate myself for that…)

Yasmine was just running out the door, not really paying attention to anything or trying to exist in reality. All she wanted was to go far away from there. She said she was heading home, but she was running wherever at this point, not knowing if she wanted to be at her house with everything that was going on. She just couldn't take anything that was happening any longer.

@spacebluelily language

(self hate is never a good thing. i know you'll find someone. i know you will. but as for now, let us be lonely together. better than being lonely by yourself, right?)

"Hey!" Jacqueline yelled as she ran after her. She didn't know where she was going or where she was, but she was more focused on her mission. Getting to the new girl. It wasn't fair she had to be like that for something she didn't even do. "Please stop. I don't think I can run as fast as you can.." She said as she stopped, and took a deep breath.


(I…um…have a few reasons to not like myself. Don't get me wrong, I love myself, but I have things I hate. My toxicity, my lack of personality (according to most), and my lack to talent, to name the big ones. How am I supposed to find someone like this?)

Yasmine honestly didn't want to listen. She would keep running until she couldn't, but eventually tripped over something, not being able to see through her tears, and then she just sat on the ground. She gave up on running away, so she just sat there and cried. She had to let her emotions out and she was done running away, so she just let them out then and there.

@spacebluelily language

(no one is perfect. you may think you lack talent, but it's all false. everybody is talented in something. and it takes a while for them to figure out what it is. just be patient. everything takes time for it to go through its course.)

Jacqueline approached the girl and put a hand on Yasmine's shoulder and smiled sadly. She sat down beside her and let out a sigh. "Hey..look, I don't think it's right that you're blaming yourself for something you didn't do. I barely know you, but I know for sure that I don't want to see you sad."


(Hmm…I'm bad at art, singing, writing, everything except being smart, and that's not a talent… Also, my only personality traits to people are that I like k-pop and that I'm a demon… People..)

Yasmine was immediately wondering how this wasn't her fault. She easily could've prevented her friend from leaving before the party had ended, and then the accident wouldn't have happened, and she'd still have her best friend with all of her memories by her side, but no, she let her leave. All she said was, "But it is my fault…"

@spacebluelily language

(I don't think you're bad at writing. I mean, look at what you're writing. Sometimes I feel like you're just better at me at writing. I'm horrible at art too. Ah, screw them. They know nothing about you. Neither do I, but from what I see, you're really caring :) )

"It isn't. It was I was the one who got into an accident, according to what everyone is saying. Even if you did try to stop me, I'm pretty sure I still would have left." She said and looked at Yasmine. "I might as well introduce myself. I'm Jacqueline…I think. And I wanna be your friend." She paused and laughed. I sound so weird. And your name is…?"


(I really don't see myself as talented…or kind…but hey…when you make someone who you love wanna hurt themselves…why would you see yourself in that way..? I'm not forgiving myself for this…)

"My name's Yasmine…but that's not important… All I did was cause you to get into an accident which took your memories and could've taken your life…" Yamine said. She sure had a hard time getting over everything, and it didn't seem like she would be forgiving herself soon. "I just don't wanna hurt you more than I already have… I'm just…I'm really sorry for everything I've done…"

(I think I might be writing my own issues with forgiving myself in as Yasmine's issues. Different circumstances, same problem. Welp-)

@spacebluelily language

Jackie smiled at Yasmine. "It's okay. I forgive you for whatever you did in the past." She looked across from where they were and smiled. "I don't think you'll hurt me. You seem to be very kind. It would be nice to get to know you again. Maybe that might trigger something."


"Even if it might…I'm just scared of hurting you again…" Yasmine admitted. "I mean…how the events happened… I could've told you not to leave until after the party since we weren't going anywhere during it, or I could've just talked to you for a couple more minutes, but I let you leave. I still hate whoever caused the accident…but it's not like I couldn't have stopped you from leaving…"

@spacebluelily language

Jackie sighed as she grabbed a rock that was beside her and threw it out. "Maybe not, but honestly, I think we should leave all of this in the past. I don't want you to keep saying that it's all your fault when it isn't. And I trust you, even though I don't know you, that you won't hurt me."


(I'm surprised you remembered this existed without saying, "Hey, I can't continue this anymore." I…might have a lot of dead role plays, some due to schedules and some being for unknown reasons.)
"I'm not convinced that I didn't have some part in it. For one, I could've just had you stay at my house, or as I've said before, had you leave later. Even when it wasn't directly my fault, which I know, I still had a role in it happening. Even just a couple more seconds and you would've been fine…"

@spacebluelily language

(I'm sorry. I should have sent something earlier. I've just been terribly busy with school and school work. And some writing projects.)

"Yasmine…" She groaned. "Can we just drop this, please? Or can we come back to this later?" She sighed and looked at Yasmine. "You didn't have the intention to hurt me, so it's not exactly your fault. And this is not up for debate. And that's final." She paused, looking for a subject they could talk about. "Got any…i dunno, hobbies, or favorite animals?


(I've become close to inactive with the lack of things to do, so it's fine, really! Aside from a sleepover, the inactivity was because of a lack of things to do.)

"Hobbies…?" She definitely found that a random subject, though she knew what prompted the change. "Um…I'm into things like art and trying to help people or animals. Kinda hard with people when you're not that social, but I try my best. I just try to ensure that everyone, whether a person or animal, is happy. That's been proven difficult, but I try."

@spacebluelily language

"That's really nice of you of wanting to help and animals. Especially trying to help animals, because…animals…they're not treated right. And that's just unfair," She said with a huff. Her eyes widened when Yasmine mentioned art. "You do art? That's awesome! You think you can teach me?"


"I've never really given an art tutorial before… It's not like I'm incredibly good at it or anything like that…" Yasmine said. "I don't even draw much anymore since I'm always focusing on other things. There's a lot that I want to do, whether it's helping someone or working on another hobby of mine."

@spacebluelily language

"Please, Yasmine?" Jacqueline pleaded. "I promise to not be too much trouble. And even if you're good or not, I would really appreciate whatever you can teach me." She sighed, pouted, and gave Yasmine the puppy dog eyes, hoping that would be able to convince her.


"I never said that I wouldn't. I'm just unsure of how to put this together and make a decent art tutorial. Aside from that, I don't exactly have my sketchbook with me, but with all the recent events, I'm not sure why I'd even be carrying something like that around," Yasmine said.