forum "Question, Who Am I?" || Private with @Prince_Taehyungie ||
Started by @spacebluelily language

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(I'll have to look through my old messages. Also, I honestly don't know what I was getting at anymore.)

Yasmine walked outside as soon as she received the text. She stepped into the car and waited to leave, wanting to see her friend, hoping for the best outcome in the situation. The ride was quiet, no one being in the mood to talk. They were simply hoping for the best but fearing for the worst given how bad the accident was. No one knew how to bring any positive light to their ideas for outcomes.

@spacebluelily language

(Ah, oof)

They soon arrived at the hospital and waited in the cold waiting room. Hours passed before a doctor came out and walked to the waiting room. "Friends and family of Jacqueline Waterson?" The doctor said as they looked around. Jackie's mom and siblings immediately rushed to the doctor. "Tell me, Doctor. How is my daughter?"
The doctor sighed. "She has a mild concussion. Things should be fine though. If you want, you can go visit her, but she's sleeping at the moment."


(Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed because school…or boredom…since I don't care about going to bed on time.)

The only thing said before they went to see her was: "Please take me to my daughter." After that, the doctor led them to the room in absolute silence. They stood there in silence, waiting for anything good to happen, but they all knew that she could be stuck in a state of unconsciousness for a while, and visiting hours were close to over. They wanted to see her awake again before leaving, but they knew it wasn't likely. Still, they would wait there until they were no longer allowed to.

@spacebluelily language

(Ah okay. Good night, sweet dreams!)

It wasn't too long before Jacqueline woke up from her slumber. She slowly sat up on the bed and looked at the unfamiliar faces around the room. She frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. "Um…hi strangers in my room…why are you here?" She asked Yasmine, her mother, and her siblings.


(I'm up!)

Yasmine couldn't believe those words at first. Nothing would allow her to believe any of this. From the crash itself and everything after, she still couldn't believe it. "Y-you're joking…right…? I know you are… That…or this is a dream…" The state of denial that she was in made itself apparent, but from everything causing her to basically lose her best friend to the fact that she'd only blame herself when she came to terms with reality, it was her subconscious trying to protect her until she was ready to realize it was all true.

@spacebluelily language

Jacqueline tilted her head to the side and looked at her confused. "I'm not sure I follow…What would I be joking about? And do I know you?" She asked. She then turned to look at her family. "Who are those? Your family members, or something like that?" She whispered.


"My family? Of course not…! They're yours! Come on…stop with this cruel joke already!!" Yasmine said, refusing to believe anything that was going on. She just couldn't take the truth, so she wasn't going to believe it. "This isn't right… Just quit it…!! I can't take you doing this!!"

@spacebluelily language

"I have a family? That's weird…I can't seem to remember anything about them. Or who I am for that matter. All I know I'm currently in a hospital." She sighed and leaned back against the bed, her eyes looking up at the ceiling. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. I can assure you I'm not doing any sort of joke, seeing as I did just wake up a couple of seconds earlier." She rubbed her eyes and groaned. "This is all so confusing."


"I hate to think this…but it could've been staged…! For all I know…this reality is a movie…a joke…something someone planned and is forcing us to play out…! I won't take this as the reality I live in! I'm not going back to being someone with zero friends because I'm too shy to socialize with anyone! If only this would end so you'd know what this is doing to me!" By then, she was just trying to convince herself this wasn't real. There were tears in her eyes, and before much could happen, she ran out of the room as they began to fall.

@spacebluelily language

Jacqueline didn't know how to respond or what to do for that matter. She just stayed there, looking at the spot where Yasmine stood in shock and in confusion. Jackson sighed. "I'll see if I can calm her down." He then exited the room. Amaya walked to the bed and sat down on it. "You're not joking around, are you, Jackie?" She asked. Jacqueline looked down and frowned. "Of course not…why would I?" She paused. "Jackie….is that my name?"
Amaya nodded and didn't say anything else. Jackson ran after Yasmine, calling her name. "Yasmine, wait up!"


In the room, the family members still there thought of things to do, wondering if her memories could ever be recovered. They were all crushed that their daughter couldn't remember them or even herself, but they weren't giving up on trying to get her back. They weren't going all denial crazy, but they still weren't going to think that this was permanent until it was proven to be. Optimism and trying their hardest to make her comfortable back at home while they try to recover her memories was the best option they had in a situation like this. Even if they couldn't get her memories back, they could restore her personality, reintroduce everyone, and create new ones. They'd rather have her back, but they'd take what they could get.

Yasmine had no interest in turning around. In fact, she had no interest in stopping. She'd run until she escaped this reality. That or she couldn't go any further. Her face was tear-stained, and tears were still falling, some hitting the ground. Occasionally there was an audible sob, but no stopping. She kept running, desperately trying to escape something that she couldn't, for it was real.

(Just wrote the family's thoughts so this wasn't revolving around Yasmine.)

@spacebluelily language

(I appreciate that. And oh gosh, I feel so bad for Yasmine.)

Jackson sighed as he ran after Yasmine. The girl was in denial, like pretty much everybody else in the room with Jacqueline. He knew that it hurt to lose a friend, but he wasn't about to let Yasmine run away from the problem. He panted as he caught up to her, grabbing her arm. "Yasmine…please stop. Running away won't make it better, and you know that."


(Yeah, I do too, but if I'm good at writing anything, it's characters suffering and being in denial… I've…um…written far too many role plays were people almost die…and one like this…except the person closest to the one whose memories ended up being lost was their boyfriend… Who let me write stuff?)

Yasmine didn't say anything, trying to get out of his grasp. She would be completely silent if she wasn't sobbing. She didn't want to listen. She didn't want to believe this was real. She gave up on running, though. She couldn't get all that far with tears completely clouding her vision and sobbing breaths. She gave up on that, but she didn't say anything or even look at Jackson. She just couldn't handle it.

@spacebluelily language

(Oh, that's sad :( I think you're a good writer, ngl. I feel like you're like a mix of angsty and fluff)

"It's fine to cry. I know how much it affects you, trust me. We might not be able to get her memories back, but you know what we can do? We can introduce her to the people she knew, we can help her make new memories. And that's what matters the most." He sighed and let go of Yasmine. "I know that she'll regain her memories, but it's going to take work."


(The plots were intentional, but I'm still the kind to cry if I do kill someone off. Also, that is basically how I write. It's a combination of angst and fluff…and a lot of me feeling the characters' emotions if I get too far into it.)

Yasmine finally turned around and looked at him, but she had no intention of speaking. There was no point in voicing her disbelief, and her voice was completely broken from crying, anyway. It would be almost impossible to understand her even she wanted to talk, so she just didn't bother. She wasn't in the mood and it would be hard to understand her. However, just looking into her eyes showed how much this affected her, more than the crying and denial combined did.

@spacebluelily language

(Yeah, it happens to me too)

Jackson sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. "Visiting hours are going to be over soon, so we're going to take you home. We can come back tomorrow and depending on what the doctor says, we can take Jackie home and we can start on working to get her memories back. Sound good?" He said softly.


She simply nodded in response, not knowing what else she could do in the situation. She still didn't want to speak, and she didn't want to believe anything, but she didn't want to be stubborn to the point that she became the villain and everyone turned against her, so she just went with what Jackson said without trying to make some form of argument. She knew he had good intentions, even if she didn't see them as good in her state.

@spacebluelily language

(Hi, I was just getting around to this roleplay)

Jackson nodded and brought Yasmine back to the entrance of the room. Soon enough, his parents and the rest of his family exited the room, Jacqueline. His mother looked at Jackson and Yasmine. "The doctor came in a couple of minutes after you two left. He said we should be able to take Jackie back home tomorrow."


(Sorry. I felt lowkey ignored, but hey, I've made two people delete their accounts to stop role playing with me, got kicked out of my own rp forum's plot, and have killed multiple role plays, sooo…I'm kinda insecure about my skills. Again, sorry.)

They were both thankful that she could at least go home the next day. That brought a slight amount of hope to the situation, but not much. It would take a while before anyone would be fully okay with the new life and trying to get things close to somewhat normal, knowing that the likelihood of things returning to normal as if this never happened was near impossible.

@spacebluelily language

(Oh, it's fine. You don't have to apologize.)

Jackie's family and Yasmine made their way out of the hospital and into the car. They waited for it to heat up and took Yasmine back home. They promised to take her to the hospital and would text her when they were outside her house. "Everything's going to be okay, Yasmine." Jackie's mother said before dropping Yasmine home. They then drove back home, waiting for the next day to come.


(This time I was just asleep. Sorry.)

The next day never seemed to come for a while. With everything going on, it was hard for any of them to sleep, the hours dragging on. Eventually most of them managed to fall asleep, and with that, the next day finally came. The day that they could try getting things into a somewhat normal state had finally come, and all they wanted was to try and make things okay again, to make everything normal.

@spacebluelily language

(It's fine! :) )

Jackie's mom took Jackson with her. She had woken him up quite early…though Jackson hadn't slept at all the previous night. He stayed up most of the night starring at his phone, not doing anything. It was a quick ride from their house to Yasmine's. When the two arrived outside, Jackson took his mother's phone and sent a text to Yasmine. "Hopefully she's awake," Jackson said as he put the phone down.


Of course Yasmine was awake. She couldn't bring herself to fall asleep as she finally started to accept reality. A lot of the night was simply spent crying from a mixture of rage, fear, sadness, and even self-hate. It was hard for her to hate people, but she hated whoever caused the accident, whoever took Jackie's memories away from her. Where the self-hatred came in was guilt. She could've easily stopped Jackie from leaving until the party had ended. She felt responsible. The rest simply came with the situation.

As soon as she got the text that the others were there, she put a pair of shoes on before leaving the house. She couldn't bother trying to fix herself up. She didn't want to. Exhausted from crying, she stepped into the car, her hood up and hiding her clearly unpresentable face, hiding the tears that were continuing to fall.

@spacebluelily language

"Morning," Jackson said sadly as Yasmine stepped inside the car. He knew that Yasmine was still crying. The situation had affected Yasmine more than anyone else. He glanced at his mom, who nodded back and started driving. The drive to the hospital was spent in a semi-comfortable silence. As soon as they reached the parking lot of the hospital, Jackson exited the car and took a deep breath. The three made their way inside and Jackie's mom went to the front desk while Yasmine and Jackson waited in the waiting room.