forum it's only illegal if you get caught (1x1 closed)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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"What? You landed on a knife?" She looked around carefully, "Should- should I put you on the floor? And yeah, I'm fine. Probably just sprained my wrist, its not a big deal."

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

'we might die now, just so you know. so you might want to do something' 3 said "yeah, i need help. i have a first-aid kit on the other side of the garage, it needs a refill but there should be enough."

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"Alright," she nodded and headed towards the other side of the garage. She suddenly stopped and looked at her clothes, "By the way, do you have some scissors I can borrow?"

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"Okay," she answered out loud, How the heck am I gonna use a knife, though?

"Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?" she said, noticing Raydon getting up, "Sit down, you're gonna bleed out if you get up," she warned, then cautiously walked to where Ray said the knives were.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

he waves her away, and keeps searching through for intact parts "im bleeding anyways, so it doesn't matter if i move." and at that moment he gets light headed and falls over. "oww. that hurts, but i don't think your engine is broken."

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"See, what did I tell you," she said, reaching her right hand out to help him get up. "Now sit down where I put you and stay there… please? We'll talk about my engine later, first we'll focus on your health."

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

inside the first-aid was just a bunch of band-aids and a half filled bottle of antiseptic "hey do you think i could build an actual robot and implant my consciousnesses? well other than 4 of course."

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After helping Ray, Cassandra just grabbed the antiseptic and tried to get a decent knife, "What do you mean? Hey, do you have any clean clothes that you don't wear anymore?"

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"ummm clothes? yeah i think i should have some in a drawer. and 4 isn't exactly one of us. he wants to be in control, he wants to be a person. but 1, 2, 3 are perfectly fine doing this my whole life. i also need a job."

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She froze in her steps, "Oh, right." You numbskull, you literally forgot about calling the hospital? "Well, we still need to control your bleeding," she said quickly grabbing two long sleeved shirts.

She pressed one folded shirt onto his bleeding wound without any problem, but once she tried to tie the other shirt around his head, she cried out. "Here, can- are you able to tie that tightly around your head for me?" Cassandra asked, holding the wrist that was starting to bruise.

With her unharmed hand she carefully pulled her phone from her purse and tried her best to dial 911.

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"Yeah, hi." Cassie spoke a bit nervously through the phone, "So, my friend's head is bleeding out and I'm pretty sure he hurt his leg too. I haven't checked it yet though."

She was mildly surprised she had called the dude "friend" but paid more attention to helping him. "He also feels very lightheaded, and I think he might pass out anytime soon. I already tried applying pressure to the wound. Oh, and also, I sprained my wrist, but it doesn't look too bad."

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

ray holds the cloth to his head "are you… calling them? i thought we had to walk." he says confused. "could you tell me where you are and what happened?" the operator says with a bit more urgently, talking to people in the background.

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Cassia muted herself on the phone call and turned to Ray, "Well, yes. You're not going to be able to walk like that, you're literally bleeding out." She un-muted herself and talked to the operator over the phone, "Well- well we're in a garage a bit ahead of Willow Leaf Park. Um…"

She paused, trying to figure out whether to tell them what really happened or just make up an excuse, "so my friend was fixing my car and something malfunctioned, I think. I couldn't see exactly what happened though."

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"wait… no, you're wrong. i wasn't fixing a car, what are you talking about?" he said. because he's an idiot. "alright ma'am your exact location? and was that your friend just now?"

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"Oh, um, yes. Sorry, he's a little hazy from the gash," She instantly muted herself and glared at the injured dude, "Look, Ray. If I told her you were building a high-powered railgun in a garage, I'm pretty sure you'd look like a fricking terrorist and end up in jail, or death row, idk. So, you better be glad I'm saving your skin."

She unmuted herself, "Um, the exact location? Well, I've always come here just knowing he works a bit away from the park." Cassie tapped her foot impatiently, if she wanted to save his skin and maybe even his life, she had to hide the gun and she also needed time.

She set down her once again muted phone on the floor and then grabbed her bear and gloss, "Okay, I'm gonna need you to be quiet okay, please?"

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"alright we'll send people down to the park." said the operator, before hanging up.

'she makes a good point' said 2, 'yeah, death row does NOT sound good' 'you don't want to be a terrorist.' 3 and 4 agreed. he saw her taking the bear and lip gloss and sighed heavily, "what do you need that for I'm already dying ya know. it feels a bit like overkill."

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Relieved, Cassandra sighed as the operator hung up the phone. "Nah, I just needed an excuse to hang up, if she hadn't done it first."

She got up and walked toward the broken weapon and tried to pull it away with her unharmed hand, "Are still able to use your telepathy thing or will that put more strain on you? Cause if it will, don't worry, I'll just… pull it… myself." Cassie stopped to catch some breath and kept going.