forum Panic! At The Opera (Closed Group)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Gabriella watched as the scene came to an end with her hands in front of her against her lower stomach she watched asa as he stormed up the stairs and turned her attention to Salazoth they had caused quite the scene she thought for a moment she knew this was none of her business but she started to take a few strides towards the man that remained in the same room she was nervous but couldn't bring herself to stop walking once she made it to him she cleared her throat softly "i- excuse me, im terribly sorry I realize this is not any concern of mine but are you alright? You two seem to not be on the greatest terms.. "

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Salazoth smiles politely.

"I am fine, dolce rosa. However, you would be correct. Me and Asa have a longstanding rivalry with each other. Our goals clash horribly, leading to scenes like that. I am terribly sorry you had to see that, by the way. It pains me to let a fair lady such as yourself see me in such a brazen state." he replies.

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"We have known each other most our recent lives. It has definitely been many years since we first met, at least. As for apologising, I apologize because it was frankly innapropriate to have such a loud argument in public, in front of you." Salazoth smiles.

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"Mm. If you truly insist." Salazoth laughs slightly.

"However, I must take my leave for now. I hope I see you in the future, rosa radiosa." he murmurs, taking Gabriella's hand and kissing it before sweeping out of the room.

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Salazoth smiles to himself, turning back to Gabriella just slightly.

"If you'd like, you could pray to me." he murmurs in reply, before slipping away, leaving just the scent of peppermint behind.